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Everything posted by whiteknight06604




    semi-fictional based on a No 19sq pic I saw.
  2. Modders - whats on the list?

    Now that is great news,if it's as good as your other work I'm sure everyone will love it.
  3. File Name: RFC Brown/green SPAD 7 File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 3 Nov 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Generic RFC SPAD 7 Click here to download this file
  4. File Name: Grey SPAD 7 File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 3 Nov 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Generic early light grey SPAD 7 Click here to download this file
  5. RFC Brown/green SPAD 7



    Generic RFC SPAD 7
  6. Grey SPAD 7



    Generic early light grey SPAD 7
  7. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    Yeah in the begining I would whine about it and stuff then i got to thinking that I'm very lucky.Many men are out there sacrificing limbs and life so I get to be home safe playing a game.I tore the ACL and MCL plus had some masive swelling,but I was at work in a knee imobilizer in 4 days and unloading trucks in about a week.I ended up playing the following season rather than get surgery.I wasn't gonna ruin my consecutive game streak with a little knee injury lol.I went 11 seasons without missing a game,I was just lucky the injury happened on the last game of that season.
  8. What Do You Look Like in Uniform Thread

    some pics of me in "uniform"Not as important or revered as military but the last pic will show you why I'm not able to serve now. It's been a year and my knee still sounds like it's full of rice crispies. thanks for sharing all of your pics.It's great to see a face behind the name.Thank you all for serving us civies.
  9. Infidel of the week

  10. Camo SPAD VII



    just a plain french camo Spad VII
  11. Moving forward ....

    Capuns site.you will need to get a pass code from him to download.see the A-Team section in these forums to get the info to get a pass code.they have lots of interesting items there. the site web addy is http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  12. your best bet would be to look at some camo mig-21 skins to give you hints as to how the camo paterns travel from wing to fuselage to tail.Other than that it's kinda trial and error unfortunaly.
  13. Great one,thank you.

    Being a Mets fan I like the Red socks wining because it pisses off the yankee fans.I have to admit they kicked ass this season.
  15. Corny Jokes Thread!

    What did the hispanic firefighter name his twin sons? Jose and hose B
  16. New Voss Skin!

    looks nice.we can never have enough skins.
  17. "I´m not confirm with templates, to be honest. But for sure i can add pure bitmaps, with just panel lines painted on so you can easily make several skins." Great news,Thank you.
  18. MiG-9 FARGO

    Great addition.I'm really enjoying it.Thanks
  19. while "demo" paint jobs are not exactly my favorites anyone who pulls this one off will be instantly elevated to the level of "skin god"
  20. Do you have any plans to release a template or baring that a plane metal skin?I would love to make a few skins including some fictional Dhimari ones.
  21. What are the Best...

    There is only one Alb DII out it's here I think it's just ok.I use it with Gambits skins and it looks nice as a AI adversary.The N17 and N11's are some of the greatest addone planes out.There is also a N28 and N24's that are top notch.I think they are all here in the downloads section.
  22. anyone made it ?

    Not yet but would be very welcome and of great use for any early campaigns.
  23. Community Mega Pack

    It would be a large undertaking but might be worth the work.I hope some people get motivated and contribute to this.

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