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Pappa Goat

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Everything posted by Pappa Goat

  1. hmm, but the ground war mod already has this target type that works competely fine: [TargetType106] Name=Arty FullName=Artillery TargetType=WAREHOUSE ActiveYear=0 TargetValue=250 UseGroundObject=TRUE GroundObjectType=D-20_E RepairRate=0.555 StartDetectChance=50 StartIdentifiedChance=10 IncreaseDetectChanceKey=10 MaxVisibleDist=4000.0 DestroyedEffect=VehicleFireEffect SecondaryEffect=AmmoDumpExplosion SecondaryChance=50 Yeh the unit is in my ground object folder and works perfectly fine in scripted single missions.
  2. Just Quickly, It includes a new weapon in the gundata (smokegrenade) to create a smoke grenade as a weapon. Bullet.ini data to create the smoke grenade effects set. New smoke effect for a smoke grenade as the existing smoke didn't seem to want to co-operate. (For the mission I made it is purple. Its a mixture of the 'SmokeDispenser' effect and the PurpleWP effect as the purple effect didn't seem to want to work in this case on its own). To effectively have it deployed as a weapon I tried arming a 'RTO' with it, but getting him to consistently throw it which would have to be towards an enemy even though it falls short, was too tricky to work all the time. So I created two new ground units armed with the smoke grenade. Why two, so that the target and targeting for the use of the smoke grenade occurs reliably between the two in any situation. Both can only see or be seen and have a range of 10 meters, so do not interfere with any other units or are not interfered with. Place them where you want the smoke, facing each other 5 meters apart, set the time delay for when you want the smoke, and they in effect appear, see each other, and one pops smoke which them destroys both of them. At present the modified unit is the VietCong1 figure (which comes up with no skin for some reason), but ideally something smaller and less obvious should be used, or even if it's possible, no actual figure appears at all, the entity is invisible in the game, but I haven't played around enough yet. Room for improvements (feel free to try): -Modify units used to be non-entities with no physical form in game, or to be a small green cibe or black grenade looking shape. -Modify purple smoke effect to remove WP explosion and just have the purple smoke cloud as one would from a M18. (I tried but no success yet) I'll be posting the first mission I made soon, which involves flying Sandy slow air cover on a extraction for a LRRP team that got bumped in the Ia Drang, co-ordinated by a FAC with fast air on call for if things get hot. Outside of the current ground war mod only the UH-1B is required, unless one wants HOG or Cobra support (but I'm having trouble editing the UH-1H HOG to fly properly under AI (got it to work, then screwed it up again)) PopSmoke.rar
  3. If anyone's interested I've developed a basic way for ground units to pop smoke but it only really works for scripted single missions.
  4. It's just for the custom formations. I removed the data and there was no more problem. The missions still work without it.
  5. I'm flying his posted missions ontop of the mod after changing the terrain. All the necessary weapons are already there it seems. The lodouts are custom named to be mission specific. The formations, from the original's he has posted, did something strange though outside of the single missions, meaning I had no control over my wingmen and my wingman was flying inside of me (that's not meant to sound provocative). I've tried placing a few Vietnamese, such as plowing with the water buffalo in some of the villages to add a bit of life. 'Guns' have to be updated to incorporate some of the ship weapon systems.
  6. Is there any way to separate the 'attack' loadouts for aircraft to differentiate between CAS and armed recon for campaigns and generated single missions? I ask as CBU's are appropriate for armed recon but perhaps not CAS. Presently they are not preferably used for CAS due to the risk of unexploded bomblets being scattered into ground troops AO. I can only assume this would have applied in Vietnam as well, especially considering the far higher failure rate of bomblets to go off through design or getting hung up on all the vegetation in the canopy. I know they were used along the trail a lot though. - rockets, Snake 'n' Nape? but perhaps those more thoroughly versed on the details 'down to the button' of this history could say?
