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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. no worries at all, I know how fast free time can vanish.please always take my sugestions as just that and not as full blown requests.
  2. progressing really well.
  3. Tu-75 WIP

    really cool. I'm not a huge fan of "what-ifs" but it is amazing what you have done.
  4. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    yeah but with what I'm going through right now I'm very greatful for having an outlet like this. i don't know when or what but I do want to give back.
  5. I kinda like the voice in the vid,as I watch I'm imagining MC Chris narating it lol
  6. Upgrades and Such to CombatACE

    I will do what I can but I'm not working.........
  7. the 12 was slightly different,I think the wing size was a tiny bit different and the 12's had more power in some models. the 10 was a 2 seater to start it basiclay looked like your 12 when the gun mount is removed and the top wing had sometimes none and sometimes a circular opening for a front seat gunner to stand and fire(scary crap) some versions the pilot was in front also.if/when you do fine the time and inclination I can send you some refference material.lol if you really want to make life difficult for yourself I think Beardmore in England made a version with a different rudder and tail and a different engine.This is what I love and get so frustrated about with WW1 aircraft so many types and so many versions of each type.
  8. Insignia for Post War Nations

    great stuff. Always interested in the interwar period.Early interwar was a busy time for a lot of armies.
  9. nice. always loved that one.
  10. pic not showing care to fill me in on what it is? ;)
  11. I like getting updated and improved aircraft almost as much as I like getting new ones. Stephen, I hope I'm not asking to much but I was wondering if you gave any thought to making a 2 seat Nieuport 10? basicaly you would just remove the gun and add another seated pilot fig. And mod the center top wing section. I did a quik and dirty one with ini edits but it would be cool to have a "gunner" figure in the observer's seat mayby holding a pistol or rifle....anyway thanks again for these updates.
  12. Women in Combat Units

    plain and simple the service comes first. when it comes to national defence it doesn't matter whats right for a woman but what is best for the service. Now If a woman meets ALL the requierments and can handle everything thats expected of the men,and that includes communal living in the field(it is detrimental to any mission to have to provide seperate priveys and such) if they meet all the same physical tests and get the same scores and then fine but there can be no sliding scale like in some police or fire deptments. As I said before I had a female teamate on my football team. she was there because she earned her spot. she changed with the guys she bleed with the guys and she peerformed at her position(corrnerback) as well as the other guys. Most women just cant but in the rare cases where they can let them as long as no extra cost is involved. things like having to retrofit tanks with new seats in case a femal want to drive a tank would be unacceptable but if she was tall enough and passed every other requirment than thats ok.It's like when they had bans on gays. no one thought that gay soldiers couldn't do the job but if having them in the unit caused disrtactions then you did what was best for the service and the nations safety. fair? no but you do what is best sometimes. when the time is right it will come about but it has to be what is best for the service. Women,gays, martian imigrents...ok with me as long as they can all do the job as well as everyone else and it causes no disruption to fighting ability of the unit.
  13. Women in Combat Units

    As long as they meet or exceed the same standards for men I have no problem, only issue I would have is if they were not made to sign up for selective service now and if the physical requirments were different.
  14. I want to make another NA install but when I copy the existing on from a stand alone or from a full merged instal it won't work. if I make a comletely new NA only install it will load my main NA install unless I rename the shortcut,but when I rename the exe/shrtcut it loads as SF2 even if it's not installed then when I try to start a mission it freezes. I have tried about 12 ways to get a new NA install and all I get no matter what way I try is it loads the main install or it freezes. Anyone have any of these issues? the reason I'm trying this is I'm trying to make a WW2 Pacific install. Unless I use the NA exe not only will naval maps not work but they are not even showing. the minute I change the naval map to false they show. if I use any othe exe file from the SF2 series carrier maps wont show.
  15. problem is I DID that about 20 times in every variation posible. and it was a no go. What I was doing with the mods folder was nothing. I was copying the game. and even did fresh installs...nothing. game was confused in someway. I have made prob 50 or 60 seperate installs over the years and 99% of the time no problems at all. this time something somewhere was just crossed in some way.
  16. my need is I can't get any carrier opps to work except in an install thet runs from NA. if it loads as anything other than NA the game won't even recognize and terrains set as Naval True. the second I change the true to false the terrain shows. I have carrier opps in my "full merged but any copies they fail to work. I'm prob not being clear( acommon thing for me) I have a fully funtioning full merged I use as my main install. I also have a KAW install. I wanted to make a pacific install.I copied my full merged and changed the names of the folder . I can't get it to load as "NA" if I change the name of the exe. if I leave the name original it's loading the older install mod folder not the pacific one. if I load NA alone into a folder and try to run it as "pacific" it freezes. If I leave the exe labled as NA once again is loading the old install lol ok I figured I'd try again...did everything the same. works lol I just don't get this game sometimes...10 years down the road and I find that the game is a stubborn as a mule,only want to do what you ask it to do when it's good and ready to........lol
  17. I made a copy of my full merged install removed all the modern planes. then changed the names of the exe to pacific. hit it and it runs as SF2 not NA. if I don't change the name it opens the old install. so I made a "pacific folder" then installed the games from scratch as a full merged. hit the NA exe and it still loads the old game.If I change that exe,s name it loads as SF2 and still no naval maps showing. then I tried to force the issue and just make a new "pacific folder" and installed NA only. if I leave the exe name original it once again loads the old full merged game, if I change the exe name it freezes. :(
  18. FE2 Skins Manipulation

    thats just odd.......
  19. Updates to Nieuports 10 & 12

    my guess is the original download has been updated.
  20. FE2 Skins Manipulation

    just remove all the skins except the one you want to show first play a mission then add the other skins and it should be ok. if that dosn't work chect to make sure the skins are not set to show at a certain date.
  21. Updates to Nieuports 10 & 12

    Thank you. best customer service ever ;)
  22. just wanted to break up the monotony so slapped this together. not too accurate or well done but ok for AI use ;)
  23. The Eastern Front, Version 2

    excellent. I can't wait to try it out.

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