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Everything posted by axelthorpe

  1. But is it possible to merge at all? I don't get an option. I just got the '46 DVD today and tried installing, but the only option is to make a separate install. With PF i got the merge-option at the install menu. The reason to merge is to keep all skins, missions and all the changes to controls and graphics. Thanks /Axl
  2. Hi This is actually 2 questions in 1 The reason for my question is my recent download of the beautiful (the model not the plane ;) ) EE Lightning F.6 by russouk2004, and noticing that it is much better at pulling negative than positive Gs. It's almost impossible to make a loop, but it's pretty easy making a inverted loop, even upwards starting upside down I know it's only beta, so my first question, mostly to russouk2004, is; are there any easy fixes to this "problem"? My second question is; are there any tutorials on how to "remodel"/edit the FM for SFP1/WoV? Then again, there's always the possibility that this is just a bug on my machine... Btw, I use SFP1, with the latest patch /Axl
  3. Exactly, it's almost impossible to pass the "vertical axle" that way Have you tried an inverted loop too? Starting upside down you'll do just fine, thats why I thought some part of the FM were inverted in some way I'll ask them btw, thanks /Axl

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