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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. This Gave Me Goose Bumps

    God bless every one of them.Those men and women are the reason we are safe and I get so rabid in my defence of their cause.I guess I'm jealous of them too.
  2. Thats good news,I can hardly wait to see all the cool stuff that will created for this beauty.
  3. A for technique, F for style

    I just wonder what the guy on the bike was doing before the camera was on him.He may have done nothing or he could have assaulted somone or made threatening gestures,these types are known to try and provoke the police.He may have been an inocent victom or he could be an ass who deserved a butt kicking.Videos are great at stiring up emotion but lots of times they only show part of an incedent and can be very deceptive.I'll have to wait to hear more from both sides on this one.
  4. Pilot & Markings view distance...

    "@whiteknight06604 Its still being worked on slowly (couple of hours a week) i just happen to be fiddling with it when i saw Southside Bucky's post glad you are looking forward to it..." Yes I am really looking forward to the Voison.Please don't think I'm trying to rush you I just fell in love the moment I saw your WIP pics.Out of all the WIP pics I have seen both FE and WOE/WOI this one is the one I have been hopeing dosn't disapear.Take your time please I have no problem waiting for that sort of quality. :yes:
  5. What Did You See Today?

    That was Column5 taking pics.
  6. What Did You See Today?

    I had sushi last night so in the morning I was greated with a "toilet anomoly" I didn't take any pics though.
  7. "(I hope that's not your pin number)" I'm hopeing somone will steal my identity with the hopes it raises my credit score. Wow I almost forgot I made that skin.I'm glad to see somone liked it .It just never seemed right to me but your aplication and fixes make it so much better.Great job.
  8. Pilot & Markings view distance...

    Don't think that I didn't notice the name of the .lod in your example.
  9. Burma Air War WIP

    well I stand corected.hehehe thanks for the heads up.
  10. blast from the past

    Wings over Pixlland. That really was an oldie but a goodie.
  11. media unbiased?

  12. media unbiased?

    this statement isn't directed at any in particular but the left has had trouble with facts for a while.look at global warming hype the cult of darwinism ect.while they may be right in the end the facts are being so twisted and anyone who disagrees with them so demonised any statement about the left having a monopoly on freedom of speach is only to be greated with laughter.Just about every time speaks on campus or a recruiter tries to spreak they are verbally and somtimes physicaly assaulted.It's rather funny that failing to come up with any sort of rational argument they just blindly and hatefully attack there is almost no comprimise no give and take it's there way or your evil.lol most grow up and join scocioty but the one that don't become profesors and pass on their hatred and closemindedness.
  13. brazen...no longer even denied...

    Might as well put Barbera Boxer Nancy Pelosi And Diane Finestien on that man sandwich as onion letuce and tomato while not men they are loathsome and useless to humanity. My vote though for the worst human in politics right now has to be Mayor Newsome of San Fran.no morals no back bone no charecter no nothing other than stupid ideas and condisention to american ideals.That ass has to go.
  14. brazen...no longer even denied...

    Senator DICK Durbin (D-IL) Is there anyone lower? Mayby John Murtha
  15. media unbiased?

    "When exactly do you sleep then? Maybe thats the problem, you're so wound up on caffeine " I don't sleep much and except for the ocasional cup of tea I don't get much caffeine.If I drink more than 2-3 cups of coffee in a year I'd be suprised.Last year when I was still playing football I'd work until5-7am then sleep an hour or two then hop a bus to say Scranton for a few hours then play a game until about 10 then drink the whole way home and I'd say I was a zombie all sunday.My old body just can't keep it up anymore. Oh believe me Fox has many issues I see them daily I just don't think errors they make are the same as MSNBC cheerleading for Obama.I see Fox say as much bad about McCain as I do see them say good.As they say opinions are like @ssholes everyone has one and sometimes they all stink.
  16. Burma Air War WIP

    First wrench and geezer excellent work thank you.Second Geezer if your looking for a challenge some AAA to place around the airfield would be great...and needed.Anything from simple .50ies on post mounts to the heavies.
  17. media unbiased?

    CNN is bad MSNBC is a joke Fox has there moments too but they are by far the closest to fair.The net is a quagmire some sorces are nothing more than hate filled propaganda and others are sot on it's hard to get the truth but if you are open minded and search and do a little resrearch it can be done.I work overnight so I can devote most of the day to reading web articles and the news is on about 10-15 hours a day in my room.
  18. So Long and Thanks for All the Fish!

    I hope all goes as smothely as it can.Best of luck and I really hope to see you around.
  19. media unbiased?

