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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. About Damn Time!

    All I can say is I wished I lived in a border state.the illegal invasion of the US allowed by the Mexican goverment is shameful at best and a hostile act at worst.If there was any sanity left in this country the bourder would be protected with land mines and razor wire.All I hear is liberals crying for these poor people trying to better their lives.I feel for them and in there situation I would probobly do anything I could to help my family but the corupt Mexican(read all) authorities help these illegal bordercrossings to prop up their failed economy.I would love to spend one summer down on the border disasembling illegal waterstations and planting false maps so these people end up back in Mexico.I have never harbored any resentment against LEGAL imigrants I have gladly worked side by side with people from all over the world and have hired them for my crews but If your here illegaly from anywhere your a lawbreaker and have to go.I hate people who cheat and thats what they are doing.On one side of my family we had people here from pre-revolution and on the other they imegrated here about 100 years ago.I just wish people would just wake up and do the right thing.
  2. Happy Birthday mppd!

    Have a good one Mike.
  3. Lag Issues

    "when i play with low settings there's no lagg, but with high its unplayable... " you keep answering your own question. the game was released in 2002 but it's been updated and the game as it is now needs some power to run with mirrors and maxed out textures.you can believe it or not.
  4. But Officer

    that is funny.I guess if he gets pulled over for littering he can claim he was just releasing countermesures.
  5. Nightwish and Syphonic Metal

    stuff is ok just they scream their vocals like about 50 other bands.
  6. I like these triplanes.thank you.
  7. Nightwish and Syphonic Metal

    Interesting Ronan,I'll have to do some listening to them to see if they will join my HD.
  8. Nightwish and Syphonic Metal

    Kamelot,AVANTASIA,Sirenia,Queensryche,dreamtheater,Therion,Pain,Hammerfall,Vanishing Point some asskickin music
  9. Spectre,might not too wise to use the term "boner inducing" in a thread titled "The Spectre is coming"
  10. Nightwish and Syphonic Metal

    huge syphonic/gothic/progressive metal fan here. Sonata Arctica,Nightwish,After Forever,Lacuna Coil,Epica,Northern Kings,Charon,Sentenced,Within Temptation,Nemesea,Xandria.lots more.
  11. New pilot, add on plane question

    very interesting stuff Sinbad.I'll be looking forward to it.
  12. Just Imagine the movie Top Gun with the F-111B instead of the F-14.
  13. GI Joe Trailer

    huge debates have been going on about the new Star Trek movie for about a year.It looked good in the preview and might be good but everythiong I have read leads me to believe that it won't.Typical lets change everything story made by a directer that says he wants to reinvision trek.not good.I have hope for GI Joe.Transformers look interesting.
  14. How did YOU end up here at combatace?

    Some a-hole :whistling: got me addicted to the SFP1 series by posting pics of a C-130 being shot down over on the CFS2 forums I used to haunt around 2002-3.I migrated here from SimHQ when it became obvious that that site was being infiltrated by whiners and idiots(besides me that is).I've been anoying people here ever since.
  15. Thats good news.I never really had an opinion either way about the Super Hornet.After following this tread I'm really looking forward to it's release.Thank you for all the hard work and research that you have put into this.
  16. you guys are going all out on these F-111s.Thank you.
  17. Heated Debate the battle of the stars

    My own words used agaist me AAHH I like both. but Star Wars seems rather childish sometimes.The Jedi are just down right ghey to me.they basicaly can do anything.whats the point in having armies of millions if 2 dorks in robes can shred them with swords.The original 3 parts 3,4 and 5 were clasic sci-fi but the last 3 parts 1,2 and 3 were just dumbed down things designed to seel toys to kids.with some hamfisted political crap thrown in to make liberal parents smile.The Star wars series has some of the best(not nessisarily realistic) stace combat on the screen. Eraser is right about a lot of trek.TNG was good somtimes silly at others.TOS is my fav.had some silly moments but the stories were solid for the most part.Voyager to me sucked.nuff said.I watched Enterprise about 5 times.seemed ok but they contradict the ST cannon all the time.No continuity at all.DS9 had it's moments too but got lost alot of the time.the change of the Klingons from some semi-arab conivining and devious enemies into lobsterheaded rockers with some charecture of samuria ethics was my bigest disapointment. Space above and beyond was solid TV sci-fi.gritty near future stuff. Old BSG was hocky and that damn mechanical dog needed to die. New BSG gritty if a tad melodramatic.very good but the lets make Starbuck a chick to apease the PC croud pissed me off.on top of it at least in the mini series she wasn't a strong female charecxter she was just a mam with T1Ts no though into making her strong but jast cast ing a woman in a man charecter is shallow and a cop out. I don't know why but I always had a soft spot for Space 1999 but my favorit has to be Doctor who.cheesey special effectes notwithstanding some of the stories rank up there with the best sci-fi stories ever brought to the screen.the new(2005) reincarnation is more visual but pretty damn good too.
  18. Very Nice refference site,Thank you Starfighter.

    true dat.
  20. AH-1G Cobra?

    People have been asking for years,It's not available.
  21. Is there a readme included in this? I just got home from work and woke everyone in the house when i yelled "yes!!!" after seeing this was released.If it's 1/10th what i think it will be i'll not sleep today.thanks DS team.
  22. thanks to all involved.excellent work.
  23. Caption this

    Screw the kitty,I'm bugging out over the laser chair! Glad thats not around here I'd try to pet the cute little guy.
  24. god I get wood when I see good winning over evil.

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