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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Copyright

    i'd have to be leary of a remote control aircraft company that tries to sell their planes with screen shots from a video game. very odd.
  2. Birthdays time!

    another birthday closer to my date with the gim reaper. hehehehehehe thank you for the birthday wishes!
  3. I bet he's popular with the ladies,I hear he's hung like a horse....
  4. Wanna join the IDF?

    plane is prettier..... we can do better guys. below average women with cool jets and guns are still below average women ;)
  5. Wanna join the IDF?

    the chick second from the left in the IDF picture looks like Marty Feldman. non of these pics would make me join,not that either military is not worth joining but these women look like rejects from my local strip club. you guys can do much better,and I'm hopeing you prove it with pics ;)
  6. Happy Birthday To.....

    wait are they celibrating together? ;) happybirthday guys.
  7. nice to see one of my skins getting some use. I forgot i made the base skin.Mods look cool. at one point I had plans to make a few different merc outfits with custom logos and camos.mainly for the f-86 and Mig-17. Maybe someday I'll get the time to do some skinning.that is if I can keep my computer running.
  8. Tu-90 Plastik Kit

    very believable,the wing sweep angle might be adgusted to be less swept but still really convincing and definatly looking like it could be a real prototype.
  9. great updates.I'm a huge fan of your WWI to WWII stuff.
  10. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    I love the real story I'm just worried that it will be "Pearl Harbored" and ruined. from a historical point of view I love the real story.Another of my favorites in a similar vein is the movie Glory,loved it.
  11. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    the real story is a great american tale of people overcomming horrible treatment and sacrificing for people who sometimes didn't care about them but to be honest I have no real hope that this will be anything other than another hollywood butcherjob of a great true story.I'll just watch "tuskeegee airman" again and read a few books.
  12. Eastern Front - Lemburg, Hungary

    great upgrade! thank you.
  13. Harder Ground Objects

    thanks and best of luck with the move.
  14. It's your birthday, Mr. Grinch!

    have a great one!
  15. OT -- Cats

    a few years ago the old lady that lived next door was one of those "crazy cat ladies" she had dozens of feral cats that lived in the woods behind her.they would once in a while come to visit but not often as they had to cross a busy street to get to us. After she died they had no one to feed them and they "migrated" to the woods behind my house. I had no problem with it but there was a serious problem in "my woods" there were wild Coyotes in there. It was one of the hardest things for me to hear the cats being chased and in the morning notice thet there were fewer and fewer cats. I had a few of the cats that I had become atactched to and they were tame enough to come up and sleep on the back porch. by then there were only 4-5 left. On night I herd the cats screaming and the unsual running in the woods. I had had it and went running out in my boxers. I had a flashlight and was going towards the woods when "Gimpy" a beautiful long haired cat that got her name because of her limp came running out of the woods towards me with a large coyote chasing her. when I saw her I called out to her and she just stopped and looked at me the coyote lunged at her but for once in my life I was in time and planted my foot into the ribs of the coyote hard anough to send it airborn and i gave chase until I lost it in the woods( it was pretty painfull running through dark woods barefoot) the next day Mr Coyote was seen laying dead near the edge of the woods. A few weeks later someone stopped buy to tell us there were bears in our back yard so sill me I grab my battle ax ( my rifles and ammo were locked up) and went sprinting out to protect my cats.Nothing messes with my babies.Thankfuly (for the bear or me...not sure which) the bears had made it out of site before I got there.Over the following monthes the busy street and the animals had taken all of the cats.it was sad but I did what I could to help them.recently a couple of sweet little kittens were dumped in the woods and decided out of all the houses lining the woods to come crying at my window at 3am. Well I wasn't going to let them get eaten so my "man cave" has become the "cat house' and sometimes they will even let me use my tools out there.I have to say that I have been around cats and dogs all my life and they both have good and bad habbits and depending on what personality you have one may be better for you than the other for you. that said I have seen cats display the same amount of courage and loyalty to humans as any dog. one isn't better than the other they are just usualy suited to different people.
  16. Some Hanriot Hd.1's for late 1918

    very cool stuff. thank you.
  17. Galicia - Eastern Front

    Thank you. I was really itching for something like this to use all the cool Russian aircraft and skins. maybe not geographicaly perfect but I think it's a great addition.
  18. OT -- Cats

    Cat person all the way. losing them is such a hard thing but i always seem to be adopted by some stray cat and sucked back into having a cat or two. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=NW_MNiivpTI
  19. Kim Jong Il is dead

  20. Almost done with my "Fliks"

    I love these skins and your correct we need a dedicated Austro-Italian terrain badly. I may just have to strt an ass kissing tour of all the terrain gurus here and see if we can drum up some support for FE. with Stephen's excellent aircraft and yours and Sinbads skins and my whining maybe we can get a resurgence in interest in the game.This is my dream.
  21. Best Airline advert EVER!

    lol I was just thinking about how great this comercial is.
  22. Saturday Dec. 10th in Bridgewater NJ. The team I play for (New England Knights) will be taking on the North West (Philly) Giants in the B.E.F.F. league championship game. at 41 years old I'm considering retiring after this game.If anyone is bored and in the area come out and support some local amature atheletes.If you can't make it please sent well wishes. Info at www.neknightsonline.com and www.beff10.com
  23. Austrian Fliks Summer 1918

    Excellent skins !!!

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