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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    I say just sign a mutual defense pact and fast track the Ukraine into NATO. Putin is not stupid enough to pick on anyone close to his size let alone a country that with nukes out of the equation could decimate any advance he made into the Ukraine given the political will.My question is if the ethinic Russians want to live in Russia why not just move? iit's about power and prestige not about the so called welfare of these people. It's almost a perfect parallel of the Sudeten crisis. If the west just sits on it's ass it won't be as bad as WW2 but you just never know. You have to confront aggression and evil when ever you can or it grows. Now Putin is not Hitler but his actions are far far from anything a civilized leader would do.I just wish we could curb some of Putin's aggression and give it to the leaders here.
  2. Russian Fighter Jet Buzzed U.S. Ship: Officials

    That should be the one chance they get, buzz a US ship or interfere in our allies or friends nation and the next plane or " unmarked troops" should end up in the dirt...permanently.Sorry but if you pussy foot around with Putin he will just keep escalating things. Slam him back hard or he won't stop.Anyone with half a brain understands what game he is playing we have shown weakness politically the last few years so he is testing how far and how much he can take before the Europeans stop cowering and the US finds it's balls.
  3. Air base eye candy

    Also if you are referring to the WWI and early WWII stuff there is a WIP thread in the First Eagles section.
  4. Shooting Skeet

  5. Beer!

    have to get it no matter what I guess. http://ghostgrey.gaetanmarie.com/articles/2010/Modification%20XXX/Modification%20XXX%20-%20Beer-carrying%20Spitfires.htm
  6. probably in half the schools and mosques in Gaza
  7. thank you for your continued updates.
  8. only had time to try it once but had no issues other than i was so busy looking at the beautiful terrain i crashed.
  9. FE2 Mod Question

    I would say China but that is simply personal preference on my end. Both mods look beautiful and I would enjoy either of them but China has always been a favorite theater for me.

    I have to live in this POS state with these out of town liberal carpet baggers and the indigenous welfare queens. This state is on it's way to being California when it comes to out of touch legislation.The State Government has no clue what a dangerous weapon is and what to do about violent crime. The shooter could have racked up the same amount of kills at Sandy Hook if he had a pump shotgun and a couple revolvers. it was a target rich environment with clusters of targets at point blank range. banning a gun or a magazine size won't stop that...idiots.oh FYI CT has 3 of the top 10 most dangerous cities in America with populations under 200K. Hartford,New Haven and Bridgeport. I live in Bridgeport and I can tell you the crime has nothing to do with mag size or "assault weapons" it's about wannabe thugs who grew up with no fathers and no rules who think they are owed everything.
  11. Air Conflicts Vietnam, any good?

    not sure but I found this.
  12. Samurai's Shipyard

    ohhhhh looking forward to this one. Thank you.
  13. Samurai's Shipyard

    beautiful as usual.
  14. More FE Ground Objects

    i have tears in my eye. I can't wait to see these in game.
  15. Mirage IVA 1

    you wouldn't care to share that skin would you? I have the plane but the skin you did is just great.
  16. Tomorrow is a big day

    keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong.
  17. Halberstadt D.V

    beautiful. I can't wait.
  18. vote

    I have to say the Fuji for me then.
  19. New Fesable Skins Newbie

    very cool.
  20. vote

    damn I can't choose yet......i'll be back after some gin.
  21. remember it's not as easy as buying a model and converting it ,animations have to be redone. many are very high poly etc. it's almost better to get a source file from a MSFS or CFS or other game and convert that.
  22. excellent. I welcome any European navy ships. the more the merrier. The Principe de Asturias is looking great. I can't wait.

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