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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Georgia moves against separatists

    The large armour formations would be shreaded from the air by munitions delivered by stealth aircraft.Anyone who thinks in a limited engagement Russia would last very long is dreaming.Command and control would be the keys.Us intelligence would know where and when any Russian move was to be made and Stopped.Russian ground forces out of direct control would not be of much use other than in a tactical situation.The Russian army would not have much air support for long. Russian(soviet) propganda always was showing the workers and peasents living an idealic life.with the state taking care of all their wants and needs with uncle joe replacing Jesus as the man who should be praised.the reality was far from that.social classes were markedly differnt but still contrasted.Instead of people who went out and made money the "wealthy in the USSR were people who were useful to the state.If you had a skill or were a scientist you got to live well and have more access to western goods.The street sweepers and factory workers got sh!t on.during the 80's the Russian people in large sections of the country were living the same way they were 100 years before.technologicaly that is.
  2. Georgia moves against separatists

    Oh I'm no fan of the UN at all they for the most part are corupt and have no sence of right and wrong(how many resolutions condemniong Israel but nothing on the Arabs and terror.Abu Gharib villianised as the unltimate evil but dictarorships and thugs on human rights councils and countries the are state users of real tourture and terror are looked at as victoms or heros) oh i understand that the UN isn't anything now it still holds sway over the third world and developing countries.it give a hint of legitamancy I guess.It's invouge to bash the US.It's really a combination of jelousy and guilt.Jelousy that we have the power to act on the world stage and guilt that they wouldn't act even if they had the power.Just look at the runup to the Iraq war everyone in Europe was quick to condemn Iraq and vote resolution after resolution to punish and threaten but when it came time to act very few stood up.
  3. Georgia moves against separatists

    Europe may wring thier hands at threats that are out of Europe but I still have hope that when push comes to shove enough people remember what happens when you don't listen to the warnings of danger right on their doorstep.I'm not advocating sending in NATO troops but Russian should be made to leave the G-8,and the UN really needs to revoke Russian veto power in the security council(never gonna happen)Eastern Europe remembers how things were with Russia controling their lives.Poland and maybe a few others of the newer NATO members can be counted on to be more agressive in their support.most of the strongest allies in Iraq were from Eastern Europe.Not forgeting the contributions of all but it was nice to see newly freed countries helping others.
  4. InSkye what`s next

    Normaly I don't ask for updates but do you guys have any plans on making any ground objects?maybe some armored personel carriers and Anti aircraft guns.Also some chinese warships would be really welcome.Thanks.
  5. Georgia moves against separatists

    your right I was referiing to the initial invasion of Iraq.most russian line units are about as good as the "top of the line" Iraqi republican guard units.though slightly better equiped.Russia historical has has issues with iregular warfare...at least post WW2 Yeah it looks like this was planed well ahead of time Russian troops and the fleet were well prepared in advance,many Russian troops were in the area in the weeks leading up to the conflict repairing and expanding rail lines and roads to move troops and supplies.This is starting to really stink.All they needed was a reason to attack.that was Georgias mistake.It's only a matter of time before Russia moves on the Ukraine,Russia is already threatening them for not letting Russian ships dock in Ukrainian ports.Looks like Russia may be out of the G-8 soon too.Just need Europe to risk their oil suppies and showw some resolve.
  6. Georgia moves against separatists

    There were lots of positive reports about the workers utopia under the communist but the reallity was much different.If it wasn't for US wheat in the 70's there would have been wholesale famine in Russia.The reason Russians are happier now isn't that things are good it's they are better...big difference.Also The Germans thought very highly of Hittler and look how that turned out.Just because somone rouses a little national pride with his sabre rattleing dosn't mean he's a good guy.I'm pretty sure the US isn't weak,the only reason caution has to be takken is russias Nuclear weapons,without those any US troop sent into the region would disasemble any russian resitance.casulties would be higher than in Iraq but the outcome would be the same.
  7. Georgia moves against separatists

    I think the US already has some military advisors in Georgia.Russia may have been able to claim some moral highground but that has long sence passed.they have drove far into Georgia and are bombing and shelling large areas of Georgia.Georgai want a cease fire Russia is continuing to push deeper into areas of Georgia that are not in dispute.While there was a claim to be made that Russia had a right to defend what they believe are their people they are now just using it as an excuse to claim the areas that they didn't want georgiahave when the country was established.It just so happenes that that is where the main oil pipeline is hmmm must be a coincedence.Also it speaks volumes that Russia had ammo and supplies stockpiled in the area and ready to go.And I'm Sure Putin visiting the Generals in charge of the millitary action and not Medvewhateverov is just Putin helping him rather than him being the one in control.Georgai while they did make the initial moves is being pounded way out of proprtion to what is needed to restore peace.
  8. Georgia moves against separatists

