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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Grimlock say I'm the T-rex. USAFMTL's avatar didn't change he transformed it. I'm so freeking waiting for this movie too.I just hop they don't make it Ghey and have too much "matrix" type fight scenes.I hate it when you see a simple kick from 50 angles and in super slow-mo.
  2. File Name: Dhimari F-100 File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 23 Jun 2007 File Category: SF Century Series Skins F-100/F-101/F-102/F-104/F-105/F-106 Generic Dhimari F-100 Skin. Click here to download this file
  3. hi i am new

    Welcome to Combatace.We are one big disfunctional family here.
  4. not yet,it may be held up long term...who knows.
  5. Today marks 1 year to the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit

    It's disgusting how the world turns a blind eye to the evils these "people" comit against Israel.May these men return home safe and sound as fast as they can and the evil that does this sort of cowardly act,I hope they suffer long and painfully.
  6. Dhimari F-100

    I want to do 2 versions of the F-16 for Dhimar one ex ANG grey and a camo one.The "leopard" patern would be as cool as any.
  7. you need to run it in windows98 compatability mode.
  8. File Name: Nieuport 24 camo skin File Submitter: whiteknight06604 File Submitted: 23 Jun 2007 File Category: WW1 Aircraft Semi-fictional french camo skin for the excellent Nieuport 24. Click here to download this file
  9. Nieuport 24 camo skin



    Semi-fictional french camo skin for the excellent Nieuport 24.
  10. Dhimari F-100



    Generic Dhimari F-100 Skin.
  11. Can EECH2 Do this?

    i'm thinking someone has been messing around with that flight model. pretty impressive flying but I would hate to be in that thing.Can you say snaped neck.
  12. Caption This

    "hey honey,I just had the weirdest dream.I was sleeping in a tent with Nicole Ritchie and you were watching."
  13. How the heck did you come up with that?

    My name came about in two ways.I used to play chess as a kid with my Grandfather.he had this really cool chess set that had to me the most interesting Whiteknight.so I always had "whiteknight" on the brain.Also it kinda fits my personality I've been told. :umnik2: The 06604 was just my old zip code.(how original) me at "work" http://www.shutterfly.com/progal/slideshow...80d9&idx=39 http://www.shutterfly.com/progal/slideshow...80d9&idx=39 http://www.shutterfly.com/progal/slideshow...80d9&idx=39 I should be "blackKnight" i guess.
  14. Ok.I'm looking forward to seeing some more of your stuff soon.And if you need help with anything feel free to ask.
  15. woot!!!if it's as good as the first model It will be a winner for sure.Thanks.
  16. you didn't need to delete the file.i figured since you didn't have many skins out you were new to this.I have no real problem with people using my stuff but others can be very touchy about it.It's a good habbit to get used to asking to use anything as some here are very defencive of their intellectual property rights.feel free to use any of my skins in the future just let people know in the readme.take care.
  17. It's really not that big a deal to me but it would have been nice if you asked to use my skin for this mod and given credit as it's just a decal mod of my syrian skin.
  18. A ride of a lifetime

    "i would have to agree with you but people in general are not smart beings" I agree too.He had a reason for his misjudgment his "handlers" should have known better and been there.
  19. 331Killerbee

    I didn't really know him that well at all but I always had lots of respect for the man.I was thinking about what may have become of him just the other day.I'm really glad to get this update and hear he's doing ok.
  20. "Hi guys!!. I´ve just readed this post and I really get mad!. Such amount of hard work and patience totally for free!. " Not so fast nowhere have i seen the word free.You never know these days. ;) with the effort that is going into this I would not begrudge anyone for wanting a little compensation.
  21. "Your Resident Liar, Cheat, Thief, and Tease" Is that suposed to be funny....it sounds rather sad actually.a little contritness would smooth things over much better than an "in you face" defence.There is no right or wrong here but attitudes from both sides of this issue are really getting pathetic.
  22. "What I really want is some japanese monsters...I want a GODZILLA!!! (ok, I miss the Atomic Moth and Quetzcoatal from FA....)" I have wanted that for years.A giant "godzilla" ground vehicle that breaths fire or electricity would be cool.We need somthing to use those cool F-4EJ,F-104Js and Sabres against.Hell the Mi24 Chaffee would fit in perfectly too. :)
  23. I think that is it.I havn't seen any others.
  24. Weird problem

    It is really nice to see some new blood getting into model building for the SF series,most of the time you only see departures but at least a few new ones have apeared in the last few months.Great job so far and keep up the great work.

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