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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. If no one can help you just get a bucket and a scale.water may be close enough in weight to fuel.
  2. FM Update

    well i just kind of half assed it,christian did all the real work once the lewis gun was made.A couple of times I tried to do it with your flight model and ended up confused and tired.
  3. Alb DII Cockpit and Screens Available

    a great upgrade,thank you.
  4. FM Update

    Peter any chance your going to extend you flight model genious to some of the other Nieuport 17 versions?I know that mods were made to have a single or double wing gun.Thank you once again for all this work you have done to make First Eagles so much more than it originaly was. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=5386
  5. once again excellent stuff.Thank you.
  6. I really need to stop looking at this thread lol.I'm becoming obssesed
  7. What Did You See Today?

    I got to see what everyone in my house had for dinner the last few days.The washing machine drain was cloged and while losening the drain pipe the main line decided to back up all over my hands.The whole basement now smells like the third world.
  8. A most excellent suprise.I will be waiting as patiently as I can for this work of art.
  9. I have to agree....excellent work.Thank you
  10. excellent news,I'm sure if it's like your other work it will be great.
  11. I can't seem to find out in the knoledge base.How does one import an aircraft fro WOI to WOE and have it fly?what needs to be changed to have the aircraft under control? thanks for any info.BTW the aircraft I'm trying to get to work is the Mirage 5
  12. WOI to WOE flight model info

    If i understand what your saying I should try it on difficult settings.I will give it a try tonight.thanks eveyone for the tips.
  13. excellent debut.I will be looking forward to everything your team has planned.thank you.
  14. WOI to WOE flight model info

    Yeah I extracted all the files.I have done this alot from the other thirdwire games but it's the difference in the flight models between WOI and WOE that i sthe issue. @C5 While I love the Mirage 5BA I am importing the Libyan mIRAGE 5 FROM woi INTO MY woe INDIA-pAKISTAN INSTALL..SO I FIGURED THAT THE STOCK m5 WOULD BE CLOSER TO THE pAKISTANI MODEL THAN THE bELGIUM ONE.AAAHHH FREAKIN CAP lock.I was thinking of just redoing the install in WOI but there are more WOE aircraft and I wonder how messed up those will be in WOI.
  15. Georgia moves against separatists

    Now that is not only sobering but also frightening.It looks like another generation might have to learn the phrase duck and cover.
  16. WOI to WOE flight model info

    I guess I'll give up.I spent a few hours fiddling with the Data.ini and nothing I did got the plane anywhere near controlable.Unmodified it just flies strait with no control working.I tried to mod the control surfaces to match the Mirage III from the Mirage Factory but all that did was make the plane crash. My hats off to the guys who make flight models because just my amature attempts have driven me insane.
  17. WOI to WOE flight model info

    I get the plane no problem it just has no control.the elevators and rudder move but have no effect.the plane just flies in a straight line and no control imputs have any effect.
  18. J-8II I think is my favorite Chinese fighter.I really love the lines and general "fighter" look.while not great or groundbreaking It seems to just look good,even on the ground.
  19. Georgia moves against separatists

    Some western journalist were shot by Russians(accidently) in an area the Russians say they were not.And When Russia was saying they were not in Gori News crews were filming a Russian armour column moveing deep in the city.once that was aired thats when Russia changed it's story and said they were in Gori but they were leaving.there are many lies on both sides,please don't think that there is jut one bad guy in this both sides are doing terrible things and it has been documented.The world KNOWS even if the people involved deny it to their own people.
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    God I hate saying this but with all the conflict in this thread the war seems kinda boring.I really feel for everyone who is effected by this I know everyone disagrees on who did what and who is wright and who is wrong but one thing is certain,many people are losing their live to forces completely out of thier control.hopefuly peace will come and everyone can get along and kill each other in the virtual skies.