    God damn it again I agree.
  9. that is the best news I've had all day.I really have been looking forward to this.Thank you.
  10. yeah the game is well worth the price.
  11. Georgia moves against separatists

    US has been airlifting Georgian troops from Iraq to Georgia.It would be wise of Russia not to get in the way of US planes.It would be nice if both side just stopped the BS and withdrew to pre-conflit borders and waited for some sort of international ruling on the matter.All thats gonna happen now is revenge for the previous days attaks and it will just go on and on with the civilian population suffering the most.
  12. Georgia moves against separatists

    Russia at the very least is being very hypocritical.It must be tough have ones country fall from being to superpower to a 2nd rate economic state.the Russian people are a resiliant bunch and are used to oppression and hardships that few in the west could endure.Unfortunaly that makes them less likely to anger when their goverment takes away freedoms or stiffels any sort of Freedom of the press.
  13. Georgia moves against separatists

    Hell same situation I would lie too,my point was after Edwards wife was aware they both were publicaly dening it.Now it's embaresing and all but the fact he didn't realise that the world was gonna find out and yet he continued to lie shows he's not that bright.The guy made millions sueing doctors into the poorhouse with lies and junk science so I guess an affair is no biggy to him.The thing he didn't do was lie under oath that was Clinton and Martha Stewerts undoing.It tends to piss off the Feds when you lie to them.
  14. Georgia moves against separatists

    The majority of the world are not scum but are hard working and decent people,you only hear about the bad.The segment was about John Edwards cheating and lieing about it.It would make sence that they would try to keep it on topic.With so many news stations going 24 hours there is more than enough time for every story.They only divert addtention to thingss when they don't feel like answering a question.The reason the story was important was Edwards is on Obamas short list for atorney general so anything he does is under a microscope.I also find it amusing that when George Bush makes a mistake he's Hittler reincarnated but when some liberal icon does he's just human.
  15. A/C Service start & end date amendments

    What the game really needs is to have a patch that decreases aircrft frequency acording to dates.have the planes beless common early and late in their careers
  16. Georgia moves against separatists

    Your conversion to the dark side is almost complete
  17. Taking plane pics....?

    That is a cool link thanks.On a side note how the hell did that guy fit in the Pilatus P3 cockpit?
  18. Georgia moves against separatists

    After I read a few of my posts I realised that some sniping on my part was done.While I stand by my opinions I could have been more diplomatic in the execution.If my attacks(not opinions) offended anyone I'm sorry.maybe a lack of sleep and a few beers isn,t good for a debate.
  19. jsut yesterday I was looking for Jag skins,excellent timing and an excellent job.
  20. Georgia moves against separatists

    "Just saw a Georgian citizen interviewed on the BBC - who happens to be in London - knew nothing about the situation over there whatsoever so was just shouting off based on his emotions - as you can imagine it was " Russia is doing this/that - they want a new Soviet Union etc blah - NATO said they would protect us - they must do something now regardless!"" herein lies the problem both sides represented in this argument here are guilty of this.both sides in reality have greipes and they should have been settled in a more civilized manner.Georga should have used more diplomatic means and russia should not be using the situation to justfy a land grab.I would expect nothing less than the Russian members of the forums to support Russian interests.It is after all their country and to root against ones own country right or wrong is somthing I believe is unique to liberal America.As I have said 10,000 times.If when that facts are out I'll form a permanent opinion on the issue but I just think too many people are just listening to what they want to hear or what they are forced to hear.Maybe i'm just spoiled because in America like it or not we have an independent media and we ,if we want to and are open to it ,can find the truth.
  21. Georgia moves against separatists

    "Fox News is comparable " Whatever dude.LOL it must be a cute little world you live in. As far as state run censorship...hmmm purges and arrests due wonders for media truth I guess.Please to compair a mistake you read about on some biased and obviosly ignornt web page with wholesale distrtion is laughable.believe what ever you want it dosn't effect the way things are just the way you percieve them.
  22. Georgia moves against separatists

    Imagine how bad things were 100 years ago when all people had to go on was what they were feed from their own goverments.At least today we(well half the world) have a global community that can share Ideas and points of view independent of their goverments.
  23. Georgia moves against separatists

  24. Georgia moves against separatists

    I'm sure the BBC and CNN will report once the facts are confirmed.Russian TV is just saying what the state is feeding them.EEEHHH I never thought I would ever say that about CNN. They may be right I'm not argueing that. the point I'm making is if your ONLY basing your opinon on what is in the Russian media then your not really getting the whole story or facts.
  25. Georgia moves against separatists

    I have to agree Edwards really let a lot of people and his family down.

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