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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. thanks Wrench now i'll have to remake a WW2 Pacific install.Great stuff...as usual.
  2. excellent work so far,they are very impressive.Thank you.
  3. Great stuff,many thanks.
  4. That would be most excellent.Thanks
  5. One down and a tough one next.

    he played injured to the point that it hurt his team and it did cost a game or two in the past.he played in order to keep his consecutive game streak going.I understand that he's "tough" but he did play when it was in his teams best interest not too.I also understand that he's a compedator but to be honest i'm just sick of listening to the game day anouncers giving him the equivelent of a blow-job on the air everytime the guy get hit on the field.I think the only other QBs that gets on air treatment like him is payton Manning(deserved) and Tom Brady.If Chuck Norris was to be compaired to somone in football it certainly wouldn't be a QB it would have to be an O lineman.they get hit more in one game than Bret got in his carreer.bret is tough for a QB but not in the league of any lineman.Maybe it's just me not liking the guy for some unfair reason he just rubs me the wrong way...but then again he's making millions and i'm sitting her behind a monitor.I just get the same feeling from him I get from the Cowboys and NY Yankees........Total Gheyness.
  6. I'll have to dig around and see what i got.I was babysitting my daughters class so I had to make it look like I was keeping an eye on them lol.
  7. One down and a tough one next.

    I'm already cursed but if you want to add to it feel free. :yes: All joking aside I think Bret has loads of tallent but he put a personal record above his team and to me that is selfish.He already proved that he was as tough a QB as there was.And he has excelled in an enviorment that would ruin lots of QB's carrers but he played some games with injuries that impaired him to the point it probobly cost games. As for the Pats nothing would give me more pleasure than seeing them lose except maybe seeing tom brady get sacked hard and endup with a compound skull fracture. ;)
  8. One down and a tough one next.

    your probobly right, I just hate that selfish b@stard Bret FAGvr so it's imposible for me to root for the packers.I don't think the Seahawks are a paper tiger they just have some really weak areas on offence due to injuries to the running backs.they are pretty one dimentional on offence and a good defence can key on the passing game.our D is solid.I think the weather will be the biggest factor.if it's bad and things come down to the running game it won't look good for the Hawks.
  9. One down and a tough one next.

    Now that I read my post it was a bit harsh.I was a little loopy after taking my pain meds for my tooth.good luck next season.
  10. sounds very cool.I'll be looking forward to it.
  11. USAFMTL,I'd love to see some more huns.I saw an airshow years ago(1970's) and the CT ANG F-100s went over head.It was the loadest thing I had ever herd up until that time.I was about 7-8 at the time and I thought they were the coolest thing in the world.I got to see one up close for the first time last year at the New England Air Museum and I felt like a kid again.everyone was huddled around the F-14 and there I was just staring at the F-100 like some crazed stalker.
  12. J-8 Finback

    many many thanks to everyone involved in this.I have been waiting for new chinese fighters for a long time now.
  13. my first thought was that thats a stupid idea but the more I think about it the better I like it.Now all I can think of is making racing skins.I guess i can thank you guys for giving me one more aspect of SF/WOE to obsess about. ;)
  14. The J-7 and J-8 have been on my personel wish list for a long time.Thank for bring these to my game.
  15. HD-1 Franco Sarrochi Dragon

    great addition,thanks
  16. Adding weapons

    hehehe I once spent 3-4 hours trying to get some weapons to work nothing I did help until i realised the it did work,my shortcut was pointing to a different install of WOE.
  17. Modders - whats on the list?

    I completey agree.Some nice Austro-Italian front terrain and a few austian aircraft will be most welcome in this new year.
  18. hanriot hd.1

    It's even better than I had hoped.Thanks to you guys for brining this mastpiece to us.
  19. This will get me playing WOV again.It looks good,Thank you.
  20. Fok EI generic skin

    Another great skin.Many thanks.I hope you get some fre time in the future as your skin work is always appreciated.
  21. Martlet I

    excellent stuff,thanks
  22. hanriot hd.1

    I freakin can't wait.I always loved these.
  23. A cluster bomb is no more or less "moral" than any other weapon.It's the intent of the user that determines that.A weapon is just a tool and can be used for good or evil just the same.A person killed by a rifle bullet is dead the same as one killed by cluster munitions.every generation has it's "horror" weapons.The Pope at the turn of the last century said the bolt action rifle was a tool of satan because of the destruction it could do.the same was said of the cross bow and other weapons thru the ages.Cluster munitions just spread mines or grenade submunitions over a wide area not much different than a plane droping many non cluster bombs.I'm not trying to belittle your loss but i don't think your pain would be the less if your loss was caused by a rifle bullet or a hammer.Dead is dead.the dead don't feel any better if they die from certain weapons and in most of cases any weapon will cause horribly suffering or a quik death.it's more a matter of how close and where than by what.while I will never hug a bomb or want to use one except in defence of what I believe as a last resort,there is really no difference what toll is used it's the reason behind it.Hittler killed millions with low tech,durring the crusades both sides caused untold suffering with nothing more than hand tools and genocides regularly happen in africa with nothing more than machettes.Do those victoms deserve any less sympathy and did they suffer any less than people killed by rifle or a cluster bomb?
  24. For my WWI Friends

    Great shots.Many thanks
  25. In a sick sort of way you can almost understand why the Arab "street" feel the way they do.All they get is one twisted side of events but that being said no matter how much propaganda you are fed there is no excuse to forget what right and wrong and good and evil is.It was no excuse for the Nazi crimes the Soviet crimes Pol Pots crimes and it should not be an excuse for the arab world either.every person knows killing inocent people is wrong.... or at least they should. :yes:

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