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Everything posted by whiteknight06604


    I have mixed feelings about this but i will look forward to anything you release. I just made an early war install with some of your french plans in it. I really have been enjoying them even if there is not enough for a stand alone Battle for France install yet.
  2. Samurai's Shipyard

    I'm really glad to see you back at your ships. they were great and the updates make them even better.thanks.
  3. WTF? Not Safe For Kids or Work

    that poor guy better get combat pay for his honeymoon.......
  4. I am really looking forward to this. thanks for restarting the project.
  5. Where can I find?

    I think that Bear was removed from the download section.
  6. excellent news...It looks like a beast....as it should. thanks for putting so much effort into this.
  7. I think part of the issue might be that there are alot of newer modders here who prob are not as familiar with the rules. the old timers were the ones who made the rules and know and understand them and know the original authors. the newer guys have prob not "familiarized" themselves the same way with the rules and prob don't have the same understandings and friendships with the original authors.
  8. Change Again

    :( Damn, I hope that you land on your feet and get things back on track fast. it's tough out there as you already know. You'll get the better of this.
  9. USS John Finn

  10. September 11th - Silent Post

  11. I have the Hawk III with the retractable gear but I could have sworn there was the ealier one with the fixed gear floating around somewhere. Am I insane or is there one somwhere?
  12. early hawk biplane?

    no worries I must have got a CFS2 download stuck in my mind lol
  13. WWJAWD

  14. early hawk biplane?

    I may have been mistaken, I really thought there was one but if there was I should have it on a disc somwhere and for the life of me I can't find it so maybe for some reason I'm remembering something that never existed. wouldn't be the first time ;)
  15. early hawk biplane?

    damn. if anyone has it I'd love to have it passed on to me or uploaded again,if it can be ....permission wise that is.
  16. F-19 redo

    I wonder if they wil do that with thirdwire games in 2 years ;
  17. And then this happened

    looks like there is nothing that Putin can't do. I bet a showdown between all his alledged acomplishments and those of Chuck Norris there would be a battle that tore worlds asunder..... ;)
  18. unfortunatly they are not accesable to everyone but there are 3 very beautiful P-38s at the A-team site. the usual restrictions kinda limit their usefulness for campaigns though.
  19. Frog Factory

    love the WIPs. glad to see your back in a modeling mood. looking forward to watching your projects progress.
  20. The World Is A Better Place Now

    looking at the picture I find it hard to believe that was a woman...... hope her and all her ilk rot in hell. there may be some wiggle room in the debate on drug laws but anyone who profits on the suffering and deaths of others deserves a worse fate than this.
  21. The worst thing about turning 40...

    what does that say about me since I saw a lesbian dating add this morning.....

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