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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. The confession of a troubled mind

    I am very proud to count you guys as friends.I wish I had half the courage and self awareness you have shown.
  2. Wrench they would have had to hire someone to fly them because everyone knows Penguins can't fly ;)
  3. POTEZ 633 B2 GREC

    looks good,now I'll have to make a dedicated WW2 install again.
  4. MF still rules the virtual skies.Thanks for the WIP shots Sony.They all look great.
  5. New Plains are not working (invisible)

    anytime you need help just ask,we will all try to help if we can.
  6. just one of my dreams

    Thanks for the updates Sinbad,I'll never give up on FE I just get a little depressed when I see something with it's potential being "ignored"The forum here is rather much like a ghost town some days but after a forced 7 month exil due to my computer dieing lack of funds for repairs Santa delivered and I'm back.I hope to start skinning again once I'm back up to speed.I cna't remember if I asked you before but do you have the original Fokker DII I sent you? I lost mine 2 Hard drives ago.If you do anyway you can send it to me?Good luck on the 1 seat Strutter I will be looking forward to it.
  7. Happy birthday ghostrider and whiteknight!

    Thank you guys.happy birthday to you Sandesh.
  8. just one of my dreams

    There is a way to fix the shine with a hex editor but I havn't been able to find my old files,remember the Fokker DII I sent you? I am worried about Jan's method because it looks like he is just changing the stock model lod with a hex editor and that might be problematic for release.He posted some excellent WIP and I hope he continues to finish them.I know what you mean it looks like the real world has taken the few old timers we had.Can't really say I blame them as it looks like the interest has dropped off and if TK decides to drop his planned EP2 then I think FE may be on the way out.It was a good run and I hope it continues.I'll be playing FE2 until FE3 comes out ;) I always liked your DII skins just so much you can do but it is a huge improvement.
  9. New Plains are not working (invisible)

    you can download most WWI aircraft here. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/ you will need to register there and it may take a few days for them to grant you access to the download section.
  10. just one of my dreams

    Borts models are ok as AI planes but they have serious model issues with shadows and shine.the shapes are not right and they seem at least on my rig to be resourse hogs.That said he was nice enought to make them so I guess I shouldn't complain.I guess I'm just bumbed that no new planes have been made in a long time.Sinbad released the kickass Strutter but other tha that it's been kind dead.I know Quack would love to see some Austrian and Italian planes and I for one would join him doing cart wheels if any ever apeare.
  11. just one of my dreams

    I know it's rather bad form to beg but these are pretty important types for any early missions or campaigns.Bort years ago made some but while better than anything I could make they are really out of date and inacurate it many details.Someday I guess. Also so many other type spring to mind a Nieport 10 single and two seat would be another early type that was widely used.
  12. New Plains are not working (invisible)

    It really sounds like missing .lods for the aircraft.maybe you can post a list of the aircraft that are missing?I think that might help track down the problem.Look in the missing aircraft folder and see if there is a .lod file in there.
  13. Alouette III! My all time fav chopper.
  14. Potez 633 B2

    great WIP and lots of interest here.I do not unfortunatly have the info you seek.Hopefuly someone will step up and help.Best wishes.
  15. I for one would like a weapons pack thats easy to use.I'm not in the Airforce so to me 47 training bombs and 38 smoke rockets is really just stuff that gets in my way.I wish there was a way to make tatgets but until then they really just use up space.I would welcome a more streamlined weapons pack.Not that I think that the efforts into the less "useful" weapons was not good it's just stuff that really dosn't ever get used except to "play around"
  16. great update.thank you.
  17. to SF2 level.I simply tried to add it and while it shows and somewhat works the takeoffs are difficult as all plane in a flight are "stacked" on top of each other and when taking off on auto pilot the plane vears off to the side and takes off in the weeds.any help would be very very appreciated.
  18. glad to hear the Indo-Pak mode is not dead.I will be looking forward to it.
  19. PAK FA, POR FIN!

    excellent work.everyone involved should be very proud of this work.I look forward to any future releases.
  20. if it has that many problems it might not be worth me taking the time to fix it.I was really just looking for a simple terrain to fly over and do some Indo-Pak dogfights.not looking to play campaigns.I just hate it when I'm flying for India or China or whatever and in the debriefing screen it says I was shot down over Berlin ;) thanks for the info Wrench.
  21. Add Anything To a Ship

    It never ceases to amaze me what you guys come up with.Thanks for doing all this work.
  22. New Plains are not working (invisible)

    did the campain need aircraft that are downloaded from an exernal site? some aircraft are not allowed to be included in campaigns so you have to go to another site to download the .lod files.There might be a folder for the aircrafdt but without the lods they will not show.
  23. @lindr2 I sent you a PM with my Email.thank you for the kind offer.
  24. Oeffag D.III Ba.53, 153, 253 - WIP

    bumping up for the new year

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