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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. Kim Jong-il dies at age 69

    until you realized that Biden is now president.(shudder)
  2. TU-160 WIP

    thats great news.Veltro if this is as good as your other releases I'm sure this will be top notch.
  3. Skins Not Working?

    I'm pretty sure all of the skins made by Quack for the Dr1 are for the stock TW model.
  4. Skins Not Working?

    just to make sure check that the skins are for the right model.there is a Stock third wire Dr1 and there is the earlier A-team model.if the skins your trying to use are ones put out a while ago they may be for the A-team model.
  5. DH-2's of No.24 Sqdn A-B-C Flights

    ouch,unfortunatly I've been there but it's usualy me doing the spilling.hope it dries ok.
  6. DH-2's of No.24 Sqdn A-B-C Flights

    another most welcome addition.Thanks again.
  7. Im pretty sure the missile launcher is a Lance.Great work.I can't get enough ground objects.
  8. WIP

  9. March 2010 patch

    Peter were there any "setbacks" as far as FMs go?What I mean is were there any changes made that make your job more difficult or render your finished work obsolete?
  10. thats great news,it will be great to have you back
  11. quack, skin request

    very,VERY cool!
  12. WW2 WIPS

    Very nice skin,thanks
  13. Slightly OT: Kawasaki "Hien" in flight

    those are excellent CGI movies,I've had a few on my HD for years.
  14. quack, skin request

    Great job!I think that I will be using the N24/27 alot more now.I hate to add this but the N28 sure could use some skins like that.
  15. We've lost another great artist...

    A very underated actor.he usualy made the rolls he had better.
  16. great to have you back,thanks
  17. Anyone Watching "The Pacific"

    I agree that there are people here too that can't let go of the past but the the clips I saw seemed to indicate that Hanks believed that the war was fought because we were racists rather than we dehumanized the enemy to make it easier to motivate the troops.he also tried to draw a parralel between the war on terror,WW2 and racism.that was not only wrong and ignorant but also just plain politicaly motivated.I love Hanks as an actor and he has done some good charity stuff but while you expect this crud from Sean Penn,I just wonder if because he's a nice guy Hanks gets a pass for being a moron?
  18. 3-23-72

  19. Anyone Watching "The Pacific"

    It looks awesome,my only concern is that Tom Hanks has said some aweful things while out promoting the series.On one hand I want to see(BOB was great)but on the other I'm not sure if I want to suport another ignorant axgrinding hollywood liberal.I'll end up seeing it I'm sure.
  20. PSA

    thats just creepy.I'm so envious...not of your stalker but your ability to keep yourself and your temper in check.This guy should get a job in PR for the goverment or something...they need people with no touch of reality right now.Good luck guys with this one.
  21. Charlie Foxtrot with my pay raise

    sounds like typical goverment BS,with luck you'll be squared away soon.
  22. FM upload - FE1 and FE2

    just try not to think about what might happen when TK releases the first expansion pack for FE2.

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