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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. the good guys strike back

    at least not everyone in Venuzeula was fooled by this clown http://news.aol.com/story/_a/chavez-loses-...203083809990040 i give it a few months and the "reformer" will try some stunt like this again.Maybe he can get Hollywood to do the voting things would favor him more.
  2. excellent work,many thanks.
  3. I volunteer to Beta test the italian wine. I don't know if I can be of any assistance but if I can I'm here to help in any way I'm needed.
  4. J-11 Chinese

    thats one hell of an Xmass present,Many Many thanks and a Merry Christmas to you.
  5. Remember

    God bless the fallen and the survivors.Heros all.
  6. I wonder how much enjoyment people like that get out of life if they can't even deal with this sort of thing in a mature fasion?How sad is it that you spend so much time being angry and scared over a game.I never once worried "the unwashed masses" would wreck my pressious stuff.Hell my stuff stinks and I know it ,others have told me so and I still enjoy doing my skins.people ask(somtimes not) to use or change things I have released and I never get angry or feel threatened that my presious creations is being deflowered.Gawd the egotism involved in such a perspective is kinda funny really,almost a charecture of what people think of when you hear about a french chef or a holywood director.tp paraphrase WANG CHUNG everybody STFU and have fun tonight.
  7. Hans Udet Jasta 37

    another winner.many thanks
  8. Volks made some excellent 1024 mig-17 skins years ago.I have no idea where they are but they were great I use them as my stock 17 skins in all my installs.If anyone has a way to get intouch with him they should by all rights be uploaded here.Great stuff wrench.Many thanks the 19 really needed a face lift.
  9. AI Bombing

    not trying to insult your intelligence but if your using the newest expansion for first eagles you'll need to adjust the Aviatics loadout to use stock bombs as untill a new weapons editor is released addon weapons won't work.baring that problem I can't help out much more.
  10. Moving forward ....

    excellent as usual.Thanks
  11. Final Post On My Father

    That cerimony looked very respectful yet it must have been awe-inspiring too.I'm sory for your loss.My father,a former Navy man too,is in the hospital and has been givin a matter of days to live.he wanted a simple cerimony but your fathers must have been a great comfort.I'll keep your father in my prayers as I'm praying for mine.
  12. Mr Bean among other great rolls. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veYDB-7SvR8
  13. Moving forward ....

    Great news.
  14. I'm sure it's posible to model the countermeasure pods seperatly then add them like any other weapon.you would just need somone with the time to model the pods and add them to the fuselage.
  15. Live TV, it's not what I thought it would be

    Pretty cool.I'll be asking the wife for the cook book for Xmass.
  16. Lynx m113

    Great start,looking forward to your next project.
  17. Early War Birds...

    I think there is a replica Sikorsky S-16 at the New England Air museum.If somone works on that I might be able to get some pics.they have it roped off but it wouldn't hurt to see if I could get a shot or two of the pit.
  18. Lt Fritz Rumey

    Another great one,thanks
  19. I would prefer full scale but either will be a great addition.
  20. 2 WIPs Voisin and L30 (large image alert)

    Thanks for the update.Yeah it's sucks when real life gets in a hobbies way.
  21. 2 WIPs Voisin and L30 (large image alert)

    Not trying to nag but have you made any progress with the Voison?It would be ashame if somthing the beautiful didn't see the light of day.
  22. Moving forward ....

    Thank you for the FM work.I'm really looking forward to the final release.Thank the wife for us all for her patience and understanding.
  23. I just installed it in my BoB install and have only tried it a few times but it adds so much to the game now.Many thanks for all the hard work involved.

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