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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Desert Storm mod

    Now while I would find that funny as hell,just imaginge the cries for help comming in from all over the earth.I'm thinking at least 3 on the DS team will hang themselves before the forum crashes from the strain.
  2. media unbiased?

    It's not suprising he wonldn't listen the generals(he says he has a better strategic perspective )Why on earth would he spend time with the grunts on the ground(or air or water) Pure contempt and arogance from him.He always seems to know better than everyone else and dosn't have time for anyone who dosn't agree with his myopic world view.I never thought I would say this but I used to say Obama would be another Jimmy Carter(shudder) but now I think that statement is really too cruel to Jimmy Carter.
  3. media unbiased?

    Anyone see Obama dising the US servicemen when he mused about them prefering Fox news and wondering if it was a presidential order.His arogance will doom him,I hope.Anyone ever think they hate listening to the anti-military rants on CNN international and MSNBC and turned to FOX because they get a fair shake there?AAAHHHH
  4. It's a boy!

    That isgreat news,I'm glad everything went well.
  5. PZKW IV Ausf J

    very cool addition,thanks
  6. awesome stuff geezer,they just keep getting better and better.
  7. InSkye what`s next

    I'm really looking forward to the J-8,thanks for the heads up.
  8. FMs Uploaded

    I'm really loving them too.my wife was wondering why I was bobing and weaving lastnight,I didn't realize that I was trying to duck under planes as they flew at me.The AI is really agressive and I'm have a hell of a time trying to not die...in a good way,many many thanks.
  9. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    Just about anything they cover is great.I really love their cover of World In My Eyes originaly by Depeche Mode and even the Bette Middler cover The Wind Beneath My Wings is cool.All around great band.
  10. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    while I don't think he's a great vocalist BHG rules. Khan from Kamelot rules too
  11. 2 years to the War!

    Hopefully one day every last one of these terrorist scum will either be dead or in a prison camp.I pray that these men and ev ery other victom of these animals is home safe one day. "Naseralla, stay in your bunker, because the first time you will pip out of it, you are a dead man!!! Bare that in mind." I just hope it's a long and drawn out death nothing is to bad for this animal and the people who support his evil.
  12. Hangin with the Hawks

    Paul anyway you can adpot me before the next time you do that? It sucks being a life long seahawk fan living in CT.It looks like you and your family had a great time you seem really blessed.Thanks for sharing those pics they brought a chill to my spine ,I had a jim zorn #10 jersey as a 10 year old then the old Brian Bosworth #55 and to this day my most treasured jersey in my Johm L Williams #32 ,I always wear it to the sports bars and pick fights with all the frontrunner Pats fans.
  13. EA-6B

    while your here ,Thanks I have had lots of fun with it over the years.
  14. Who is your best male lead vocalist?

    Freddy Mercury or Geoff Tate(Queensryche)
  15. 3!2!1!....FIRE!

    the vid was funny but whats not is the scumbag comments about the video on youtube.Hell has a special place for those f-ers.
  16. Demotivational Posters

    the reality is pretty much spot on. :yes: also the "women" in the bottom pic look an aweful lot like Robert Englund(fredy Kruger) and Grissom from CSI in drag.
  17. Got iPhone?

    "I don't roll with the starbucks crowd so my phone is old and just makes calls and sends text messages." I have a new found respect for you.
  18. What if......

    maybe so but that clip is just a a aircraft superimposed over a SLBM launch.
  19. being a life long seahawk fan all I can say is that sig pic is awesome.
  20. I think I love you!Geezer you bring these into the game and I'll be happy as a man can be.I always loved the 30's era in general and the Spanish civil war and the war in china are really somthing I love.China fielded some of my all time favorites.
  21. Farewell Bozo

    hey Spark where did you find that pic of my ex?
  22. Farewell Bozo

    farewell Bozo and thanks for all the nightmare fuel.
  23. Astronomy...

    I'm just waiting for Wings over the Solar System to come out.

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