    Most excellent.......I bet soem of my skin is in there.
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    ""I dont understand how things work" - makes absolutely no difference to how things look over here - and that statement portrays how Bushs image and actions are portrayed over here whether you like it or not." US and any nations foregn polocy should not be dictatred by the opinions on the streetcorner or around the water cooler in another nation.portrayed is the key work here.What is happening and what is reality are rather different in foriegn press these days. "I will over look this because I think you may be speaking on emotion here." no emotion at all.the US military never intentional targeted civilians in Iraq and is one of the few militaries that when planing an operation emperils their own forces to minimize civilian casulties.both infrastructure and life.nothing in war is perfect and the deaths do happen somtimes due to an intelligence error,sometimes(mostly to) the enemy using civiains as shields and sometimes it's as simple as dumb luck or being off target.I have no moral issue with bombing civilian targets in germany during WW2.Thats how things were thenI will not judge the past by todays standards.Thats the same as hating a house wife 100 years ago for killing a chicken in the backyard to make dinner...it was just a different time. "Not denying anything tbh- Well I guess in that case the UK press is lying through its teeth then - and it wasn't a complete disaster after all if you say and everyones happy - glad thats sorted - silly us." Hit the nail on the head.It's not just the UK press though.The US press is distorting on a massive scale and all coverage in Iraq has all but dried up in the face of the sucsesses in the last year.They had hourly reports on every death and setback but you never saw the hundreds of hospitals or schools built the 100's of children taken to the US for medical procedures the cooperation between Iraqi civilians and US armed forces and the almost complete stoppage of sectarian violence.There are now Suni and shia haveing picnics together in parks zoos opened and families that were seperated due to religion are now reunited.It's not all a bed of roses but things are more than on track and are nowhere as bad as they are portayed anywhere in the media.The war was going bad for a while and it was the Bush admistrtions fault for the most part but things have turned around and violence is at all time lows and the Iraqi goverment will be able to resume secrity duties soon.Every day more and more duties are handed over to the Iraqi military.Their police needs to improve but that should too in time.
  23. Georgia moves against separatists

    Your as big an @ss as me
  24. Georgia moves against separatists

    actually the Idea of scocialism is fundementaly evil.why is it ok to take from one and give to another?If you work hard for what you have you shouldn't have to give it to some slob only doing just what he needs to get by.In the "pilgim days" in North America they tried it and they almost starved.every family put their crops into a central warehouse andd everyone got an equal share but it was discovered that noone worked hard because they got fed even if they didn't work for it.Food production went down and starvation was a real posibility that first winter.once they switched to private plots everyone worked and there was a surplus crop.On every level and in every time Scocialism/communism has been a dismal failure.unless everyone is a clone and thinks exactly the same it will never work.jelousy and lazyness will alaway ruin it.the only way it can work is with clones.People as long as they are different will alaways covet what they don't have weather it's somones ability with poetry or their looks it can and never work with the human race.Commonism has lead to more death famine and represion than just about anything else the human race has concocted. "btw if you find an Iraqi that is happy to be liberated - let us know wont you" there are tens of millions of them.You can deny the truth all you want but I have friends with family in Iraq and everyone they have ever talked to are happy as hell they have a future. "George Bush has been weilding the sword of power like a 1 armed Monkey with a hand grenade in his time - not just at the cost of lives - but current and future relationships between countries." you obviously don't understand how things work over here then because for the most part The power of the President is checked by the other branches.George Bush hasn't done anything any other World leader hasn't done at one tme or another.And as for international rel;ations why be friends with somone who stabs you in the back?And the way things look now somtimes you have to do what is right not what is popular.And the weasels in germany and france found out when they were voted out and replaced with more pro-American leaders.George Bush isn't responsible for the civilian deaths in Iraq than Winston churchil was for the german civilian deaths in WW2.As stated millions are free from oppresion starvation murder torture and now have at least a chance at a future.Far more were dieing everyday pre US invasion due to murder and famine and lack of medical attention than do post invasion. If I have to hear that tired and discredited old "blood for oil" bullcr@p again i'll just puke.that is stuff ignorant school kids believe here not anyone that has any independant thought or a reasonable understanding of the facts.
  25. Georgia moves against separatists

    "I do have to say, it's bloody ironic listening to the US administration condeming Russia's actions as "attempting to orchistrate a regime change in Georgia." I mean, that took big brass ones, IMHO." no one complained when it was done in WW2 and ask the Kuwaities what they think of the ouster of Sadam.The Man killed hundreds of thousands of people and threatened the security of surrounding countries.It was a service to the world removing him and 40-50 million people in Iraq and Afganastan are free thanks to the actions of the US military.The situation in Georgia is not compairable considering that Russia cares nothing for freedom or civilian casulties.Georgia isn't inocent in the destruction of civilian ares either.Russian motivation for the "invasion" is one of pure greed.they want to reestablish control over the former republics and gain control of the oil in the region.The US has shed blood and spent billions helping people be free of murder rape and torture.things got bad due to mismanegment and outside forces(Iran,Syria and the internal terrorists)but they are on the right track now and casulties and attacks are at an all time low.So the USA did show brass balls but it was standing up to a bully with a nuclear arsenal.

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