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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Cocas Prop Works

    Ki-30? would love to see more japanese WW2 bombers.great job so far on everything.
  2. DAT SeaVenom with a simple skin to make a quick and dirty Aquilon.
  3. Austrian D.IIIOef "Hacks"

    maybe in the mean time somone could make a small plate to cover the machinegun holes. oreven make an engine cover that was seen on some. beyone my abilities but very cool work considering what little can be done to the model.
  4. Cocas Prop Works

    Bf-110, Martin maryland or more lilely Baltimore ,Spitfire Yak-3.....?
  5. Hi-Res FE Ground Objects Question

    my personal prefference would be to have AAA with crews. While the third wire AAA lories are nice it just kills the atmosphere to see no one manning them. After AAA vehicles and airfield elements(hangers,workshops,crews and mechanices strolling about etc.) would be really nice to have.
  6. Hi-Res FE Ground Objects Question

    same here so far I have just about everything set at the max and the game plays pretty good.
  7. Field Guns for First Eagles

  8. If you like football, you have GOT to see this!

    I bet i can stop her ;) there are actualy many leagues for womens teams in the US. I have played semi-pro for 15 years and one of the teams I played on had a female connerback on it. she wasn't half bad. not stater material but she was good enough to make the roster.To me as long as someone can cntribute i could care less their gender. My 2 cents on this girl is she is kicking but and she is earning the recognition but it remeins to be seen how well she will be able to keep up this level of play as her body matures and changes with age.boy and girls tend to be be on par more pre puberty but after they tend to start on different physical paths,in general that is there are plenty of exceptions.As long as she's having fun and kicking butt more power to her.
  9. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    He needs to ask TK if he can distribute the plane.TK gave permision along time ago to release modded F-4 lods I believe but I think that was a one time thing.it was so long ago and i wasn't in the loop so I may have the facts wrong.
  10. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    He has this thread http://combatace.com/topic/60197-oeffag-diii-ba53-153-253-wip/ about them but since they were modded lods of the TW D.II they can't be uploaded. I have mixed feelings because while I support the ban on core file uploading they were so damn beautiful.
  11. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    Yea h i tried and tried but never got anywhere. too bad Jan Tuma's versions were made from ripped lods.They were looking really good.
  12. TW history question

    Ah the good old days.
  13. no thak you for uploading ;)
  14. Removing Prop Spinner for Alb D.III

    I tried it years ago and I could get it to remove but the prop went with it too. maybe a request over at "the other site" like I did to get him to mod his D.III into the 253 version. that model is not the best but it might be the only way short of a complete new model.
  15. Albatros D.II posted

    FE was a little dead for a while then bam all hell breaks loose the last month or so. Great to see so much tallent still working so hard to improve this great game.
  16. Thanks for reminding me of these ........
  17. Albatros D.II posted

    I only tested it a little before bed but had no issues taking off.
  18. Albatros D.II posted

    Borts's D.II did the best it could for so long and while imperfect many people did so much FM,skin and decal work to keep the old girl viable. This new D.II are vast improvements and I look forward to the inevitable skins that will be made. once again my thanks for this.One that i have been waiting years and years for.
  19. Albatros D.II posted

    THANK YOU SIR! you just made my year.
  20. Bort's Avro 504D

    has anyone been able to get the rudder decals to show? for the life of me I can't get them to work and before I jump off a bridge I figured I'd see if it was be being boneheaded or if there is a real issue.
  21. Bort's Avro 504D

    I just figured it out. for some reason I was missing the cowl2.bmp texture. I added that and it works fine now. Thank you for the reply and help Raven,much appreciated.
  22. Field Guns for First Eagles

    thank you Geezer and welcome back.

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