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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I remember those Dave. memories
  2. great to see this updated. After all these years it still holds up really well.Thanks
  3. Armchair aces 1916

    another great set.Thanks
  4. excellent releases. Thank you.
  5. Stary you ok? I hope the game is out before you implode. ;)
  6. In sky

    I saw In Sky and thought this was about pirated stuff ;)
  7. I wonder if this is TK's way of beta testing. put up some pics,let everyone tear them apart and then make a few changes as needed ;)
  8. great update and addition. than you.
  9. Well it's official

    the helos are not listed as AI aircraft so are they part of the carier model? maybe as some kinds of carrierbased ground object?
  10. An Old Man's Tale

  11. yes he does,great work on these skins and updates.
  12. Jesus V Satan - Computer joke

    I laughed out loud.
  13. Gay Flight Attendant

    ! nice
  14. Non-US Movies About War

    did anyone mention Beneath hill 60 or gallipoli?
  15. Armchair aces 1915

    I'd love to read the readme but it's in a format I can't open. ;)
  16. A very thought provoking Video

    got a century or 2 before oil will run low. Ihope by then we will have made some progress on other formas of energy.
  17. Vickers Gunbus

    that is amazing.Thank you Stephen for the model and thanks Ojcar for the FM work. I love the earlywar stuff so much. Ojcar, from bits and pieces of things said in different forums I really think I will be happy if I'm right about whats going on .
  18. A very thought provoking Video

    these videos remindme of the one they had out when I was growing up.It was moving for sure. It was a Native American crying on the side of a highway as some idiot littered. it made me not want to litter,which is a good thing. to this day I never intentional litter except on earth day. The problem with the vid was the Indian wasn't an indian he was an italian actor. he made lots of claims over the years and was discredited after a while. nobody care about him anymore.The chicken little syndrome will kick in because when these "scientist" keep crying that the galciers are melting or the ociens are rising 900 feet keep getting corrected or disproved. it makes you stop listening. my spelling sucks today .....
  19. A very thought provoking Video

    actual it's way more than one or two but thats neither here nor there. Evidence and facts are lacking. everytime a prediction is made it's revised down because of faulty data or fudged data. yes we have ahuge impact on our suroundings and need to be much better stewerds of this planet for sure.We are just deluding ourselves if we think we are so powerful as to effect the globe the way the green Nazis think we do. the globe has beencooling and warming in cycles for millions upon millions of years and it's going to continue to do so. we are making global predictions and assuming things based on unreliable core sambles and 200 years of data and we are predicting things that happen in cycles that last 1000's of years.Conservation and protecting the enviourment is one of the most important things we can do but the greenies are not about that they are about social and economic "fairness" and the redistribution of wealth and power.Just read up on the whole "carbon credit" sham.it's all about getting the rich to give to the thirdworld and does nothing for the enviorment. Carbon offsets are a freekin scam. If you do some research intop the people crying the loudest for green iniciatives they are the same people who stand to make billions of the implimentation of the green policies.there is global climat change and in most reguards it's natural and there is polution and raping of the earth and while a seperate issue it is wrong and needs to be curbed.
  20. A very thought provoking Video

    beautiful video of nature at it's best and worst. the messege implied with the video is rubush though.the stuff shown isn't nessisarily cause and effect but two parralel events. nature doing her thing as she has done for millions of years and man doing some crazy crap,some nessisary some not. one is not nessisarily the cause of the other unles you believe dicredited scientists.
  21. unless there is a release in the next few hours i'm out..... good luck to everyone and I hope that the winner is some one with a date close to today.
  22. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    I'm not for an Iraq style invasion of Iran but there should be strikes aimed at slowing the nuclear program. it can't be stopped completely but if it's set back long enough then a decapitating strike leveled against leadership could cause a vacume that MIGHT usher in a more sane goverment and with the nuke program in disaray it should work out fairly well. What needs to be done is to create mistrust between Iran and Russia,maybe with planting Iranian weapons in Chechen hands and then suporting Israel in a strike by putting massive pressure on Iraq not to get in the way and allow US or Israeli refueling of an Israeli strike hopefully with Western air units lending help. once the nuke program is slowed and leadership in Iran dead then support the freedom movements in Iran. no matter who does what iran will unleash terror and indepents(terrorists) will attack the West so sitting by and watching will not really help.A total naval blockade coupled with a cooled relationship with Russia should have the Iranian economy in total shambles. Iran if doner right will be a "cakewalk" as long as we don't get involved on the ground and bogged down with an isurgency. The key is to forment unrest destroy the insane goverment/nuclear program and support the freedom movement.No matter what everyone needs to be ready for terrorist retaliation.
  23. Not for the Oil..wearing a bit thin

    I understand the sentiment if a little simplistic,idealistic and incorrect. Syria has and continues to support terrorism. they are a huge conduit into Iraq for weapons and being of Lebanese decent I have nothing but hatred for the destruction that Syrian interferience and support for millitants and terrorists have caused in Lebanon.It's not about oil or the lack of it although thats a valid excuse as it's a vital national interest but more to do with the fact the the civilian populations are war weary and that the goverments that would normaly intervien are broke.Anyone who thought Irag was about oil has no understanding of the war at all. it defies logic to spend trillions to liberate a nation in order to secure a small amount of oil.I am at a loss to understand why sometimes we(the US) interviens but others it dosn't but it has almost nothing to do with oil and more to do with the political climat,the logistics involved world opinion and the willingness of the local population to rise up. it's so much more complex than oil although it can be a factor in some cases.
  24. looking for graphics card recomendations

    hello my need is for something to run the SF2 games and SF2NA when it's out. my price range is up to 200 dollars.I would like something that would run the game on the best posible settings.i'm not asking what people think is the best but for recomendations as to what will work well in my price range. Just once I'd like to be able to play a game and have it look nice.thank you in advance for any help.

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