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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    I have no issue with the pranksters or the station getting in hot water for the prank and any miss doings but I can't lay blame for the suicide on them. how many times have we said something to someone about seeing their wife out with a guy in jest or that they just saw their car being stollen, if they suddenly jumped out the window how would we feel if we were getting death threats and facing charges? A tastless and posibly illegal prank should be the issue but blaming them for the actions of an irrational and prob mentaly ill woman is a little extreme in my opinion. there are scumbags and then their are killers.
  2. So that UK Nurse that got pranked...

    people are pranked all the time and don't kill themselves. the radio station is responsible for the prank be it in good or bad taste but the loss of life rest solely on the person who killed themselves. it is obvious that she had serious demons inside her. stable and rational people do not kill themselves over a prank or the loss of a job.Should th radio people done this? prob not but to blame them for the actions of somone who is unstable is a little extreme.
  3. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    So we invaded iraq for their oil,that we didn't need and spent billions more during the invasion and the subsequient rebuilding that we would ever get had we taken the oil......makes lots of sence. I'm pretty sure had we wanted their oil we would have just taken it rather than spending billions rebuilding schools,roads and infrastructure and then letting the iraqis have control of their country.One has to put the CIa action into context of the cold war. the CIA didn't destabilise goverments for no reason. Ones has to realise these actions were to counter Soviet moves. hade the region gone Communist there would have been far worse suffering. sometimes a wrong is needed to counter a bigger wrong.it's not fair or right always but thats what was needed at the time. We had to make deals with devils to keep far worse devils out of the picture.
  4. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    I don't think there is any legitamate goverment in Syria, on one side you have a murderous thug and on the other a bunch of unknown groups,most of which lean to various degrees towards thugery and religious extreamism. I dout there will be any winning for the people there,the best that we can hope for is that the countries ability to destabilize other nations and export weapons to terror groups is disrupted or stopped.
  5. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    one has to wonder where silly information like this comes from. i don't mean this as a personal attack but most of this is conspiracy theory sillyness.Lots of people here believe stuff like this too.many think the 9-11 attacks were staged and the the UN is ready to install a new World order lol.People have been working behind the scenes to keep tabs on and to destabilize Syria for sure but thats what you do to nations that support terror and kill civilians both inside and outside their borders. it's ashame that the syrian people are caught in the middle but this civil war is the best thing that could have happened.keeps them busy for a while.I don't think Assad will use chemical weapons as anything other than a shield and bargening tool but there is always the danger in a panic they could be used. Anyone who knows anything about Iraq knows the war there was not to find WMDs but to search for them. there is a difference. everyone thought they were there(and some were) and they were barred from inspecting. the war was about being allowed to inspect for them,also there were about 20 or so other UN resolutions Saddam was in violation of so the war was hyped about being about WMDs but the reality was it was about law order and stopping a madman who was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths and the suffering of millions and his inability to live up to UN resolutions and international law.One thing for sure is that the last thing anyone wants in syria is for the islamists to gain control like they did in Egypt.
  6. That Moron In Syria is Going to Do It.....

    his evil and his little followers in Lebanon should have been removed from the earth long ago.not only has he killed tens of thousand of his own people his support for terrorist has broght death destruction and suffering to both lebanon and israel.Lets hope somone in his inner circle gets paid by some goverment to end this problem. and lets hope radicals don't come to power like in egypt.Also it will be interesting to see how many of his WMDs came from Iraq.
  7. I'm pretty sure that I could blow up a BTR-152 after a dinner at Taco Bell.......
  8. Samurai's Shipyard

    that sounds great! I'll be looking forward to future updates.
  9. Sometimes one has to admit that other hobbies exist.....

    It says alot about systems and inovation when hobbiests here out perform the goverment in NK ;)
  10. Samurai's Shipyard

    yes thats the one i was talking about http://www.sinodefence.com/army/antiaircraft/type65towed37mm.asp Also i hope my hints are not taken as me not being greatful for the excellent work you have done but this might be something to consider for the chinese side too http://www.sinodefence.com/army/surfacetoairmissile/hongqi7.asp it's basicaly the French Crotale system so it would be usable for a few nations. the Chinese HongQi61a is another SAM system thats interesting. thanks again for so many great ground and naval objects.
  11. I've seen recon objects(at least stock ones) sitting around airbases from time to time. other than that i never see APCs or Recon anywhere or doing anything. it's a shame that in CAS missions the computer can't have a "mixed" formation of tanks and APCs with maybe an AAA ro recon vehicle thrown in. almost like the way naval task forces are run now.
  12. Samurai's Shipyard

    OMG! I am beyond excited about this. if you do make a chinese military vehicle pack I would humbly suggest the towed twin barrel 37mm AA gun be included.Chinese.Japanese and korean vehicles! i'm very excited.
  13. Beautiful! another great addition. thanks to everyone involved.
  14. Maybe a little recon over the mainland.
  15. DII skins MvR Boelcke

    another set of excellent skins,many many thanks.
  16. Banidos J-31

    great addition to the growing stable of Chinese aircraft.I look forward to it completion.
  17. @Wilches if your playing strike Fighters for more than 4 hours seek medical attention. Great work Paulo. these,they as great as your other works.
  18. Butcher of Mumbai to be hanged

    While I'm glad he is gone I feel that in the end he got a much better "out" than did his victims. would have been nice if it took a while. Hate to sound blood thirsty but unfortunatly in civilized societies it's hard to have the punishment fit the crime.
  19. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    very nice colection.

  21. Storm Over The Sahara

    I don't know if this is a help but if you add a "strike fighters" aircraft that has retractable gear to FE the gears work fine with the Auto pilot but there is no way to manualy raise or lower them that I have found.
  22. Nesher, Wilco, Guyran, Mannie

    thoughts and prayers to everyone is Israel.Stay safe and get the job done.Secure your safety by any means and maybe this time the world will see the truth of what you have to fight. When only one side wants peace and is will to work for it it's hard to achive.Israels restraint is legendary and so is her rath...maybe the rath is what is needed right now,either way stay safe.

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