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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I can take a look but I have limited time so if you want to send it to Crazyhorse it prob would get done sooner....and better.I think I'm going to have to start a pester campaign to get the FM fixed up to the point that the AI can fly it. I'm not looking for realism but just some eye candy flying recons or CAS missions.
  2. FE2 WW2 mods?

    yeah I had an install for just dogfighting with a few of the better WW2 birds. At the very least you can get some great screen shots over jan's terrain.
  3. Sucked into the (rotary) propwash!

    it is amazing the things that have been done to this game and continue to be done. there may only be a few modders left in the FE community but they are damn good.
  4. not trying to be a pest but is this project dead,and has anyone ever solved the flight issues?
  5. MAY

    excellent! will fit right in over Iceland.
  6. yeah the H would be great. it's amazing how well certain models hold up.the original Saber may be ancient but it compaires well with the newer models. It's still one of my favs.
  7. beautiful update here. thank you.
  8. First Persuit Group N28's project

  9. First Persuit Group N28's project

    your dedication to this project is impressive. Thanks Quack,the hard work really shows.
  10. FE2 WW2 mods?

    some of the newer WW2 releases do look great flying over the WW1 terrain just alot less to work withas far as modern amenities like...well like anything post 1918 ;)
  11. FE2 WW2 mods?

    it lacks alot of the commands for gear and flaps( they will work with auto pilot) and no radio commands. It would be best for interwar stuff but WW2 stuff will fly but it is pretty limited unfortunatly.
  12. Rumpler 6B-1

    another excellent addition. Thank you.
  13. as far as I know it has to be added when the model is made.
  14. We've lost another great

    never liked the doors but sad. RIP
  15. I absolutely hate saying this but is it me or does the nose look a bit off? where it meets the prop spinner just seems wrong to me. I feel bad bringing it up but I just noticed it. otherwise it looks great to me.
  16. First Persuit Group N28's project

    it looks like a completely different model. the skin just brings this old bird back to life.
  17. Obviously it's not nice of me to sugest work for others but it would be great if somone was able to compile a "super pack" of the available pilots sorted by year and nation.
  18. First Persuit Group N28's project

    that is a thing of beauty.
  19. looking beautiful! I can't wait.
  20. Movie help

    i posted this on facebook but for my friends here who are not on facebook I hope you can help. I was wondering if somone can help me track down a movie title. It was a movie I saw in the early to mid 80's. it was about a jewish teen who loved the American wild west. I don't remember much about it other than it took place during WWII and it was rather sad. I can't even remember who was in it. One thing that stands out was the kid being put in a death camp. and wearing his star of David with pride because it reminded him a of a sherifs badge. Any help tracking this one down would be most appreciated.
  21. Movie help

    I will see if I can figure that one out. dosn't ring a bell. do you have a rough idea when it came out?
  22. I love the kiwi on the carrier,great touch.
  23. Samurai's Shipyard

    both are beautiful. The more japanese ships the better ;)

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