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Everything posted by FalconC45

  1. Found my problem. Need to re install the KAW mod. Thanks for being patient with me. Falcon
  2. Just installed the C7 aircraft and the fake pilot is showing in the middle of the aircraft. I may miss a step of installing it. I got a folder named "Pilot (misc stores) in the Objects folder. Where do I put that folder? Falcon PS. The readme only had credits - that's it.
  3. I'll check to make sure but I do see the correct years for the Korea War in the single mission year drop menu. Falcon
  4. Thought the TMF C7 was for the SF1 series? Falcon
  5. 29 Years ago today

  6. I grabbed the NK MiG-15Bis. But didn't see the La-11 and the Yak-9. I'll look in the SF2 Prop secton after I post this. I did a CAP in '54 and no migs appeared. Falcon
  7. Yep that worked. What is the other pilot folder for anyway? Falcon
  8. The fake pilot folder is in there. But I notice there was 2 pilots folders in my sf2 directory. One in the main mod directory and in the objects folder. Falcon
  9. The fix didn't work. I tried to move the stuff inside the folder to the pilots folder. That didn't work. Any suggestions? Below is my problem. Falcon
  10. Thanks Wrench, appreciate the help. Falcon
  11. Star Citizen/Squadron 42 a new Chris Roberts game.

    The enemy ships look like the Kilrathi Drathi class... Does this mean we'll see another Terran/Kilrathi war?
  12. I will too but dunno when. Falcon
  13. Okay, Me And The Baby

    Awesome :) Falcon
  14. Nvidia 306.97 WHQL Drivers Released

    So 8800GTX users won't need to d/l these new drivers? Falcon
  15. Frugals World is BACK!

    Yea, ole sparko (where is he anyway?) invited me there when they had asian babe thread when C5 had the ABF. I tried to find that thread but couldn't. Falcon
  16. First Concert in a decade

    On Friday, I went to my first concert since last decade. I saw an Symphonic Metal band from Finland called Nightwish with another metal band opening called Kamelot. They were playing at the Newport Music Hall at Columbus Ohio. The concert was my birthday gift from my mother. She got me access to an greet n meet with Nightwish. I was pretty excited about it because they were one of my favorite bands. We were in the line for like few hours when the line started to move. When we got in the music hall, my mother noticed there was steps to the greet n meet. My mind was like "F&ck me to tears" because I was in my electric chair. But one of the managers said the band will come down to greet me. I WAS EXCITED BEYOND BELIEF! And the manager said to get a shirt for free (I already bought one but hey I don't mind of getting another shirt for free hehehe). After a hour of waiting, I saw the band coming down the stairs, I immediately saw Anette who was the lead singer (who replaced the original female lead Tarja in 06) and like a geek, I waved at her excitedly and she waved back! She shook my hand and talked to me for a bit and my mother asked her if they can take a picture with me. Anette said sure and below is the picture! The concert was awesome. The opening act was cool, in fact I am gonna get their new cd in October. They hook me in :). The Nightwish concert WAS AWESOME! Anette was incredible in singing of the older stuff. At first I was doubtful because Tarja was a trained opera singer. You can tell too if you listened to their older stuff. Anette did an awesome version of Nemo and the band did an unplugged version of one of my favorite songs called The Islander. OH! Anette waved me again not once but twice during the concert. I was in the front near one of the speakers and she saw me enjoying the concert and waved at me :). I will not forget this experience. Falcon
  17. First Concert in a decade

    I like some of their stuff. But as a whole they didn't grab me musically. Falcon
  18. First Concert in a decade

    Floor is the new lead Falcon
  19. Reminds me of a Wingman book where Hunter was in an alternate world that WW2 was longer and the Allies were loosing badly... Falcon
  20. First Concert in a decade

  21. What about doing few DACTs with prop jobs? Like S-199 Vs Vampire etc? Falcon
  22. Freakin' Hilraious!

    The song is ok but I like the eye candy form of the female kind ;) Falcon
  23. Welcome To My New Grandson

    Congrats my friend! Hope you spoil the kid alot ;) Falcon
  24. First Concert in a decade

    He was alright. I heard Rob's vocals when researching Kamelot, I liked Rob's style better than the new guy. I hope I got the original lead name right. Bought Kamelot's last cd with him there. Falcon

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