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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. IAR-38/39

    very nice.
  2. FM upload - FE1 and FE2

    looking forward to the upload.thanks.
  3. sounds great,now I have a reason to go get SF2.
  4. HMS Nelson

    thats looking great.
  5. FM progress

    I don't know if this is the issue your having but there are FMs made for Borts original model DI,DII etc and also Bort made conversions of the stock DV into the earlier models.If you put the conversion FM in the original model folders it leads to all sorts of issues like the whole tail moving.I unfortunaly have made that error in the past.
  6. very nice looking skin,thanks for making it.
  7. I hate to break it to you but mainland Africa hasn't been right in millenia....
  8. FE2 - Later and earlier mission start times?

    I'd offer help but I don't have an answer.Hopefuly someone will be able to answer.
  9. Updated FMs No10a - The Odd Bunch

    I figured it was just me and my bad luck.I own FE2 just have been reluctant to give up on my FE1 install as of yet.I think it's about time I go into FE2 full tilt.
  10. 2010 Oscar Results.

    hey JM i didn't do the math I'm just paroting what i herd the other week on TV ;).
  11. 2010 Oscar Results.

    don't forget though the fact that the money made by Avatar is seriously scewd because people paid almost double for the 3D tickets.If you change the price per ticket sold to the standard rate then Avatar comes in around 40th or so in overallIt had a revinue.It had a average at best story and groundbreaking special effects.It's not Ishtar but it certainly isn't the second comming of Gone with the wind or Casablanca.good entertainment for the younger ADD types but not a serious evenings entertainment.
  12. AI mods to early planes

    happy flying
  13. AI mods to early planes

    Peters download was just updated flightmodels.You have to have the original aircraft for them to work.the A-team site has most of the planes you need but you have to register to download. here is the link. http://cplengineeringllc.com/SFP1/
  14. Updated Gotha's

    that Austrian skin looks great.Thanks,I will be looking forward to your releaseing these.
  15. AI mods to early planes

    could you see the pup before you added this mod?
  16. Updated FMs No10a - The Odd Bunch

    yeah playing around with those guns are loads of fun.there are so many different combos out there to try.I gues I'm just unluck as the first three time I flew I had james on all my guns after 30 to 50 rnds.I'll have to try more and see how things work out.
  17. Updated FMs No10a - The Odd Bunch

    Damn I completely forgot,If you add the guns as gun pods they can't be unjammed,it had been so long it just slipped my mind.that was the reason that we were adding the guns using the "pilot" method.maybe we could hound TK to fix that but I think it was asked a while ago and wasn't done.
  18. Burn Notice

    I would prob like the show more if the guy was a little less femmy and the chick looked better.the stories seemed ok the few times I watched the show.
  19. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    I hate to say this but I would like to have an hour alone with this guy..or any other person who betrays this country.Evil sometimes needs to be disposed of in harsh ways.
  20. Well Well Well.......Lookie Who Got Caught........

    if this scum is not tried as a traitor that will be the biggest travisty of justice since Johny "taliban" Walker Lynd was not executed.yes I wholeheartedly agree he needs to be pumped for everything he knows then quietly disposed of in some backwater millitary base,never to be herd from again.
  21. Updated FMs No10a - The Odd Bunch

    Peter there is a vickers mg in the WW1 "gun pod pack over at Capuns site.it can be added just like the lewis guns so you can add one to the Nie 16 if you want to.
  22. ok I figured I'd start a new topic that way I won't be clogging up everyone elses threads.I spent a little time with the Dr one.I really like how it feels.I havn't really flow it to much before but I do notice a difference.the flat turns are pretty cool.I have trouble doing it consistantly but I think that is more my piloting skill than a FM issue.I had a little trouble keeping my speed up but I think that is probobly realistic with all the drag of three wings and me testing the menuverability.I was dogfighting the 130hp camels (not the newest)FM and the AI Dr1s gave as well as they got.The AI seemed for the most part to cope with the FM ,I didn't notice any floundering about the sky or plumetting to the ground.Climb seemed really good except for me losing speed pretty fast but that may have been me pulling to hard on the stick.I'll do more testing then move onto the Camel.I hope this is of some help.
  23. Vichy H-75 skin

    looking very good.thank you
  24. looking forward to trying these out.thank you
  25. Flight model for Skunkworks Alb D.IIIoef

    great...as usual.Thanks for the updates.

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