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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. looks like another winner,thank you.
  2. I think Veltro2 has an O-2/Cessna 337 in the works,I'm pretty sure the Rhodesian air force used these.
  3. Nachrichten in deutschland

    pure propaganda.we get this crap here in the states all the time.
  4. How do you break your eggs?

    I duct tape them to my face then go piss off Chuck Norris
  5. WIP Strutter

    I'm not an expert here but I would concentrate on a couple of the main versions,the vickers can be added and removed pretty easily via the "pilot" and data.ini mods.Maybe a 2 seat bomber recon,a single seat fighter and maybe a single seat bomber if it was different from the single seat fighter.
  6. My God.....it's full of stars!

    that would be very cool.
  7. My God.....it's full of stars!

    Pit would be nice but I'm sure it's not a deal breaker for 99% of us.It's wierd While I always liked the Starstrutter I for the most part thouight it was rather ugly.seeing it in 3d it's kinda "vulture" like and has a meaness to it .it's looking to be a great addition and an excellent step to a Astro-Italian campaign.
  8. freakin sweet,thanks Veltro
  9. My God.....it's full of stars!

    Thanks for the update Layton...It looks so good I want to cry.
  10. It's the BLT's B-Day!

    Happy F-in birthday,I hope get time to have a few cold ones
  11. J-7G

    I still like this one but any improvements will be most welcome.
  12. J-7G

    It's gonna need some flight model work it's a little wonky after the newest patches.
  13. Pony

    He's like herpes, he may disapear for a while but his shame and embarament always comes back
  14. Albatros DII Jasta 16b

    I think this was loaded to the wrong section I think it may be for OFF?
  15. anyone think this is a good idea?

    I love to cook almost as much as I like to eat and I like to try new things from all different areas.I was wondering if maybe haveing a recipe post where everyone here can post things they like to make it might be fun to enjoy some things that a fellow sim brother or sister is enjoying on the other side of the globe.Maybe if there is enough interset we could sticky the thread and at the end of the year make a combatace cookbook or something.
  16. anyone think this is a good idea?

    I have herd of it but never had it.I'll be making it tomorrow for sure.
  17. anyone think this is a good idea?

    "Want a little taste of French Canada" Just to let you know my last name is Ouellette
  18. 1000

    I hope he goes home soon and I hope the inhuman scum who took him die a horible drawnout death.
  19. A very sad week for me (WARNING: RANT AHEAD)

    about a thousand things come to mind to say but none of it will help.me adding to your rant isn't the answer. your friend deservered a lot better and the courts more and more fail fathers and it's only getting worse.I'll say a prayer for your friend and although I don't think she will I hope his ex feels the guilt of this for the rest of her life.the children are also losers caught up in this and used by a selfish person
  20. anyone think this is a good idea?

    maybe we could get Zur to dress up like Paula Deen? And Dave can put all the newbies into a version of Hells Kitchen...only not as warm and cozy.
  21. just about any place with a sushi bar will have eel.I eat it all the time.Never a problem with eels when they are in your belly.Hovercraft on the other hand are difficult to chew and painful to pass.
  22. 40K Players

    I do all of the above I didn't realize it until you posted this.Well I detest basketball but when misses happen elsewere the BS BS starts.I need to go put up some sheetrock or shoot something to purge my inner geekness.
  23. 40K Players

    Yeah games workshop are nazis when it comes to models basicaly it there stuff or nothing in sanctioned tornements.thats why I don't do them to many "clone" armies it gets boring seeing like 5 black templar armies fighting the same old nids and eldar.
  24. thats great news,thank you for the support for one of the best mods out there.
  25. 40K Players

    I have templates to make them from sheet styrene or cardstock

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