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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Is Stary Getting old?

    best wishes my friend!
  2. I looked through the SF2 downloads and didn't notice any but maybe there are some SF2 conversions of the excellent Mirage factory MiG-21Fs in a campaign?
  3. i can easily port them over i was just hopeing there were SF2 optimized FMs out there. Thanks.
  4. Installing Jan Tuma tiles?

    33LIMA,when the terrain was first released I made that mistake and drove myself nuts for days trying to fix it. I can say once my blood pressure went down I had to laugh at missing it lol.
  5. Seafire MkIII, French Navy 1948

    love it! thank you.
  6. wish I could be of help. :(
  7. Been Out

    thoughts and prayers to you and your dad
  8. The Pub...

    lol while I may agree with alot of what said poster says I do agree with what your saying itt's geting rather boreing.
  9. OMG!!! thank you guys for all this excellent work.
  10. George W Bush's decapitated head

    yes true. back to simming
  11. George W Bush's decapitated head

    it wasn't accidental. the producers of the show are well known Bush haters. I don't really think this is a huge issue to be honest. It prob started as an inside joke among people who thought it was funny and was thought that it would stay internal and no one would make the connection. It just a joke. I think a tacky one but there are worse things to worry about. The current presidents protectors use race as a weapon on a daily basis to protect him. people who's only crime is not agreeing with the mans policies are being prtrayed and branded as racists in an attempt to silence them.our president is not african american but bi-racial and as such good or bad he's as white as he is black,that said the fringe racists and the race baiters on the other side seem to see him as black and either blindly attack him for it or protect him with it.To me no matter how I may agree or disagree with someone i will never base my feelings about something this important(political policies) on something as silly as race.It sad to see people still get so worked up about things(skin color) with such little meaning in this day and age.That said being branded as a racist here in the states is a major attack,one thats hard to overcome as it's such a vile thing,it's similat to being acused of rape,it has such a negative atached to it that mearly being labbled even falsely is a major way to silence or discredit someone.
  12. George W Bush's decapitated head

    i don't know our nuclear umbrella kept the world safe for decades. Also there is no way on earth anyone cans say with a straight face that the outrage would not be out of control had this been done to Obama. it's as plain as anything the coddleing and protection he has recieved from the press for the most part and because of his race. there are whackos who target him for sure but there has never been anything like the hatred and disgusting attacks that had been leveled on GWB. everyone is free to agree or disagree with a president and his policies but the personal attacks were simple disgusting and made the attackers look small.
  13. George W Bush's decapitated head

    I thought it was in extreamly poor taste and was very petty. that said I don't think it should be outlawed or censured.Also if it was done to our current president the cry of outrage would shake the heavens and roars of racism would drowned out any reason. it's a sad double standard carried on by our media and entertainment outlets.
  14. The BUELL

    nice bike
  15. I have been waiting for this and the Jaguar A for years. it will be well worth the wait. thank you for sharing the WIP.
  16. Aviatik-Berg D.I 185hp

    that is just awesome! thank you once again
  17. excellent upgrades. your work just keeps getting better and better. Thank you.
  18. SF2 NA

    maybe the "peoples workers socialist party" pbroke from iceland and declared independence and opened ties with the Russians. they built the bases for the Soviets in peace time in order to get recognition and support in the UN. Once the Soviets were entrenched in Iceland they abbondoned their promises to the misguilded Icelanders and struck in Europe.......... not good but can explain how nice bases were built and were not damaged until the general war started. ;)
  19. It would be far from perfect but you could add some framing to the canopy as a decal.there are some problems doing this as the decal is semi-transparent but it might be an option to try.
  20. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    I have seen a couple pics where they had the gun mounted in the "baby coffin too. Maybe stephen could do that too I know one of his planes has one .Not being a 3d guy I don't know if it would be easy to 'detach" it from the 3d model to use as a gun pod. If no one else finds any I'll dig up the refference stuff I had for the Schwarslose and post it when I get home from work in the morning.
  21. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    @ojcar on the A-team site they have a "WWI gunpod" set it has spandaus and vickers in it as well as the usual lewis. maybe teh vickers or Spandau would be a better fit as a Swarzlose stand in. I asked over there if they could make a Swarzlose but I couldn't find any good diagrams.
  22. Aviatik D.I Upgrade

    love it!

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