  7. This is amazing, even for a beta its fantastic. Everything from the enhanced flak to the better ground targets, no more cruising at 3000 to bomb another airfield. It makes the game worth playing, like a totally new sim. Question? Is there any way to edit the timing of when ground units deploy on the move during a FAC? Noticed Probs: I can't get the F-105D Late to work. It loads but is not responsive to controls, just sits there on the runway, looks really nice though.... I guess the bear doesn't want to go up north. It could be to do with my install too though, so unless other people have the prob, don't worry. All ground units work as far as I can tell so far (some work almost too well- shredded wings by green hornets :> ) apart from the VC Squad for which I used part of my old codes for that and they're fine. Not sure why or how, I'll dig into it when I have time. I couldn't get the rockets, RPG or LAW to fire in my old tweaked .ini's though, so no RPG's. As with the old ground war mod, some of the ground target areas load the enemy facing away from the advancing US forces. All the DMZ areas, and 'West of Da Nang', and despite the 'no yaw limit' they can only turn about 90 degrees and cannot face into the firefight to return fire. Thoughts: There are a few things I have an interest in looking into for myself, and if you liked them , or anyone else wanted to work on them perhaps they could be rolled into future versions: 1. The optional ground objects, mortars ans such... can't they be placed on the map as static objects similar to how the Russian artillery is placed on the hillside in the DMZ with the first ground war mod? That was they will be placed in specific areas, such as Fire Support Bases and wont be used in generated single missions? 2. Mod fire-base tiles to represent: a) large bases such as Khe Sanh (airstrip with fire-base attached) b) fire (support) bases with 105's as static objects. b) patrol bases (with mortars) b) special forces camps. Tiles for the various terrain areas could be modded with objects then placed as a target area and put on specific locations on the map? 3. In all the US squads the LAW 66 could be replaced with M79s, the 66's were single shot. 4. comrpnt has a bunch of great historically accurate scripted single missions that involve interdiction along the trail or CAS. He has extra objects placed in target areas to make mock villages and VC areas that would work great with additional units from the ground war if he'd be interested in doing them. That and the continuity in all the single missions that follow several months with one squadron, and that FAC's are scripted in to mark targets with smoke makes his single missions very interesting. 5. Scrappers Tet '68 campaign could be included, or adapted?
  8. File Name: VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9 File Submitter: Pappa Goat File Submitted: 22 Nov 2009 File Category: Tilesets Here is my repaint of the fantastic work by Stary, Brian32 and Bananimal. I've repainted the tiles drawn from satellite imagery to compensate for all the things that can effect such imagery, climate, time of day/ year, that all effect how the ground looks from space and also how the camera reads the light. The work was all done off existing stuff put out there. I use photoshop a lot for my photography and currently live in S. E. Asia, having said that it took nine major goes of tweaking to get satisfied with it, and there's always room for improvement. Here are some of the changes I have made: - Restored tiles to compensate for atmospherics that dull down the tones and contrast as well as give everything a blue hue. - Mildly altered colour balances and channels to enhance natural colours. - Altered the colours of individual vegetation in the superb GreenHell2 mod to better reflect their true appearance and give a lot more vegetation variation in game. - Altered the colour of rivers from green, to the more common tea brown one sees in this part of the world. The water is that colour due to that red dirt. Instillation: You already have to have the following: VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0 by Brain32 Green Hell 2 by Stary Rescaled Green Hell 2 Trees by Bananimal After that just drop my repainted tiles into you VietnamSEA folder. I've included an alternate version of the GreenHell 2 trees that do not have such enhanced variation in case people do not like mine, or if it eats up the CPU. Likewise on request it included the revamped airbase tiles from the SF2 project... simplez! Click here to download this file
  9. I've been working a lot on repainting the VietnamSEA tile-sets I have been using. I have Brian32's excellent tile sets drawn from satellite imagery and have been working on them to compensate for the things that effect such imagery, time of day, atmospherics, weather , time of year etc... I use photoshop a lot for my photography and currently live in S. E. Asia, having said that there's always room for improvement. These screen shots are from Mk.6 of my repaint. Here are some of the changes I have made: - Restored tiles to compensate for atmospherics that dull down the tones and contrast as well as give everything a blue hue. - Altered colour balances and channels to make the terrain better reflect that which I see around me. - Altered the colours of individual vegetation in the superb GreenHell2 mod to better reflect their true appearance and give a lot more vegetation variation in game. This has a huge impact on the look of things, just look at the jungle. - Altered the colour of rivers from green, to the more common tea brown one sees in this part of the world. The water is that colour due to that red dirt. I think the jungle is superb, having said that I'm still not completely pleased with the rural agrigultural areas, they seem far too dark, but this is also due to the areas in the tiles. The countryside around here is often like that, but then you get these huge areas of elephant grass or stretches of rice paddies which are this bright lime green, which aren't really reflected in any of the tile. I will post more screenshots as I come up with them, I hope you like...
