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Everything posted by whiteknight06604

  1. very nice,I will be looking forward to that.
  2. Updated FMs No4

    I noticed this just now too.
  3. Terror attack in Pune

    Sending prayers your way, hopefully the people responsible will be destroyed and the survivors of this dasterdly have a speedy recovery.
  4. Updated FMs No3

    a long time ago I used the"ini" method to remove the headrest from the Se5 so it can be done. it's just like removing any other part you just have to go thru the model with a hex editor to find the part name.I did the same with the wing lewis on the Se5 and Brisfit edit- the headrests name in the lod go figure is Headrest lol
  5. It's on in Afghanistan! Say a prayer for our Troops!

    I think that unlike the Soviets we have cut off a lot more of the ways they will try to escape.Rumor has it that the Pakis may actualy be a little helpful on the border and who know if some SF types are there too just to make sure no one is sliping across the border.....rumors hehehe.
  6. Yankee

    thats so freakin beautiful!
  7. It's on in Afghanistan! Say a prayer for our Troops!

    Godspeed guys,stay safe and kick some ass so you can come hom and have a beer.
  8. Quick question to any locksmith/former burglar here...

    I think an old bear trap near the door would help.anyone comming in to a dark room and stepping into it will be easy ti identify....if the trap was bolted to the floor that is.All joking aside it's the worst feeling when you just don't feel secure in your own home.I'd say get the looks changed and if money is available go with your camera idea.Also see about getting one of those fake dog bark devices that you put on your door so if the handle is jiggled it sounds like an angry dog is on the other side.
  9. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    I don't know whats in the media over there maybe your troops have been torturing but as far as anyone knows here other than some wackjob websites noone seriously thinks that the US millitary did any sort of systematic torture.there were some idiots who teased and harrassed some prissoners at Abu Garhab but that was far from torture.+oh wait a US soldier pretended he was gonna shoot a terrorist if he didn't say where an ambush was but thats nothing.the definition of totrure is vague in the extream and the deffinition keeps changing depending on who is doing the defining if the "radical" definition of today was used in WW2 the every allie general and leader would have been a war criminal.UK went in to Iraq with the US and we didn't go in illegaly so how could the UK?
  10. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    most likely to Syria,another POS country.
  11. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    it's a mosh pit of truth.God the UN is the bottom of the barrel.Just about every steriotype you can hurl at lawyers and corporations will stick equally to that festering boil of an organization.
  12. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    I agree to a certain extent but ex presidents here and I assume most world leaders make huge amounts of money in speaking engaments...weather or not they went to war.Bill clinton has made millions heck that washout Carter makes ton of money.And while I do not think any leader should lie there is no moral equivelent. Bush and Blair and Saddam are polar opposits from a moral standpoint.if Blair lied it ended up helping millions while Saddams lies led to death and destructiuon.All Saddam had to do was allow weapons inspectors to do their jobs and everything could have been avoided.France and germany were tell the UN one thing and Saddam another,they told him not to worry they would block the war because niether country wanted the US/world to findout that their corperations were reciving million selling illegal equipment to the Iraqis and thet they were getting billions in kickbacks to keep sillent.If Blair really wanted to rake in the cash he could have just played Saddams game and took the bribes and contracts.
  13. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    he's probobly writing a book or something or thinks if he falls on his sword he;ll be remembered fondly now.either that or the world wide illuminati concpericy got to him too lol.people just want to read so much into this.My bigest suspition is he just wants to put as much distance between him and Bush as he can and hope that history will judge him better.the whole WMD is really a red herring anyway there was about 20 reasons given and because Colin Powell went on TV with his little chart saying Saddam had them and the media took it and ran the whole world thinks thats the whole story.
  14. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    the problem is Bush and Blair DID NOT LIE.because if they did it was a world wide conspiracy that involved the polititions and Intelligence organizations of the USA,Isreal,France,Germany,Russia,Japan,NATO,ITALY,Austrailia,South Korea,Poland etc,etc,etc.A mistake could/was made but a lie involves knowlege and forethought of the truth and that was simply not the case.To many people read internet conspiracy therois.The truth while sad and simple is that everyone thought they had the weapons and at the last minute the UN backed by goverments that were either getting outright kickbacks or were in finacial deals with Iraq backed out of the deal to go in and enforce the 17+ UN resolutions imposed on Iraq.
  15. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    The main problem is that the UN allows this to happen.the UN is a discredited bloated corupt self serving burocracy.anyone who puts faith in that organization needs a reality check.except for some minor peacekeeping or humanitarin missions the bulk of the UN actions and more importantly INACTIONS have been tragic failures.
  16. ethics of war...told you be deep for friday

