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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. A-team site has it. not sure if there was another.
  2. Reinstalled FE2 - questions for the vets!

    most effects for SF2 will work in FE2 there may be a few exceptions but for the most part they work.
  3. looks great, i am looking forward to this.
  4. @Jonathan that vis was great!
  5. just wondering out loud. would it be posible to make a "mothership" model as a carrier and have an invisible part linking it to the water so it looks like it's high in the air but still acts like a carrier? able to launch and recover fighters?
  6. I'd love to see a near future ID4 style campaign doone at some point. maybe a few Grav tanks some funky saucers and some lazer or plasma effects......
  7. Love it,one thing always pissed me off about that movie. in the initial air attacks they were shooting Sidewinders and sparrows at the ships,before they new they were shielded. those missiles have pretty small warheads designed to send fragmentation into small fighters. why would you use those against a ship 15 miles or so long? It would have made more sense to fly over and drop a few thousand lbs of bombs on it.That is until they figured out that they needed to attack from the bottom at a certain time.
  8. Armchair Aces updated

    thank you.
  9. Eric I think the hotfix needs to be applied before the newest patch
  10. DeHavilland Bombers

    no problem it was a 3 second fix. So far your doing pretty good when your big mess up is one line wrong out of thousands and it's fixable in less than 5 seconds.
  11. Heinkel He-111E

    one of the best addon aircraft I have seen in a long time. thank you.
  12. DeHavilland Bombers

    on the Dh4s the inis for both models have them labeled as having the 250hp engine. even though the correct statements are in the data ini. simple edite to change from 250 to 375 but I wanted to give the heads up.
  13. DeHavilland Bombers

    many thanks. these were much needed and exceded all my expectaion.
  14. Instal FE2 mods help

    not sure I can be too much help but CA stands for Combat Ace.
  15. if by aircraft you mean the models. you can't otherwise you need to search for the inis that relate to the aircraft your interested in. the "aircraftname"_data.ini has most of the useful data so look for that first.
  16. Bae Hawk 128

    looks like the Hawk mistook it's Viagra for Nasal spray. ;) looks great so far,I will be looking forward to this.
  17. The Use of Biofuels at the Modern Airport

    I see bio engineered grain diseases becoming the WMDs of the future. as soon a a nation becomes dependent of these fuels to any extent terrorists or nations will start to build up stocks of blight inducing agents. ;)
  18. Airco DH9a "Ninak"

    most excellent. Thanking you for these aircraft has become a common and most welcome occurrence.Thanks
  19. Version


  20. Airco DH9

    I am in awe! thank you so much. A much needed crate.

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