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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Georgia moves against separatists

    one problem....Russian TV lol.
  2. InSkye what`s next

    That J-8 is awesome.
  3. Georgia moves against separatists

    Is it me or does he look a bit like a 50 year old Adam Sandler.
  4. Georgia moves against separatists

    "RUSSIAN ARMY SAVED 80 000 peoples S-Osethians nations from PHISICALLY elimination. I alltimes seen on Russian TV horrible pictures of destroyed houses, more death bodies on the streets, and escaped peoples, whos talk horrible things about georgians soldiers." Weather or not this is happening to believe it only because it's on Russian TV is really scary.I'm not disputing wether it's true or not I would only believe it if it is independently confirmed.Any information on Russian TV is to be treated as highly suspect.You'll only see or hear what the state wants you to see.Any first year film student can re-edit footage to show what ever point of view they want. Also it seems the UN will introduce a condemnation of Russian over these actions and then we will see Russias actions.If they keep up the fight after Georga has called for a cease fire and withdrawn and now the UN calling on the Russians to stop.If they don't the world will know whats up.if they do and they withdrw too then they may have noble motives.but if tens of thousands stay then ocupier rather than peace keeper is a more likely tag to hang on Russia.
  5. Georgia moves against separatists

    "We need, I think, no comment about how the georgia must pay fro breaking the olympics" the Olympics are a sporting event and a TV show.I don't think wars should be scheduled around it.The olympic games are cute and important to the atheletes but after that they are just entertainment and a little bragging rights for nations.Sometimes they are used for propaganda.No one needs to pay for anything....geeez millions are spent on the games while wars and famine are going on around the globe if anything it's just diverting attention from important issues.This next statement isn't directed at anyone in particular but if the onlyway I can feel good about my country is to wait 4 years to win a soccor match then it would be better to spend the energy fixing my country
  6. Georgia moves against separatists

    "You are right but international law is another thing that seems to be banded about conveniently to suit some - although it wasnt used as much before going into Iraqs internationally reconised borders I must admit " difference was Iraq was in violation of 16+UN resolutions and the UN voted that if Iraq didn't comply there would be dire consiquences.The UN faltered with the follow thru but the vote had been made,I remember no vote granting South Ossetia independence or any resolutions passed granting them protection.Completely differnt situations and not comparable.that said I'm not arguing that georga is inocent and they may well in fact be doing terrible things,the issue is the international community hasn't ruled and Russia is using the situation to further their own ends.It would be more akin to Southern New Mexico trying to leave the USA.there is a large ethnic mexican population and they were part of mexico as recently as 150 or so years ago.you'd be dead wrong if you said we didn't have a right to destroy any threat to the union and if Mexican troops entered South New Mexico to help the seperatist there would be a hell of a lot of dead mexican "peacekeepers" and rightly so.
  7. Georgia moves against separatists

    while I won't dispute what you have said I believe it may be true,I also believe Russia has ultrier motives for their action and it's not a noble one.they have been sabre rattleing for a while now and this situation just plays into Russian plans.Weather or not Georga is the agressor they are a much lesser threat to Western european and American intersests than Russia is.I'm not very knowlgable in the area but unless the UN or some other body previpos to the Russian "peace keepers" intervention recognized the breakaway region as legitament then Georga has every right to exert control in a region that is technicaly theirs.Puttin and his pupet are just as if not more corupt as the Georgan goverment.I really believe that with no good guys directly involved in the situation intenational law should be the judge and as far as I can see untill some independent body(UN) declares South Ossetia a legitament independent nation Georga has a right to reestabilish "order"These are opinions based on my limited knowlede so if anyone has any facts to add to my understand please let me know I have no trouble changing my opinion in the face of new information.The key pointr seems more like Russia being upset having a US ally and a posible NATO member so close.Russia may be a lot different than the USSR but Russia has for hundreds of years been overly paranoid(sometimes rightly so)of their neibors.
  8. this brings back memories.The first 2 downloads I added to SFP1 were Monty's SPAD and AD's Su-17.I can't remember the order but to this day the Su-17 is one of my favorites.I still fly the Hunter alot too,excellent stuff that stilll looks good even all these years latter.Thanks AD.
  9. lies, damn lies, and statistics...

