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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I ripped these from the Top gun campaign years ago because they were so good.I always wondred why they never were released seperatly.They still look great all these years latter.
  2. AV-8B

    I wholeheartedly agree.
  3. I have to agree,those B-36s Stormtrooper are a work of art.I love it.
  4. excelllent work.thank you guys.
  5. Ok Nascar fans here's one for you!

    even though I dislike Harvik that was funny.And no I'm not an Edwards fan either.
  6. WIP Strutter

    excellent work,thank you for the efforts and please keep up the good work.
  7. good thing I saw this and read the review.A buddy of mine was thinking of getting it...I guess he saw it on ebay or somthing.I'll have to warn him at work tonight.thanks
  8. those are excellent.I have always loved the early chinese and japanese warplanes.thank you for the updates.
  9. nothing better to do

    NP do what you feel comfortable with.It is rather simple once you set it to work on windows 98 compatability mode.simple open and hit save and your set.If/when you need help,I or someone else here will be more than willing to help.
  10. nothing better to do

    just don't overwrite the Weaponsdata.ini and you should be fine.most planes that have weapons are older and use out of date weapons data.make a copy of your weaponsdata ini(it's like 100kb or so) and if you do lose your bombs just use that back up copy and remember to open it and then save it with the weapons editor to get it to work.
  11. Photochop this!

    A story of finding ones pride and forbidin love.besides those Kremlin "onion domes" are very phalic arn't they?
  12. nice work.thanks for the updates.
  13. I'm guessing but i think that refers to the types of transports that are generated as static types on the airfields.
  14. "And of course the FRICKIN LA-SER BEAM. PEW PEW! (I need sleep)" For some reason I almost pissed myself. great work as usual.Thank you.
  15. I'm not an expert but it seems there is a conflict with the newest patch.Those add ons were made pre patch so there is bound to be issues and the static aircraft missing seems to indicate to me that you overwrote somthing in the terrain with a pre patch .ini
  16. anybody still working on stuff?

    well thats good to hear.First Eagles has so much potential,just needs some more two seaters and a few more terains.thanks everyone for the updates.
  17. Tequila Class submarine sighting

    I'm always up to play. :yes:
  18. I am sold!

    he said he would serve(service) the people so I guess the haircut goes with his platform of serving his fellow man.
  19. I am sold!

    madness just madness...or is that mingness? http://www.mingthemerciless.com/king.html http://www.mingthemerciless.com/mingdows.html
  20. I am sold!

    My vote has to be for Edmund Blackadder.
  21. I am sold!

    Zod could never win an election out side of California or Vermont.All his youth was spent in bath houses and the tenderloin district.plus his outfit screams domination.
  22. my other hobby

    It pains me to say this not being a Harvik fan but that is simply the best NASCAR paint I have seen in years.Saying thats an outstanding job would be an understaement.

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