    Actualy no one lied,the war was about proving WMDs excisted.Sadam expelled weapons inspectors and was telling the world he did have them.The UN decided the if he did not allow inspectors in by a certain date there would be consiquences.that date came and went but at the last moment the UN buckled under pressure from countries that had economic interests in Iraq the US led a coalition of about 30 nations into Iraq to enforce the search for weapons and in the prossess also freed about 25 million people from opression and murder.thousands were being killed by the week and the UN sanctions that had been in effect had not hurt the regiem but was reponsible for 1000's of children and adults dieing from malnutrition and medical neglect a week.there were about 20 reason givin in the charter that needed resolution and the search for WMD was just one of them there was the "oil for food" scandle where the UN and polititions were recieving kickbacks from Iraq in return for looking the other way on oil deals,the scandle was the worst case of coruption in the history of the world money wise.some WMD were used in Iraq against US troops but they were old stocks and the users had no idea they were not normal artillery shells.but technicaly the were there.Also the delay caused by UN coruption allowed Iraq time to move WMD(if they did exist) to Syria.A large number of flights by large aircraft from Iraq to Syria in the lead up to the war has lead some to think that WMD were moved there.Every intelligence organization in the modern world and just about every politition both domestic and foreign thought they excisted so it was a mistake not a lie.if everyone tells you something and and they believe it and you act in order to verify it it's not a lie it's a mistake.Next time you see some hippy whining about the deaths of the US service men in Iraq do what I do,I turn their own "weapons" agaist them.While I personaly put the lives and safty of US service men above all else most anti-war types see all life as the same so I say to them are the millitary lives worth more than anyone elses?They usualy answer in their moraly superier tone NO so then I use cold numbers and say that tens of thousands were dieing a month under Saddam via torture,outright murder and neglect so for the loss of 5000-6000 soildiers hundreds of thousands of others were saved.That is the true legacy that US and other servicemen died to secure a future for millions of people who otherwise would be condemned to death torture and repression.there are also important stratigic reasons for supporting the invasion.one is that it turned into a meatgrinder for the terrorists.yes you can argue that their numbers swelled drasticaly over time the effectiveness deminished drasticaly.Same as WW2 the germans and Japanese had many times more soilders under arms on the days they surrendered than they did on the day they started the war but those troops were ill trained ill equiped and for the most part ineffective.In Iraq the terrorists recruted all over and they went to Irq to fight Americans(and others) and in the prosses died by the thousands.those terrorist were in turn replaced by less well trained ones and so they over time lost most able experienced leaders and fighters.A historical example is what happened to the german and Japanese pilots during WW2 most training was shorteded to allow raw pilots to replace the experienced ones who were killed and in effect speeded their demise.The terrorist that were busy in Iraq getting killed would not have been sitting in a starbucks planing their futres had we not invaded Iraq they would have been plotting and training to attack the west.Another extreamly important side effect of the war is now there is no airforce between Iran and Israel.should the israelis feel the need to destroy Iranian nuclear targets they will be in a much better position now that they do not have to fly over Saddams SAM sites and fighters.Also If we need to strike Iran ourselves we have thousands of troops and airforce assets just minutes away and the attacks can have one more direction to come from.that could mean the difference in an attack between failure or sucsess.Some US soildiers did do things in Iraq but our Idea of torture is having load music playing or having somone sit in a cold room overnight.they had dogs scare them and some idiots put panties on their heads or made fun of some terrorists weenies.While I condemn the actions you can not compair that to the beheadings the burning bodies in the streets and the wholesale murder rape and mutilation done on a daily bassis in the middle east by these "freedom fighters"Also somthing you dont see in those countries is what we do,when we find out of an illegal act by our troops we investigate to a fault we prosicute and if there is guilt we punish.no one is perfect and good guys do bad things but we as a nation and our millitary do not look the otherway and let people get away with it.Sometimes we are to over zelous in our investigations and we hurt our service personel on witch hunts.Navy seals are being acused of punching(Punching!) a mass murderer.Unbelievable!
  17. allies/axis-red/blue,pointless friday question

    Good and bad are confusing but some times a force can have a moral highground so that even though someone is a "freedom fighter" they can still be the bad guys.For examples look up Che Guevara,Hamas,Hezbohla...they are all groups or people that while fighting nominaly for freedom they are evil and use tactics that can only be described as bad.Most have motives that in the long run turn out to be evil..see Cuba,Iran.revolutions there were to "help" the people but in the end just repressed them and in lots of cases worse.
  18. Go See Your Doctor

    thank you for the excellent advice and I wish you the best in your healing and prayers that you don't have to go thru anything like that again. thank you for the excellent advice and I wish you the best in your healing and prayers that you don't have to go thru anything like that again.
  19. GO COLTS!

    Hotness since your now an American football "fan" you may be interested in this. http://www.bafl.org.uk/ If I had known they had "real" football across the pond I'd have moved there years ago.Doctor Who,Girls with english accents and American football all in one country is just a little too much to hope for.
  20. since there seems to be a large concentration of WW1 aircraft enthusiests in these forums I was hoping to pick your brains a bit.I'm looking for a link to a site that has WWI blueprints or three views.I'm specificaly looking for diagrams of the Austrian Albatros DIII 153 and 253 versions.Any help would be greatly apreciated.
  21. looking for 3-view sites

    lol,that would be perfect.thank you and even though I was aware of the other links thank you guys for the help too.
  22. Updated FMs No2

    Thats good news about the N17,it's one of my favorites.I spent some time flying the Se-5 today and enjoyed the FM and sight changes.Thanks
  23. ThirdWire pics at Facebook

    Yeah I noticed them too.Looked really nice,I just feel for poor sinbad working his but off on the Strutter only to have one released.
  24. Wish list (OMG, another one!)

    except for the scout I'm pretty sure thats all thats currently available.I would love to see any German or allied 2-seaters and the DH-5 would be very welcome too.It would be great if someone would release some terrain that could allow the awesome Italian and Austrian aircraft that are out.
  25. Kamchatka Peninsula v 1.0


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