    "Typhoid...that first piece was hilarious. Sadly it is also spot on. The nearly religious zeal of those who have fallen for Obama's dog and pony show is beyond rationalization. Obama's campaign is like a beautifully wrapped gift with nothing in the box. The combination of electing Obama (based upon his campaign rhetoric) with Democratic control of Congress will be like giving a crack-head a credit card and expecting him pay the rent. The second is more clearly definable evidence of what we are talking about. The FOX news revelation, IMHO, just supports the notion that newscasters are just paid actors following the script." the problem isnt him so much as "us" He is an empty vessel everyone suffering from Bush syndrom is pouring there hopes and dreams into him.they see anything they "need" to see in him and are blinded to the fact he is no different to every other left of center politition.He is no better or worse than Hillery but he captured the imagination with his skin tone and honney words.First to set the record straight he will not be the first black president he may be president but he is bi-racial and belongs to whites as much as blacks.If I was african american i'd be insulted that the only viable black canidate is not even black.It's almost a religion to the left now he cures the sick he walks on water and no one ever sees his faults.the man isn't a devil he IS a left wing Jr senator and that is ok but to make him into the second comming of JFK or FDR is funny in the extreem and telling of the desperate need of the left for any sort of "hero".Mcain to the right is just a man a man with many good and bad points you won't find zelots ready to fall on their swords or deny the facts.I'm a realist at heart and I would rather take Mcain with all his good and bad over someone who everyone loves but they love for they project into him rather than what he is.On paper the records are the same with Hillery and Obama he one because he could package his good points better and people were blinded to his faults.I have 10 people at work who are fanatics over Obama,while they don't speak for every Obama groupie they could not for the life of them ever once tell me what he stood for other than some nebulus idea of change.when asked what he would change they said he wasn't bush.Sounds like Kerry all over again.all he has thats different is he is infinatly more charismatic.
  20. media unbiased?

    "Food prices were just fine until the cost of transporting them (oil) skyrocketed. But are you actually criticizing alternate energy when oil is over $120 a barrel? " Oil would drop some if we expanded drilling.If someone developes somthing that works better than oil I'll be the first to buy it.I just hate it when the oil companies are villified for making money from oil.I don't see somone going into home depot and telling them to start selling food?I think it's in there best interest to expand into other forms of energy but it there company let them sell what they like.nobody was feeling sorry for the oil companies when oil was 20 bucks a barrel and they were laying off people why now when it's high do they get crucified for making a profit.Oil company profits are at record highs because they are huge companies dealing with massive quantities of product.if Coke sold as much as them they would be making similar profits.Oil company profit margines are nowere near as high as many other corpoations.the make about 20 cents per dollar invested yet Microsoft or Apple make abot double that yet noone is crying foul.I can only imagine what Starbucks or Pepsi make. Until somone can figure out a way to make alternative energy cheap it's a moot point.I think there is a need for more drillling a massive increase in nuc power and all the others wind solar rabbit poop whatever works. .Nuclear is the best chioce followed buy the rest but it seems there is such an irational aversion to it.
  21. media unbiased?

    If JFK was running today he would be considered a consevative repubican.If JFK saw this crap and was being compaired too he's be spinning in his grave.While I think he was a good president in a lot of was his legacy has been hyped a bit over the years.If he lived it would have been very interesting to see how he would have handled the Veitnam issue and the Moral (hippies) decline.History might not have been as kind though I don't see him ever sinking to the levels Nixon did.I see Mcains main problem as he dosn't seem to have any balls left.For all the BS thrown at him he never fights back,He really comes off as some dottering old grandpa not the lion that survived REAL torture.The first time Obama gave one of his snide little jabs he should have given him the verbal equivilent of a b1tch slap.Treat him like the liberal novice he is let him know he's not in his sterilized little world his cronies in Chicago or in the media safe zone around him.Please show some ball Mcain please you know that the Media matters/Move on scum are not going to play fair if your going down fight every lie every falsehood and every rumor.If Katie Couric,who wouldn't know a hard question if it hit her in the head,had Obama stamering and stalling then Mcain should have this pretender on the ropes.Everytime he's asked a remotley tough question he stutters like a 12 year old just caught with his daddies playboys.It's a perfect storm against the republicans this ellection cycle some of it there own fault some not Obama should be 20+ points ahead at this point but the fact he isn't speaks volumes about his abilities. "Obama '08 No really, the parallels are seriously creepy. This is Nixon vs Kennedy all over again." Kennedy not in one million years,Reagan never, all he is is Carter with a tan.
  22. media unbiased?

    "Well, I get the feeling the perception here would be the same regardless of the democratic candidate, or whatever he said or did" It just seems that the sane ones are demonized by the dems themselves.Just look at the crap that happened to Lieberman.I live in CT and Ned Lamont was a loon and if the dems gave even a half hearted endorsment to Lieberman there would have been a landslide the likes of which have never been seen.The simple fact that we will elect anyone is our "love" for Dodd here .Never has a more loathsome and dishonest man walked the earth yet he always seems to win here.But Lieberman a man who while I don't always agree with is vilified for standing up for his convictions is sad commentary on how truth and honor are treated in the Liberal North East. "The longer the campaign goes on, the more disappointed and disgusted I'm becoming with his attacks and distortions." LOL what ever.Keep drinkin the coolaid while the barbarians are at the gates.
  23. media unbiased?

    Voting for Reagan is never a bad thing,best damn president in the postwar era.
  24. media unbiased?

    Dude we always seem to be on the other side of issues don't we. Hey I'll try to respect your opinion if you'll try to extend me the same.I somtimes get a little carried away but to be honest the stakes are so high I'm truly in my heart fearful for the future of this nation.I have never seen things turning so much in one direction.In the past there were checks and balences and everyone including the media watched out and never let anyone get to big for his breeches now it seems everything is conspireing to elect somone who in my opinion is simply unfit to run anything larger than a bridge club.I'm just really worried for my country and for my childrens future.these are going to be very scary times.

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