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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. heavy anti-air over the carrier group..
  2. Sikorsky and Anatra upgrades

  3. Anatra C.I

    I just love multible variants of aircraft. Thank you.

    excellent! I'm looking forward to this. many thanks for the excellent work.
  5. New to First Eagles 2

    most of the enviormental mods for SFP2 SHOULD work with FE2. others should be able to help mor ebut alot of the effects and enviormental mods work ok.cloud mods,skymod etc.
  6. New Eastern Front Terrain - Galicia

    very nice, another great addition!
  7. About Loyalty - über Loyalität

  8. CA is back and I have no PC!

    I know the feeling, some months I have to choose between internet and food for my kids...sometimes the kids get to eat...all joking aside it's really tough. I feal your pain. last time my computer died it was over a year before I could get back up and running and that was because I sold some of my hobby stuff off. Good luck getting up and running. I wish I could help. :(
  9. Amazing images

    I love this sort of stuff. Old pics and old books just draw my attention. thanks for sharing.
  10. I was wondering if any modder had time it they could make a "generic" 30mm AA gun. somethin basicaly like the 40mm bofors or the ZP-30 that are available but with twin barrels. A few nations used guns in this catagory and with a generic gun it can be used for many aplications. I know that time is scarce for medders but I figured I'd throw this out there. Thank you for your time. edited to add pics.
  11. just bumping this once incase someone missed it in the crash.
  12. About Loyalty - über Loyalität

    I didn't mean Shady on the part of OFF team.
  13. About Loyalty - über Loyalität

    I 100% agree that you have to be loyal to whats in your heart. My feelings are that loyalty is a 2 way street and while the OFF leadership jumped ship for some good and some shady reasons the place they went is the main issue not that they moved. The place they went has a history of dishonest and biased moderating and has harbored thieves and pirates and has used it's medderating power to protect said thieves.your points are as valid as mine and in the end you have to do what your heart tells you to but there is room here always for the OFF teams.I don't play OFF but I read these forums as I love WWI aviation and there is a wealth of great info and great people in this forum. I hope that you guys continue to post here as I can't in good concience go to that other place after their recent actions and treatment of my friends. I wish you guys luck their and hope you guys fare better than some others have.
  14. Found this little gem

    love it! Another one of your works I'm eagerly awaiting.
  15. Samurai's Shipyard

    great stuff as usual. I love all your ships and they add so much but while you likeing the "smaller" ships as a diversion I seem to like them the best. Don't get me wrong I love your ultra modern stuff but sometimes it's fun to just watch one of the old "junkers" trying to survive .thanks for all the work you have put into these.
  16. CA is back and I have no PC!

    that sucks but it must be such a relief that you didn't lose all that personal stuff. hope you get up and running soon. that sucks but it must be such a relief that you didn't lose all that personal stuff. hope you get up and running soon.
  17. God DAMN!

  18. It's good to be back!

    yeah. I'm really happy at this turn of events!!!
  19. @ojcar It would be nice if some of the modders who are frustrated with the current affairs of SF2-SF2 NA would temporarly migrate to FE2 and lend a hand to the 3-4 people who have kept that game alive and well.
  20. excellent skin. thank you.
  21. Trucks for First Eagles

    nice addition.
  22. Samurai's Shipyard

    Yes ROC naval ships would be a great addition. I think that Chinese,Japanese and other South Eastern Naval vessels would be very useful.Thanks for all the excellent ships you have put out so far.
  23. excellent. there mat be lots more work but the progress shown so far is ecellent. thank you.

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