Pappa Goat
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Files posted by Pappa Goat
UPDATE Green Hell repaint Mk.9a
By Pappa Goat in Tilesets
This is an update for my repaint of the redone VietnamSEA tiles and the GreenHelll addon. Thus the previous update is required:
VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9
In the original I offered a repaint of the rescaled Green Hell trees, as well as 'enhanced originals' I bodged together, that were basically the original trees pushed about a stop (thats photographic speak for made brighter), but the colours didn't blend with the terrain- ugly.<h2 class="maintitle"></h2>In this update you have four tree types to choose from (don't get too excited they're not all that different). Upon request I reworked the original larger Green Hell trees for both the 'originals' and the 'repaints'.
Large Trees/ Repaint: **Recommended** reworked repaint that gives a more accurate variation in the colour of the vegetation (primarily to the grass and palm trees) with terrain blending also kept in mind.
Large Trees/Original: overall colours and curves altered to make vegetation blend with my repainted terrain. No alterations to individual vegetation.
Rescaled Trees/Repaint: Same as above with rescaled trees.
Rescaled Trees/Original: As above.
- Upon request, addon now included altered version of the original Green Hell trees as well as the smaller rescaled ones for your preference.
- Originals re-done with same alterations used on my tiles.
- Repainted trees better balanced out for more realism once placed on terrain, whilst maintain their independently realistic colours.
VietnamSEA & Green Hell repaint Mk.9
By Pappa Goat in Tilesets
Here is my repaint of the fantastic work by Stary, Brian32 and Bananimal.
I've repainted the tiles drawn from satellite imagery to compensate for all the things that can effect such imagery, climate, time of day/ year, that all effect how the ground looks from space and also how the camera reads the light.
The work was all done off existing stuff put out there. I use photoshop a lot for my photography and currently live in S. E. Asia, having said that it took nine major goes of tweaking to get satisfied with it, and there's always room for improvement.
Here are some of the changes I have made:
- Restored tiles to compensate for atmospherics that dull down the tones and contrast as well as give everything a blue hue.
- Mildly altered colour balances and channels to enhance natural colours.
- Altered the colours of individual vegetation in the superb GreenHell2 mod to better reflect their true appearance and give a lot more vegetation variation in game.
- Altered the colour of rivers from green, to the more common tea brown one sees in this part of the world. The water is that colour due to that red dirt.
You already have to have the following:
VietnamSEA Tile Repaint v1.0 by Brain32
Green Hell 2 by Stary
Rescaled Green Hell 2 Trees by Bananimal
After that just drop my repainted tiles into you VietnamSEA folder. I've included an alternate version of the GreenHell 2 trees that do not have such enhanced variation in case people do not like mine, or if it eats up the CPU. Likewise on request it included the revamped airbase tiles from the SF2 project... simplez!
Infantry Pack Update
By Pappa Goat in Ground Objects Mods
This is an update for the infantry pack for the WOV Enhanced Ground war Campaign.
Thrilled ith a better ground war, yet unhappy with the lack of ground action I meshed parts of the object DATA files from the infantry pack with those of the superb Falklands mod. Result, you now have ground units that fire, including at you!
Instructions: Just drop the appropriate DATA file intot he folder of each unit in your Ground Objects folder.
Known Issues:
I find sometimes that the VC squad will be facing the opposite direction from the US squad and will nto rotate all the way around to engage in a firefight.
Next: Modding a special forces/ LRRP squad, and modding the M-113 ACAV squad to be a real ACAV squad and not special forces ith an ACAV which makes no sense. Also, to make the NVA Squad look like NVA.