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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Bloodhound SAM

    excellent job on a much needed SAM.thanks
  2. "Nothing sexy as a B-1." I always think of the B-1 while I'm with other planes. just another example of the great work that you guys are doing.it looks as good as the real deal.thank you
  3. I'm usualy not a big fan of What-ifs and Prototypes but this thing is simply amazing.I'm constantly being stunned by all the excellent work people do here.thank you.
  4. excellent as usual,thanks
  5. So if I get what you are saying it's install and fly. Sometimes I'm just overwhelmed with the attention to detain and hard work you guys put into somthing...and to coordinate it mostly over the net is simply impressive.Thank you to everyone involved in this project.
  6. Stay safe Mannie...

    You and your countrymen are in our thoughts and prayers.Keep safe.We are praying that these monsters are killed before more inocents get hurt.
  7. lots of textures were upgraded in the new patch that may have somthing to do with it.
  8. I think you have been around your Space Marines too long.
  9. the old "hole-in-the-pocket" trick huh? This is another example of an aircraft that is not glamorus but made some really great contributions to the fight against the enemies of freedom.Great work so far Veltro,thank you.
  10. I was thinking about adding to this thread...but to be honest I am having a hell of a time thinking of my favorites.everything mentioned so far is deserving of being on a "best" list and about 20 other things too.2008 was a great year for our community and one can only hope the the people eho brought us these goodies will continue to be inspired in 2009 and treat us to these excellent addons.On a side note it was nice to see some old faces that have been long absent make an apperencor contributions and So many new people make some really good contributions.I can honestly say that the SFP1 legacy will continue on for many years to come.thanks to you all.
  11. on my part the hudson will fly on my "newest patch" installs but I still get CTD on WOE 2006 patch.It happens in both the Stock german and the BOB terrain.
  12. well that makes sence.I'm disapointed but it seems it had to be done.thanks for the information.maybe knowing that this project is dead somone else will make one.
  13. now thats cool!!! I havn't seen one out yet so I would say yours will be the firse.Thanks this is very useful.
  14. I'm hopeing against hope that it didn't just disapear.So many promising projects end usualy to "real life" issues.
  15. I just did some web searching the Fairfiled site was Br-65 there were 5-6 batteries in the Bridgeport defence region.my old house was right acrossthe street from the former millitary housing.it's just an open field now but my mother said when she was in her teens that it was wll to wall houses.I havn't found any pics yet but I think i'm going to do some more research into this.would be kinda neat to place all CT batteries if we get a NE terrain set.
  16. when I was in Highschool we used to go and drink at the old "nike site" all that was left was some huge metal doors and a few search lights but you couls see that it was flooded down thru the cracks in the doors.I always dreamed about exploring it when i was young.they covered the whole thing in dirt and made it into a park a few years back....really sad day for me.This was in Fairfield CT.Iguess they had these sites up the east coast.
  17. another excellent job,many thanks.
  18. FMs for Nov 2008 version

    thanks for the continued FM work,it is very much apreciated.Did you know the A-Team released 2 new WWI betas?the Bristol Scout in 4 varients and a Dh-4.thanks again.
  19. I can't seem to get the Hudson to work in my BOB install either.I tried unpatched and patched to the "2006" and no go just a CTD after the loading screen gets to 100%.It does work in my WOE install patched up to the oct08 version.
  20. makes sense.Either one will be most welcome.

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