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Everything posted by FalconC45

  1. Seeing more WW2 AND WW1 got me interested in DCS. Although if DCS can be like SF for jets (ie simple commands) then I'll get few jets too. Falcon
  2. theres no article linked. you linked this thread :)
  3. Happy New Year...

  4. Just installed Ravenclaw's F-4EJ pak and I noticed that I had no sound in the cockpit. When I moved left and right I could hear the engines but not the tower guy. Same thing when I went to external view. I suspect my newly updated AVAST anti-virus software. It worked before without interfering SF2 before the new update. Tried the gaming mode and tried disabling it completely; it didn't work. Uninstalling it might work but don't know for sure. Any suggestions? Falcon
  5. My speaker configuration somehow got changed. All is good now thanks again Fubar.
  6. Which TW F-4's do I need to replace? Don't wanna to mess up here. Falcon
  7. Mikhail Kalashnikov Dies at 94

    RIP Falcon
  8. Post random things thread

  9. No,No, NO...this cannot be real surely?

    one commenter really thought it was real LOL. Falcon
  10. Update of my Situation

    I'm scheduled to do the operation on January 8th. Keep me in your thoughts guys. Falcon
  11. Update of my Situation

    Thanks guys for the kind words. I really appreciate it. The new HDR mod will be in back burner until I'm healed from this. This will be my 3rd time being under and with my disability I might be staying over night despite the operation being out patient. Oh KillerBee to let you know I still have your weapon pak installed combined with Ravenclaws weapons ;). Your pak is that awesome ;). Falcon
  12. Update of my Situation

    Yeah no kidding LOL. Falcon
  13. Before I tell you the heads up, let me tell you about me first. I'm 44 and disabled. I am in a wheelchair and living with my mother and I have aide assistance. Ok that's done, here's the heads up. This is the most important post I’ve ever written in my life. For awhile now, my mother and I noticed that my right testicle was swollen. The testicle stayed swollen until I asked my doctor during my regular checkup about it. After an ultrasound and a visit to an urologist yesterday, I might have to get an operation to remove my right testicle. The urologist said it might not be testicular cancer because he didn’t see any tumor in the ultrasound. But he said to be sure we have to remove it. Right now I’m on a real strong antibiotic to see if the swelling goes down. He said the antibiotic will probably not get the swelling down. If the swelling doesn’t go down, I’ll do the operation. I’m not worried though. Just to tell you the heads up for you all. Erik "Falcon" Glascoe
  14. December 7th, 1941

  15. An important heads up for my CA friends.

    SE, I don't know the down time after the operation but the urologist said that they do it on my bikini line. So, I might be bed ridden for awhile. Sucks too because my bedroom tv isn't a smart hdtv just a regular 480p flat screen LOL. I lost my dvd player remote somewhere. Falcon
  16. An important heads up for my CA friends.

    Thanks guys. My mother is a wreck though. She recently survived breast cancer. I'm trying to make her think positive. Falcon
  17. VFAT - 2013 6-8 dec live link

    The VAT Berkuts & Ukrainian Falcon team combo was slick.... Falcon
  18. Beach, That was AWESOME! You should do more IMHO. As for the mic volume, you sounded like a real pilot ;). Falcon
  19. Happy Thanksgiving.............

    Happy Thanksgiving Buddy. Don't get too stuffed ;) Falcon Same to you Wrench :) Falcon
  20. OK, I'll d/l and play with the SweetFX software this week. I'm kinda excited, I haven't really touched SF2 at all this year. Falcon
  21. Sweet! I always wondered if there was something for dx10 like ENBseries did for dx9 (IE my 2 HDR Mods I did before TK turned on the dx10 shader code). So guys do you want to see a DX10 HDR mod from me? :) Falcon
  22. For your question about low drops. For MK82s stay above 500 feet, for 1,000 pounders, stay above 1,000 feet. As for fragging your self, yep it does happen in the sim. Falcon

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