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Everything posted by FalconC45

  1. To confirm, I need to put the ini file in the flight folder correct? Falcon
  2. Ah I found it. So, I need to tweak all 4 detail meshs? Or the detail setting I have on in game? Falcon
  3. I could find the terrain mesh on piecemeals desert3 1.2 terrain but couldn't find the detailmesh. I doubled the areas in the terrain mesh you showed me and it seems to gave me a slight FPS boost. Falcon PS. I am gonna d/l TW's new CAT tool and see if I can tweak the stock desert terrain.
  4. Look At The Tits On This

    Here let me help... Better now? good. Falcon
  5. Will you guys put the fictional F-19 as anti AWACS role like in the book? Falcon
  6. Just tried a CAP and encountered few 23's but had no kills, second flight killed them all (mumbles) but when I watched the autopilot land, the Tomcat sank into the carrier deck and boom! %$#@!! Any of you got killed in landing & sinking into the carrier deck manually? Falcon
  7. IL2 Cliffs of Dover status ?

    Reminds me of Aces High MMOG but better looking than Aces High (www.hitechcreations.com) Falcon
  8. I Like CombatAce Because....

    Lovely. Falcon
  9. I Like CombatAce Because....

    ...It keeps Eels away from my hovercraft and puts lasers on my friggin sharks. Falcon
  10. Just Heard

    Holy sh!t! 48 is young :(. Falcon
  11. Red Tails

    I saw it and I thought it was ok. Only real gripe about the realism *for me* was the Survivability of a P-51 during the 262 scene. The rest I overlooked. Although the beginning was cool, seeing pilot's POV in a 109. Falcon
  12. Back Home

    I'm back! Great to be back home although I had a best experience in this other Respite Care home. I'm going back there in late February. As soon I was home I watched a DVR recorded episode of "Greatest Tank Battles" on the Military Channel. It's like Dogfights except with tanks. Falcon
  13. Combat Face ?

    Working on HDR mod - Pee version... Falcon
  14. Don't know about that, when TK put TWS in the 15, we couldn't fire sparrows from that radar mode. I hope that NA will fix that capability. And oh I second Squid's request; a play back recorder. Falcon
  15. Respite Care again

    I'm going to Respite Care for awhile since my mother is going to Altana. I'll have my laptop with me so I'll drop by (mainly to see if SF2:NA is released LOL). This time I'm more prepared. TTYL Gang. Falcon
  16. Respite Care again

    First day is going well. I think the stay here will go fast if this is a omen. Haven't checked the SF2 Forum yet but is SF2:NA released yet? LOL. Falcon
  17. Two days ago I downloaded Ravenclaw's awesome weapon pack (didn't get the updated version yet) and I have a question about the AIM-9L's warhead. I engaged a MiG-23 which absorbed multiple hits from me and my flight using the Sidewinder. My fourth and final missile killed the MiG from a dead 6 shot. Is this correct warhead for the 9L or is the 23 variant I engaged over armored? Falcon
  18. Ahhh OK. So its a game issue. Thx! Falcon
  19. Combat Ace Milestone

    Friggin Awesome! Falcon
  20. RED TAILS looks awesome! for me to poop on

    There was a Japanese-American group that fought in Cassino. Heavy loses, think they received an award for their actions. Don't know any women who fought though. Falcon
  21. When your whole flight is within visual range of the target; about 5 nautical miles to 3 nautical miles out. Use the visual locking command and tell your wingie or your second flight to attack. Once your AI destroyed your selected target, they will continue to ground pound from my experience. Falcon
  22. Recently I saw new HiRes skins for USAF AAM's and I was wondering if those will be released soon? Falcon

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