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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. I'd love to see austro-italian terrain from the ww1 era... I know I know but i can dream ;)barring that maybe something more southern so italy and greece get some cold war action against southern russia/warpac
  2. Weird Glitch in FE1

    I'm glad that you worked it out. I have never seen anything like that on my FE2 or FE1 installs.
  3. OMG

    all I'll say is not guilty..........wow.
  4. Weird Glitch in FE1

    you have me stumped.....
  5. Weird Glitch in FE1

    anyway you can post a screenshot? did you make the model with multible lods?
  6. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    looks great.
  7. looks like the Russo UK-2004 ,thats all I got.
  8. F-20 WIP

    looking real good.
  9. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    your most likely aware of this site but there is some decent info and drawing here http://mars.ark.com/~mdf/N_10.html
  10. I agree but just have to point out no one has an issue with the whole time travel thing but a hornet in 1980 now thats weird. ;)
  11. Syria, Spain, UK, Greece... But what about Israel?

    it's been on my facebook page,as stated things were civil so not alot of media interest.
  12. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    thinking that too. I just wish we had a terrain guru who was willing to make an eastern front and Austro-Italian map.
  13. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    nothing in life is perfect,but with some hard work and research some beautiful and pretty damn accurate stuff can be made.so far all of your works fall into that catagory.
  14. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    thats the problem and the facinatin part of WWI aircraft. so many variations and so many field mods and so little documentation.everytime I look at the Nieuport 10 I find a new "favorite version ;) I'm loving what you have done so far.
  15. OT Football

    I feel like I'm 25 again. just came from football(real ;) ) practice and saw a few new faces ans there were some real atheletes amung them. this is my 15th season (I'm 41) and I havn't been this excited for a season to start in about 5 years. I can't wait. If anyone is interested in following us on the net the team website is WWW.neknights.com
  16. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    oh yes most definatly in a good way! ;)
  17. Nieuports 10 and 12 in progress

    that is just sick! That gun mount is insane too.I will be looking forward to this one.many many thanks.
  18. 76.IAP-Blackbird, love it.
  19. yeah way too much work for one or two people and I'm pretty sure not enough community interest to get a whole "mod team" assembled.
  20. this may sound kinda weird but I'd love to see a sci-fi type campaign.with the "forces of earth" pitted against some nasty alien craft.some hovertanks and some effects to make plasma looking bolts and a few whacky missils and you's be good to go.kinda always liked flying as the underdog and I like to use the modern stuff,this way I could do both.
  21. wow! that is going to be great. Thank you Monty for bringing a great "what if" to us. I always wondered what would have happened if the Allies had stood up to hittler and the crap hit the fan then.
  22. The Albatros C.III is here

    I agree with quack,but also remember to get some rest so burnout dosn't ensue...thanks for the hard work so far....
  23. awesome. I'm looking forward to this. i have moved on to SF2 since this project was started but if it's not convertable to SF2 this terrain looks so good I would make a seperate install of SF1 just to use it.thanks for all the hard work that you have put into this.
  24. The love of mine

    great pics! the P-11 is one of my all time favorites,I always love the underdog.they certainly performed well above what the Nazi's were expecting.

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