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Everything posted by FalconC45

  1. My HDR mods was for SF2 before TK turned on the DX10 shaders. You should find my mods in SF2 download section. Falcon
  2. Pacific Rim Trailer hot off the presses! HHHHHHNNNNNGGG!

    About the F22 being destroyed. Its a tradition in a Kaiju movie. Hell in Godzilla's recent movies, around 90's, I've seen him waste full squadron of SU-33's and F-15E's (which dropped full salvo of LGB's on him) with his atomic oral ray. Next 2 years Kaiju fans like myself will be VERY happy starting with Pacific Rim in '13 and in '14.......GODZILLA! by Legendary Studios. Falcon
  3. Call of Duty: Black Ops II

    Is this for SP or MP? Falcon
  4. Hey guys, I really love the night fighter version of the Tigercat. Will there be more variants of this beautiful plane coming out? Falcon
  5. Happy Thankgiving

    Happy Thanksgiving to my CA Friends :) Falcon
  6. Is there a document explaining all of the settings? Haven't look at the SweetFX site yet. Falcon
  7. eyebrows shall be raised

    LOL OK I've seen everything now Falcon
  8. Hmm. I better look into this. I always wished the creator of the enbseries would do one for DX10. I'll d/l this and learn this. You guys might see another HDR Mod from me ;) Falcon
  9. For Remembrance Day...

  10. Rare Korean war photos . . .

    Yea. I visit the Mig everytime I go there since I live near the museum :) I saw a typo, I misspelled the Ace's name. Its McConnel. Falcon
  11. Rare Korean war photos . . .

    Noticed the pics of the Ace McDonnel? and the defected mig? Falcon
  12. It seems I can't fly single missions on the "light" air activity. "Light" is my pace for ACM. Flying on "normal" air activity is too much for me and for my disability. Is there a way to fix this? Falcon
  13. So far its working. Even though I didn't see my "primary target", my F4U flight engaged few MiG-15A's. Think you fixed my problem with "Light" air activity YAY! Now I can install the optional stuff in the korea terrain starting the optional groundobject folder and Stary's terrain enhanced tiles. Falcon
  14. Rgr, will post results later today. Falcon
  15. Well, except for La-11, all NK Bad Guys aircraft have VERY_COMMON in Availability lines except in export availability lines. Falcon
  16. I'll try that next. Thanks Wrench for helping. Really appreciate it. Falcon
  17. OK, I installed the KAW aircraft & terrain in my regular SF2 merged install. I am having same problem with enemy aircraft not appearing in light air activity in the Korea terrain. Now the enemy does appear when using the stock TW Desert terrain in light air activity. Strange. SIGH, looks like I can't enjoy the Korea conflict if I can't play it my preferred way. Falcon
  18. In cap and fighter sweep. In light air activity there is no enemy. This is my first separate install of a SF2 mod. I have never experienced this in my regular merged SF2 install. If I need to use the mission editor to do a relaxing quick hop, that's too much work and take up limited time I guess I'll delete the separate install & just install the KAW aircraft and the terrain. Falcon
  19. They're showing up in "normal" air activity mode but they aren't showing up in "light" air activity mode. Falcon
  20. Huge Freakin Storm!

    Well, Ohio is so far ok around my area. Bit cold & windy out so far, it rained during late hours but very light in my area. Falcon
  21. Bravery at it's finest!

  22. I created a separate install of KAW (Yay me, first time of doing it) and d/led all of the KAW aircraft so far in the download section. But I did a quick CAP sortie in the Panther in the date 1950. No enemy targets were around. Do I need to d/l some placeholders for 1950's North Korea Air Force? Falcon
  23. This is getting me very frustrated. Re installed everything, changed the dates and even put in a customize nations.ini in the Flight folder. Still no enemy planes and now I got a new friggin probem. I now got a single date in the single mission date drop menu - 1955. I'm about to slam my flight stick into my monitor here. HELP! Falcon

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