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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. If you had to choose one of these three films..

    I'd go with Trek but then again I'm a geek
  2. Three Years Ago Today

    seems just like yesterday I was reading the original notice of his passing here.We need more like him today.
  3. In hospital at the mo

    I'm so glad things are going well,I will keep you in my prayers.
  4. airliner MOD

    cool,civilian air trafic would be so cool if it could be implemented.
  5. SF2I AAA update

    here is a pic of the S-60 it is originaly from pasko's vehicle and AAA pack(pasko_euro_pak)
  6. excellent wrench. to this day the Scorpions are still one of my favorite mods and this update lets me keep on enjoying them. Thank you.
  7. Yankee

    simply a work of art!
  8. SF2I AAA update

    Wrench if I'm not mistaken there is a true S-60 in one of the AAA packs,not the one based off of the KS-19.
  9. ..._

  10. I for one would love it.All of your stuff gets used in my installs eventualy.
  11. Aero L-29 Delfin

    Monty that would be great news if your able to make time to upgrade the L-29.I really enjoy it and having it in an upgraded form for SF2 would be a real treat,thanks for the original and thank you in advance for any work you might get to on the upgrade.I really hope this dosn't sound like a request but I was wondering if you ever thought about making any more planes for First Eagles?To this day I think the Nieuport 11 is my favorite to fly in.
  12. 3341 we need more. is this on facebook yet?
  13. Lunatic Gunman goes on Rampage

    damn,I hope that those who were injured get better fast and that the victoms families can somehow find peace.
  14. Keep this guy in your thoughts and prayers.

    sending good vibes and well wishes out.
  15. Bristol Scouts available at Skunkworks

    that sure was fast.
  16. excellent!.Thanks to everyone involved.
  17. Space Marines RPG trailer

    Dave kill all you want we'll make more
  18. Space Marines RPG trailer

    great,a game where femmy Space marines get to beat on my beloved orks..... :suicide2:
  19. IYAOYAS & RIP Lt. Finn

  20. Flyable Staakens

    thats looking awesome Sinbad,thank you for all the effort you've put into this.
  21. Happy Independence day, Argentina

  22. Oh hell yes!

    too freakin funny...and too freakin true if they read tha damn thing maybe their brains would have over-rode thier typical knee-jerk response.
  23. Pfalz D.III's of Jasta4

  24. A View On Ilegal Immigration...

    there are corporations here that exploit illegal imigrants but you can not point to one persons wrong doing and use it as an excuse for other bad behaviour.yes punishments need to be enforced against companies that hire illegal workers.The situation in the US is that in some sectors of the economy the labor unions have inflated wagegs so high that they have priced themselves out of jobs. the only way these corporations can survive is to hire cheap labor either here or abroad.Still wrong but that the reason.In other nations where labor is cheap the average "sweat shop" actualy pays more than twice the average local wage so when you shut down these factories your hurting the local economies drasticaly and increasing the need for those workers to "migrate".Taxes in the US are another reason,untill that is addressed corporations will migrate to where it's cheaper to do buisness.None of this is great but there are reasons for these actions.If it is wrong for a corporation to move where they can prosper legaly than it is far worse for a worker to migrate to a place illegaly.The Illegal and the company hiring should BOTH be punished and thats that.No one side is any eviler than the other.demonising buissness and not the worker is just plain wrong.It shouldn't matter is some "peasent" has problems filling out the paperwork thats their issue.The imigration should be set up so that we are allowing the best and brightest posible imigrants in to have an instant impact on our country not just allowing everyother nations problems here to get hand outs.I think that the educated or the ones with skills need to be allowed in first then the uneducated laborers as NEEDED.The US is not the world welfare program.If things are so bad in Mexico that people are fleeing and risking life to leave then instead of critisizing the US for protecting what we have built the world community should be harping at mexico to fix the problems that are causeing them to leave.The United States does more to cloth the poor,help the sick,liberate the oppressed than any other yet we are always the worlds whipping boy.I think that we should cut off aid for one day and see how much the world clammers for our blood sweat and treasure.If we are not allowed to do what is best for our nation then maybe we should stop sacrificing so much for what is best for millions apon millions of the rest of the world.

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