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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I just know those little gray buggers are gonna prob my @nus.
  2. Sad ending for the B-52 but awesome work on that model.Thanks
  3. Very interesting.Thanks for the pics.
  4. every time i see a WIP pic like this I get a tear in my eye.please keep up the excellent work.Many thanks.
  5. Add On

    holy cr@p,great stuff.... as usual.
  6. Add On

    good luck with your move.I hope your up and skinning in no time.
  7. WIP F-117

    simply amazing.I have waited a long time for that little helo.One question?are the weapons pylons removable?

    looks like it will make things interesting.i hope you get the permissions.
  9. WIP F-117

    I'm most interested in that Alouette.Always loved those.The AH-1 is really cool too.Great work all around.
  10. the more I see the more I'm looking forward to this.Looks like lots of people put many long hours into this.Thanks.
  11. nieuport 16

    once again Monty to the rescue.Thank you.
  12. these look great,many thanks for the work you put into these.
  13. Lewis Gun

    don't forget to thank the real authors behind the nieuport 17 model and INIs.they did all the real work.
  14. FW-190F8 "Jabo"

    Another good one Wrench,Thank you.
  15. Lewis Gun

    I wonder if some kind soul could make a Generic rife or carbine model that could be mounted on the side of a plane.some early planes had guns mounted at angles to miss the propeller arc.It would not be great to fight with but would look good strapped to the side of some of the older Moranes.
  16. A nice far east campaign with maybe China US navy N/S Korea Japan and Russia plus maybe Austrailia would be really cool.One day I'll have to look into learning mission/campaign building.
  17. Thanks for the update.
  18. Lewis Gun

    Great stuff everyone,the gun mods and cockpit upgrades have really made my N17s better.
  19. I actually love eel.Had some unagi just the other day.
  20. Udet's Dr.1

    Great job.Please bring on more.
  21. I think I'm gonna cry.That is one of my favorites.
  22. Excellent stuff.I look forward to you releasing them.
  23. OLD WIPS

    As always great stuff Veltro.I'm looking forward to everything you have posted so far.Please keep up the good work.
  24. awesome work again.thank you.

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