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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. 40K Players

    see with the orcs and to a lesser extent I don't have to put so much thought into things it more like assemble a huge mob and hope for the best.when me and the gang get together there is usual 6-8 of us so we butt two 4x8 sheets of ply wood together put up some terrain and everyone sets up in an area and we bash the living hell out of each other until 10 minutes before the liquer store closes then we resume in the morning.some times we use objective or senarios but not too often since lots of my stuff is conversions and scratch in sanctioned tornements alot of it would be unusabe anyway.
  2. 40K Players

    Some of the new stuff is bad ass.I've been on a scratch building kick lately.Once things warm up a little bit more here I'm moving from my temp work area to the garage where I have everything set up
  3. 40K Players

    Orks, Imperial Guard,Witch Hunters/Sisters of Battle,Deamon Hunters,Eldar,Tau and Space marines(Black Templars) well I play Orks because they are like me,the IG I play because I like painting and modding tanks the rest I got from friends who left the game.
  4. another excellent skin,thanks
  5. Cracked me up

    yeah it never gets old.
  6. Request

    that would be the easy part just mod the tracer.The thing that bugged me about that movie was why shoot air to air missiles with small frag warheads at a floating city a few Kilometers in diameter.I'd just drop iron bombs on the thing.hard to miss a ship the size of Rossie Odonnal sitting stationary over a city.Barring that cruise missile the thing to death from ships and planes.Of course this is before "we" found out about the shields.
  7. co něco československého?

  8. The Empire that was Russia

    I could spend hours looking at sites like that.there is somthing about old photos and colorones that just captivates me.I always find myself trying to visualize the sceam nowadays and wonder what ever became of the subjects in the photos.Somone posted a link on your old site(C5)to a site that had WW1 color photos,I just spent hours looking at them and still from time to time go and look.Thanks for the link to the past C5.It reminds me of the show that used to be on history channel "the color of war" with all the color footage of WW2 that show made it seem so "real" like i was looking at it happen not just reading some dusty old history text.
  9. "Why am I the only one who has that dream?" Maybe your the chosen one?
  10. I too would love to see the Tejas in game.I don't know why I just like the look of it.It looks like a "winner" to me.It would be cool to see it in action in the virtual skies.
  11. I havn't played Dawn Patrol in years but I ocasionaly dragout the game and read the rules and think about how much fun some dice,cardboard counters and a pencil were.
  12. AMX-30

    One of my favorite tanks.Thank you.
  13. now I'm just guessing here but would it be posible to add a "dead" pilot that was slightly smaller to the plan via the "gunpod" method so that when the real pilot is killed and disapears the "dead" pilot model that was hidden inside the "real" pilot will be visable?
  14. My God.....it's full of stars!

    that is probobly the best news I have had in a while.
  15. 2 WIPs Voisin and L30 (large image alert)

    They are not released yet. It's also about time for me to give my yearly "Man I love that Voison and will wait forever for it" speech.
  16. Guess who unretired...

    From Football!!! Me baby. 39 years old and looking to knock some kids on thier butts.
  17. LOL I'm on my way to work in a little bit.oh well.It looks like another great one Veltro,Many thanks.
  18. Awesome as usual Monty.Thank you.
  19. Guess who unretired...

    I'm more fearful of the wife than I am of anything on the field.Rugby is ok but while there are hard hits in rugby football has a constant punishing contact that few of the rugby players I've known could handle for too long.I'm very undersized for the positions I play.On the O and D line most of the guys I have to go up against are 20-50 more than me(i'm about 270lbs) and usualy younger and in better shape.I just have been around so long that I can get under the youngins skin and they soon get mad and make all kinds of mistakes.then I go in for the kill.It makes my job alot easier when the other team undersestimates me.I'm usualy a back up I have started games at every line position on both sides of the ball plus at tightend linebacker and fullback.In addition I hold team records for special teams tackles for a season and in a game.Football is just one of those things that once you get hooked it's hard to give up.This last year was the first time since 1979 that I have not been a part of organized football at some level and it probobly was the most miserable time of my life.My coach says that when I'm sick of playing he wants me to help the team coaching but I don't know if thats somthing I want.Just remember most sports are just played by people whos mommies wouldn't let them play football.
  20. Guess who unretired...

    Brett Farve? I'm not that big a wuss.QBs are a bunch of pampered fairies.No areana at my age.I bounced to arean a tiny bit but I'm just semi-pro.The team I played for for the last few years had an afiliation with the Albany Conquest of Arean2 but I never really got into the indoor stuff.just for the record the reason I retired was I suffered the same injury Tom Bwady(wuss) had.Torn ACL and MCL but unlike him I missed only 1/2 a game.the injury was in the playoffs and I was ready to go in training camp 6 months latter. and that season I ended up starting the season at O line.
  21. WTF is this?

    had this been released in 1940 I think Hittler would have rethought the invasion.
  22. UK People

    If I ever got to London I'd spend my time with good beer and a saucey wench.
  23. He probobly just ment the bad guys. I'm sure it was ment semi-tongue in cheek.
  24. CIM-10A Bomarc

    looks great.Good luck in your new job and with the move.
  25. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry249470

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