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Jack Morris

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Everything posted by Jack Morris

  1. OOOH, thats a bit glitchy, I had that problem before, saved my custom files and reinstalled it, did the trick, Jack
  2. I wouldn't worry about it, the b-24 has a b-17 panel anyway, where can I find this mod (What is it called), Jack
  3. Hi all I'm a Newbie

    Hello, Allow me to introduce myself, My name is Jack Morris I am 13 and I have been flying various flight sims for over 10 years (Thats right, since I was 3!). I have just purchased Wings over Vietnam (Running it on vista). I like it because of its versatality and extreme realism. With a bit of luck you should be seeing a few repaints from me, Nice to meet you all, Jack
  4. B-17

    Thank you, Jack
  5. Depends on the campaign and if the creater decided to put them in, Jack
  6. If you want to stop that from happening then turn shadows off, if you can bear to live without them , Jack
  7. Hi all, I have been browsing the downloads but I cannot find Vietnam era Huey campaign, Is there one? I'm looking for one where you drop troops off in LZ's, attack ground targets and pick up the wounded etc, Thanks, Jack
  8. Wow, This has really given me some great ideas. I am used to the concept of mission building from CFS2. Thank you all for replying so quickly, what a great community, Jack

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