    "Or how Winni Churchill said, " I trust only the statistics that i have forged myself." you sure that was Chrchill?I could have sworn that was the MSNBC motto.
  10. Congrats China

    "Also Sarah Brightman singing...good on yer girl." I'll take or leave the olympics but Sarah Brightman rules!
  11. Sounds like it's somthing you want so congradulations.I'm not near Dallas other wise Beer and strippers would be in order.
  12. Favre to the Jets

  13. Favre to the Jets

    He is away from the kid glove media,It's a whole new game in the NY media.Plus the fans don't care if he's Johny Unitis,after his first int he'll hear the boos and slurs.Plus no offence to Jets fans but the team really isn't that good,I don't think to highly of the Jets line and his tired old bones might not stay whole.His "toughness t o be honest really isn't that impressive after all he's a QB and for the last 20 years QB have been treated like little glass plates.if they get a wiff of a hit the flags go flying.I am not Bret Favre I am not a pro and god knows I'm not really that good,but I played Semi-pro football for 19 seasons and I was playing D line the first 10 and o line the rest at a weight between 230lbs and 270 lbs and went up against players 60-100lbs more than me consistantly and I misses 1 game in that time and that was my rookie season and that was because I was in a play.I suffered a torn ACL and MCL in the final game of the 2006 season and I was back on the field the next season starting 6 games at 5 different positions and playing on special teams.Bret Favre is a hall of fame player and was one of the best but now to me he's rather selfish and quite old.He may have a good year he may have a gfreat year but he lost any chance of going out with class.I retired after that one last season and while I am having panic attacks because For the first time in 27 years I'm not playing organized football I will not go back unless my coach calls me because of a major injury situatin.and except for some beer money I did it for the love of the game.I missed a friends wedding,my best friends funeral,my grandfathers funeral and football was one issue in my first divorce.I've seen somone die 10 feet from me on the field and saw his mother and wife in the stands.Football can be adicting and the draw is almost overwhelming but somtimes you just have to stop and live. I'm not playing organized football anymore unless my coach calls me because of a major injury situatin.I still have loyalty to my friends.Please dont think my rant is about me being a "pro"or "tough" football player or anything like that,I just wanted to explain why I feel the way I do.below is a list of injuries I have sustained and not missed games for Broken foot 6 broken ribs 2 concusions 12 broken fingers 3 broken toes 4 broken nose 4 stiches in my tounge ACL tear MCL tear at least 4-5 ancle or elbow sprains pissed blood 2 times cr@ped blood once 1 dislocated shoulder 3-5 dislocated fingers multitude of turf burns and cuts (most becoming infected) 7 stiches in shin hip pointer bruised kidney about 100 hangovers
  14. lies, damn lies, and statistics...

    this is starting to happen way too often.
  15. A Long Time For Justice

    All I can say is damn.With any luck that guy will meet some "prison justice" Things will be held up in court until this scum dies of natural causes.I'm sure some ACLU POS(kinda redundant) is already preparing his defence.Our prayers are with the family and you.
  16. Warhammer 40K

    don't you worry about that,I play Orcs,Imperial guard,Tau,Witch hunter/sisters of battle and Eldar
  17. thats cool your on TV.The only times I have been on TV I was being led out of a building by federal agents with a jacket over my head.
  18. why don't belive in Iran?

    They will have a hell of a lot of glass if they don't watch out.I think it would be horrible if just after getting there first nuke it "accidently" went of.
  19. I was wondering if anyone has or is considering converting on of the "mideast"terrains available to first eagles?I'm not just talking about porting one over but modding one to elliminat the modern runways and buildings and adding more WW1 appropriat ground objects and buildings. thanks for any info.
  20. I need to go and change my underwear now.
  21. unsettling...

    You know Eraser I get really scared when I agree with you.
  22. help me understand this one:

    Give me an "O" give me a "B" give me an "A" give me a "M" give ma an "A" what does that spell?...IN THE TANK! Cheer Cheer.
  23. unsettling...

    Don't you know that white christians are the only people in the USA trhat are fair game for discrimination and hatespeach.If you belong to any other religeon oer ethnic group you are afforded the full protection of the constitution. I blam the union more than anything,in there hunt for new members to fill their coffers they will offer anything to get these new imigrant workers into their clutches.Unions were so usefull about 100 years ago now they stifle economic growth and end up losing more jobs than they save in lots (if not most) cases.Organised labor in a few cases that I am intimetly familiar with (teamsters in particular) prise money and influence over the workers they proport to be representing.

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