  10. ELH, The Green Hell repaint update has large and small trees as requested.
  11. View File UPDATE Green Hell repaint Mk.9a This is an update for my repaint of the redone VietnamSEA tiles and the GreenHelll addon. Thus the previous update is required: VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9 In the original I offered a repaint of the rescaled Green Hell trees, as well as 'enhanced originals' I bodged together, that were basically the original trees pushed about a stop (thats photographic speak for made brighter), but the colours didn't blend with the terrain- ugly.<h2 class="maintitle"></h2>In this update you have four tree types to choose from (don't get too excited they're not all that different). Upon request I reworked the original larger Green Hell trees for both the 'originals' and the 'repaints'. Includes: Large Trees/ Repaint: **Recommended** reworked repaint that gives a more accurate variation in the colour of the vegetation (primarily to the grass and palm trees) with terrain blending also kept in mind. Large Trees/Original: overall colours and curves altered to make vegetation blend with my repainted terrain. No alterations to individual vegetation. Rescaled Trees/Repaint: Same as above with rescaled trees. Rescaled Trees/Original: As above. Changes: - Upon request, addon now included altered version of the original Green Hell trees as well as the smaller rescaled ones for your preference. - Originals re-done with same alterations used on my tiles. - Repainted trees better balanced out for more realism once placed on terrain, whilst maintain their independently realistic colours. Submitter Pappa Goat Submitted 11/25/2009 Category Tilesets  
  12. Is there a part one being uploaded?
  13. UPDATE Green Hell repaint Mk.9a



    This is an update for my repaint of the redone VietnamSEA tiles and the GreenHelll addon. Thus the previous update is required: VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9 In the original I offered a repaint of the rescaled Green Hell trees, as well as 'enhanced originals' I bodged together, that were basically the original trees pushed about a stop (thats photographic speak for made brighter), but the colours didn't blend with the terrain- ugly.<h2 class="maintitle"></h2>In this update you have four tree types to choose from (don't get too excited they're not all that different). Upon request I reworked the original larger Green Hell trees for both the 'originals' and the 'repaints'. Includes: Large Trees/ Repaint: **Recommended** reworked repaint that gives a more accurate variation in the colour of the vegetation (primarily to the grass and palm trees) with terrain blending also kept in mind. Large Trees/Original: overall colours and curves altered to make vegetation blend with my repainted terrain. No alterations to individual vegetation. Rescaled Trees/Repaint: Same as above with rescaled trees. Rescaled Trees/Original: As above. Changes: - Upon request, addon now included altered version of the original Green Hell trees as well as the smaller rescaled ones for your preference. - Originals re-done with same alterations used on my tiles. - Repainted trees better balanced out for more realism once placed on terrain, whilst maintain their independently realistic colours.
  14. I'd be more than glad for you to use it in the forthcoming mod, and can have a go at the larger trees too. Found this in the Green Hell readme: I already had BLEND_SRC_ALPHA from information I meshed in from the rescaled trees. And yes, when I changed mip-mapping I then got trees that looked like yours originally, with the whitish outline, although they only flickered on the horizon... which I guess means I had a lot more flickering than you did before! Could you put up your [AlphaObjectTextureMaterial]? Perhaps the performance of this is partly system dependent too? Does anyone have Fubar's shader, i can't find it here?
