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Everything posted by paulopanz

  1. Happy Birthday, paulopanz

    Thank You all Guys, I'm getting old & old but when I play with our roaring toys I'm young again . Very, very young. So long live CA (and all of us, my friends, of course). Paul
  2. Well done, good idea. Then share the new FM (data.ini), please! Paul PS: You can also add shadows in RafaleB.ini: they works fine.
  3. Yes, I think so. Enrico is fixing the Fiddler now ... F-3's original 3d maker (Bobrock?) should fix this beauty,too. I hope so. Paul
  4. A true beauty. But not shadows showings (same double sided textures issue?). If You need I'm here for testings (NVIDIA 275 Ultra + XP). Paul
  5. Libia

    Gheddafi e l'Italia sono legati da oltre 30 anni ed i reciproci, massicci interessi, sono così avviluppati da poter difficilmente essere recisi. Per i più giovani rammento l'ingresso in FIAT da salvatore della patria quando durante la crisi nera degli anni '70 tutti i capitali lasciavano l'italia sull'orlo del baratro ed il conseguente affair dei G-222 e delle loro turbine made in USA, sostituite alla fine con (migliori) motori britannici. A quell'epoca il nostro era il più canaglia delle canaglie e sovvenzionava apertamente il terrorismo palestinese e non solo. Faceva shopping in URSS di Mig, Sukhoi e Tupolev che gli venivano spediti contrassegno: attraversavano impunemente tutto il nostro spazio aereo calcolando i tempi di reazione delle nostre difese, spernacchiandole. Ricordatevi a tal proposito di Ustica e del Mig-23 sulla Sila .... Eppure pecunia non olet (i soldi non puzzano) dicevano i latini. Abbiamo fatto buoni affari. Sarkò (l'amico di Moubarak e Ben Alì) lo sa bene e vorrebbe subentrare, avendo perso i propri personali referenti. Obbama non l'ho capito, ma forse non c'è niente da capire. Spero solo che questo giochino finisca presto. Poi, tiriamo le somme.
  6. Libia

    Secondo me o Gheddafi riesce a chiudere la partita in fretta o dovrà trattare. Quando si sarà fermata la polvere - forse - potremo capire quello che c'è davvero sotto. Per noi - sicuramemte - non ne deriverà in nessun caso nulla di buono. Abbiamo solo da perdere.
  7. Good idea. I like the skin. About EAF Mig-21R I & Spillone104 don't include an EAF Mig-21R in our mod (an 'S' type updated) because it had a proper camera instal, so different from basic one .... a fakepilot add should be needed. Paul
  8. No fly Zone over Libya...

    I don't think that Gheddafi, Moubarak or someone else were the true problem ... and the bombs aren't the right solution. I truly hope that was food (and paper economy speculations on it) that moved arab people and not Osama bros. The world during cold war era was simpler, there were some F-14 and the enemy was in front of us with his lovely Migs and Sukhoi to shoot down ...
  9. Buc, Buc .... can't wait! So beautiful .... arf!
  10. This a very great new! Maybe a BAF one is incoming, too? Can't wait. Paul
  11. The .lod is different .... I don't understand well what changed .... now a new version? Too much vautours?!?
  12. Beta tester cercasi

    Presente. (SF-2 merged + S1 + S2 ultima patch - Windows XP - NVIDIA 275)
  13. Very good work Ettore! Any hope for a SF-2 conversion? I tried by myself but coopilot is blank white .... .... Paul
  14. Articolo sul Breda 88 by me

    ... Per proseguire nella serie di italiche 'chicche' ci sarebbe il Cant Z-501 Gabbiano, che i nostri piloti, compreso lo zio di mia madre, chiamavano durante la guerra affettuosamente 'mammaiuto'. Unica possibilità di salvezza di fronte al nemico: l'ammaraggio.
  15. I'm not a 3D artist (only a learning painter) but the new patch knocked down ALL Enrico's F-101 & G-91Y .... (and other beautiful planes like Yak-28 serie for example) .... and I'm very sad about this.
  16. My wishes are for better terrains, a Mig-25 and a patch for double sided textures shadows fix. But I was wondering about Tw forum. It's closed from several days now and facebook/twitter pages are not longer updated ... Well, I think that or they go all for holydays or they have some surprise incoming. (I hope the second, of course ) Paul
  17. Ok Kevin I will make a SU-15F skinpack. I use awesome Marcfighters, Major Lee & original Skins (cut & paste + some new paints ....) Some Silver Red/Blue Skins Revamping (under paint redone) Red Falcons Acro Team More to come.
  18. ..... maybe they could be little edited and upgraded.
  19. I have got it (in an old back-up DVD) and installed, too in SF-2, togheter with a metal light 10 skin, that I presumed is downloaded also from mojor lee site. If some of the mighty administrators of this site allow me I could upload a skin pack for the Flagon! one of my (many) favorite planes! Paul
  20. Wov! Can't wait for the whole collection! Paul
  21. Like this? Oh yeah! This one! wunderbar (or something like this)!
  22. Fantastic WIP! :clapping: ... but where's that old German orange one I was sure to see around here, Carlo? Bye. Paul
  23. File Name: RAF '70 A-TEAM Buc S.2b Skinpack File Submitter: paulopanz File Submitted: 21 February 2011 File Category: SF2 Series Add On Skins A-TEAM SF-2 RAF Buc repaint You need the A-TEAM 'BuccaneerS2B' model (an alphasim SF-2 porting) at ther site, to use this skinpack. All credits for the plane are for A-TEAM. I updated and reworked their skinpack and original SFX skin, too. The RAF '70 line UP is here with: 12, 15, 16, 208, 216, 237 Squadrons. Serial numbers (76) are historic but not divided by each squadron, because the planes very otfen change unit, so I put them togheter, deleting those belonged to RN only. I'll wait for Volker's Buc better flyng these. I hope You too. Enjoy. Paulopanz Click here to download this file
  24. Sure. They made both version (SF-1 & 2). There are S.2b & D types and a skinpack ported from FS, where is the skin I edited. Here a small fix for 16 Sq skin made with X-RAY 's help. Thanks Max! 16FIX.rar

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