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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Late Sopwith Tabloid

    excellent!. thank you.
  2. British Spunk!

    so much respect for this man but with the title of this thread being "British Spunk" i was really weary about opening it up. ;)
  3. Like my new toy?

  4. Early Sopwith Tabloid

    another great early plane, thank you.
  5. if it's fictional what was the name of the Kingdom Eddy Murphy came from in the movie Coming to America ;)
  6. Bloch MB.131

    another excellent release. Thank you.
  7. Sopwith Schneider Floatplane

    just another excellent release. thank you. Great news about the tabloid too.
  8. Sopwith Schneider

    thank you I always loved the tabloid so this is very welcome.
  9. must be Photo recon humor ;) great pic.
  10. To All My Friends Here at CombatAce

    not that I have done much but you are worth it Dave. hang in there and know that you and your family are in our prayers. I know you would be the first to help me if the situation is reversed.
  11. Back For A Bit

    congrats on your marriage and congrats on overcomming your problems. Best of luck in your news home and in your job hunt. Hope to see you around more.
  12. Summer tiles for Jan Tuma's seasonal upgrade

    i really like how that looks.
  13. Did I Just Read This Right?

    yeah shopping at Victoria's Secret with a dead baby in her bag. below human.
  14. No.66 Squadron RFC Pups

  15. Veltro2k WWII WIPS

    excellent was hoping you would do this or the Bloch 174.
  16. My Saitek X52 just arived

    I'm going to assume it's a normal since it doesn't say pro. I got it on ebay.
  17. @ Stephan1918 -- an odd request

    sending thoughts and prayers to you and your family Stephen.Thabnks again for all you have done for this sim.
  18. I wish but I think there are a lot of differences. here is hopeing though.
  19. perfect timing for the French Navy to show up with all the WW2 French planes being put out.Looks beautuful
  20. Vo Nguyen Giap, dead at 102

    hope this scum suffered
  21. excellent, looking forward to this.
  22. We call this progress?

    boo hiss ;)
  23. We call this progress?

    @crazy because of lunatic enviormentalism and the EPA being crazy you can't even wipe your butt anymore withoput 18 permits and 26 forms filled out. The logging industry was destroyed by nutjobs to save the spotted owl. only problem is after the 30k loggers lost their jobs and whole towns collapsed from their economies being destroyed the spotted owl started to die off even faster. it seems the the loggers were scaring off the other owls that were preying on the spotted owl. now the goverments solution is to go in and kill the other owls.nice to see that we pic favorites in the animal kingdom and determine what animal is worth saving and waht one should be shot. ;)
  24. We call this progress?

    lol sad but true.

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