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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Belgian Camels

    great work.
  2. maybe a "Polish Fighters" mod will one day grace the SF series....
  3. Tornado F3 Problem

    maybe thats why I can't figure anything out...I'm too stupid to read a damn readme lol. I still have no whitelines after dropping the lod from the Tornado F.3AOP into the standard F3.Odd
  4. none that I'm aware of but I would be happy if they were made.Very interesting aircraft.
  5. Tornado F3 Problem

    look in the out file for the mest the has the error "material not assigned" that should be the mesh.As I said I tried it and got some really wierd effects like giant sidewinders and fuel tanks just floating in space.I'll try again and see if I made any errors.If I can I'll post a screenshot.Thanks for all the help Dels,I hope that you don't think we are unhappy with your work.White line or not it's truly a masterpiece.
  6. Tornado F3 Problem

    Thanks for the info dels.I tried something similar a while back and ended up with giant sidewinders and droptanks just hanging in open space near the plane.I'll try you numbers and see latter.Thanks again. @Snapper21 I'm running SF2 Europe with EP2I'm pretty sure it's updated to your level.Maybe Some differences in grafix cards or settings. I havn't tried but Dels methode I have used many times in FE2 and have had nothing but sucsess so I would assume that this will work for you.
  7. Veltro took the works out of my mouth.
  8. Tornado F3 Problem

    ok I just found this out by accident.If you download the TornasoF3 AOP in the SF1 section and add it to SF2 the issue is not there.Also I used the .lod from the AOP to replace the .lod from the SF2 TornadoF3 and it resolved the issue with no APARENT problems.
  9. damn. I wish you the best rebuilding.I know too well how much a pain in the @ss that can be.
  10. Wingman commands?

    FE2 is an upgrade in so many ways,grafix,AI,FM,ease of modding just to name a few. 99% of the current mods work fine with either no or miner tweeking.Some are pains in the @ss though.There are a few differences in how the game is modded but once you learn the basics it's far easier.Look in the knowlegebase here and the SF2 KB as SF2 is very similar in how it's modded.
  11. ..............

    My prayers are with you and your family.
  12. I think these would be great for mercenary use or by anyone whose formative years were the 80's
  13. great suprise! Thank you.
  14. that might have been pasko,from way way back.Not 100% but I think that was his.
  15. one of my favorites of all times! thank you.
  16. Tornado F3 Problem

    the part in question has no material assigned.In Series one games it's fine but in series 2 games it shows like that.I think editing out the part in question is the only way short of having the 3d model to fix that.
  17. Nieuport 16 - Foxtrot Paint

    another great skin. thank you.
  18. Belgian Nieuport 17bis Skins

    Thank you for all this great stuff.
  19. Very nice,thank you for sharing.
  20. An Interview with LouG

    Thank you for sharing and thank you for your service. Excellent interview!
  21. Pittsburgh 28-Green Bay 35, but...

    I have been playing organized football for about 30 years and those kinds of non calls happen every play and most of those were questionable at best.If they played the game again next week it could go either way but when it counted it was Greenbays day.I'm not a fan of either team but I wanted to see the Packers win for two reasons and both are QB related.Rodgers win kinda takes some of the wind out of Farves sails and the only thing that would give me more pleasure than thinking of Farve sitting at home watching his old team win without him would have been if just as they were anouncing Rodgers as MVP his wife served him divorce papers.The other reason is while I have loads of respect for many Steelers playes and the franchises storied history I just can't cheer for a team lead by such a loathsome person as Ben Roethlesberger.He's someone that if it wasn't for NFL calibur tallent would prob be living in a trailer park on a sexual predator watch list or in jail.
  22. Yak-27R for SF2

    Outstanding! thank you.

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