  15. You can see the existing thread on the repainting of the tile set here: http://forum.combatace.com/topic/50011-repainted-sea-wov-tilesets/
  16. Ok I tried highlighting the areas around the trees in the .tga and deleting it to ensure there was nothing there, this gave me the effect you have above. The only way it didn't was when I 'cut inside the line' of the trees. I get the impression that the coloured areas around the trees in the .tga coresponds to that portion of the tree and is used for blending the leading edge, when it is removed, the leading edge is white? Could it be the way your data.ini handles it then? Here is mu DATA.INI file, give it a try and see if you still have the prob. Perhaps I should stop being cheap and upload the whole VietnamSEA folder. .....I'd be interested to know if anyone else is having this issue? VIETNAMSEA_data.txt
  17. No I mean about the whiteness and the weather, not the flickering. Again, I see as much flickering with the original trees as I do mine, so I dunno. Ah.... as for the whiteness... are you're running the ground objects on a very low quality? I'll be honest I don't know much a bout the IT side of things. Let me play with something n put it back up here for you to try. If you could send me some more screens that would be great, sometimes, how things on my computer appear completely differently on someone eases, as far as the colours, it's a bitch.
  18. Ok... I see what you mean about the flickering. But when I put the old trees back there is just as much, it's just less obvious as the trees are all a dull monotone. I'm playing around with a lower contrast version of the trees I did to see if it makes a difference, to keep the colours. Did you use the original Green Hell's or the alternates I gave? I can work a bit more on the alternate trees I guess to bring them all roughly to a colour that will blend with the terrain. Not seeing a whitish tinge to the treetops, unless the trees are up in the clouds, but that happens anyway. hmmmm Looks like the first update is already on the drawing boards! Here's a Q, in your mod of the ground war are there more wartime ground structure's and activity? e.g. firebases, (sampans), Huey's flying about in support of ground troops (particularly when on CAS) etc... The other thing I noticed is that in the current ground war mods, ground unit engagements always consist of at least several company sized elements each, which was a rare occurrence, other than the large rare battles, patrols in contact were usually a platoon at most, or individual squads or teams.
  19. Hmm, could you take a screen shot with a clear sky at mid-day and post it in a higher resolution so I can get a better look? Is it not because of your weather conditions? When it's cloudy or misty the trees will sometimes show up through the mist darker or lighter than the terrain they're on, no matter the colour?
  20. Et voila... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10270
  21. ...slow upload speed pending, trying to put it up now.
  22. OK, here's the latest, Mk.9... it's a step forwards and I like it a lot, focused on enhancing colours that are already there, more than altering like the last preview shot (with the F5). I think I'm going to go ahead and upload this once I've finished the TGA files. I even prefer the jungles new shade... although I think I prefer how the ground of the jungle was darker than all of the trees on the old one, it sort of allowed the trees to stand out as the tops of the canopy, so I might go back and change that... and play with one or two other things.
  23. Modding placement of vegetation is something I have thought about, but is above my modding abilities atm.... I just paint! eburger- I should be able to upload tiles this weekend. Trying a new idea, if it doesn't pan out ok I'll just throw up what's shown above, with the tiles you linked to as well. Heard you're re-doing the ground war... I've been tweaking the infantry squads a lot, got them to fire by meshing data.ini lines from the Falklands mod, and reduced their 'detection range' down to 500 meters/feet/yards (whatever the game uses). they detect the enemy at 500 and close in to about 300 or 200, pushing the limits of danger close for a lot of CAS from then, makes it a bit more realistic than having units shooting each other up from a mile apart (1500 units as before) through jungle or across fields. there's one or two issues, but if you're interested let me know, if you've developed something better, even better!

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