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Everything posted by sgmerlin

  1. A question for the devs of this great mod. Would it be possible to implement hospitalisation for wounds? Just landed a battered crate with pilot health on 8 and I'm thrown straight back in a plane for a mission 3 hours later . I tend to skip a day for each point of health loss, but skippong 51 days is a bit tedious. I understand it is probably not possible, but would be nice. Also if you are captured and escape, for me the 3 times it has happened, I always escape 20 days after capture. Still desperately trying to survive for 17 hours, and having fun.
  2. Wounded Pilot

    I should have mentioned in my original post that I am playing DiD and although I said I landed, I should have said that the plane was a bit of a mess. I was expecting a dead pilot.
  3. I have Outcomes in Workshop set as 'Hard - Dead is Dead'. I was killed in combat, 'pilot is Dead' appeared in top right hand corner of the screen, and I survived, captured and escaped after 20 days. Is this setting likely to be affected by other Workshop settings?
  4. Workshop Settings

    OK, thanks for that Polovski, setting had been recently changed after crashing from 2000 ft and walking away from the wreck. I can't remember if I had exited the game and restarted, but very possible I had not. Retired him anyway, I tend to play DiD is sims, makes me much more cautious.

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