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Von Paulus

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Everything posted by Von Paulus

  1. OT -- Cats

    I'm a cat person. Although now, I don't have any, nor probably will. I felt quite badly when they died. I don't want to go through that again.
  2. We have reputations?

    They were always red. But only a few people uses the reputation scale, so it doesn't mean a thing. I'm sure that Olham, deserves every point he has.
  3. Welcome back Cameljockey

    Welcome back CJ. No more grandchildren?
  4. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    SkyUI, a UI for Skyrim: http://skyrimnexus.c...ile.php?id=3863 Edit: Only now I've noticed the I've posted the same mod as UK.
  5. New Member

    Welcome, Boomer! A straight bourbon, please.
  6. Free to play, means you can play without having to buy the game or pay any monthly fee. However If you want to be competitive with the best players you'll end up spending some money, in buying things for the game. That's pay to win. A scheme for some, a business for others, one thing is for sure, it came to stay. Even the AAA studios, are interested in this kind of business. Look at what's going to happen with Diablo III....
  7. MMO= Massive Multiplayer Online MMORPG = Massive Multiplayer Online RPG SP = Single Player MP = Multiplayer
  8. Sure. But probably it won't have a campaign. Probably it will follow World of Tanks model.
  9. Olham, I think this is a MMO, not a SP.
  10. A short, magnificent film...

    A beautifull site about the Aéropostale: http://www.airfrance-80ansaeropostale.com/episode1/ It's possible that it wasn't a documentary, but a docu drama. I think it was this:
  11. A short, magnificent film...

    Your grand-uncle was Henri Guillaumet?! Enchanté Capitaine, Since a boy that I love the Aéropostal's stories. It's a pleasure to know a relative of Henri Guillaumet. Capitaine, could you help me in finding the tile of the French documentaries series, maybe from the 70's or 80's, about the Aéropostal's history. I remember to have seen on TV. I hope not to be messing my memories with Daniele Costelle's Histoire de l'aviation. I'm pretty sure there was such series.
  12. A short, magnificent film...

    I'm afraid, elephant, that in the middle of the combat, our judgement is not the same when we are at home watching a film comfortably in our chair. Certain things, are valued more and others quite the opposite from what happen in our daily life. No, I don't fee l surprised by that. Not at all.
  13. A short, magnificent film...

    It's true Olham, even I, that don't speak German could see that he was not German. But alas, it's a short film, probably with very low values in production. No money to hire a German actor. It's quite good. Thanks Hauksbee, for sharing.
  14. 50th Birthday today

    Happy birthday, UK. Are the drinks on the way?
  15. I've slaughtered thousands hundreds of soldiers, shot down uncounted planes, sunken ships, I killed barbaric hordes of Orcs and Gobblins, aliens and empire forces... in my defence I've saved, a dozen of times, human specie from total annihilation. It seems that according to Red Cross, I'm violating international humanitarian law (IHL). Me and 600 million of video game players. Should I turn myself in to the international Hague court? http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/ipad/six-hundred-million-gamers-could-be-war-criminals-red-cross-says/story-fn6bqpju-1226216867843 http://www.rcrcconference.org/docs_upl/en/Daily_Bulletin_3_EN.pdf
  16. Monitor Problem

    Not bad flyby. I paid last week 99€ for a 500GB hardisk for one of my clients. And I asked the clerk if he could get me one with 1TB he said, he didn't knew if it was possible, and it would cost 125€. So not bad. But mind you would have probably buy that 2TB for 80€ a couple of weeks ago. I only hope that none of my hardisk will kaput. They say that at least one year until the productions and the price gets normalized. That's the price for having the whole industry in one place and with one owner. That's the kamikaze politic in which we live nowadays. I'll laugh if this affects servers or primordial services. As usual someone will enrich with all this.
  17. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    They fix the dragons animations, Bullethead. And slightly OT to a already OT thead. Bullethead, am I wrong to assume that you like X3 universe? Take a look at this: http://www.egosoft.com/games/x3ap/info_en.php
  18. Monitor Problem

    How much did iy cost that 2TB HD, Flyby? The prices of Hardisk have risen in the last months to 3x. And it won't stop. There's shortage thanks to a flood in Thailand, I think. http://news.cnet.com/8301-13924_3-57322023-64/hard-disk-shortage-hits-consumer-outlets/
  19. Monitor Problem

    I usually don't use dynamic disks. Here's the difference between dynamic and basic: http://www.petri.co.il/difference_between_basic_and_dynamic_disks_in_windows_xp_2000_2003.htm
  20. Monitor Problem

    Tutorial: http://www.simplyguides.net/guides/prepare_second_hdd/prepare_second_hdd1.shtml
  21. I see. Beresford, Wellington and Lord Nelson?
  22. Panzer Corps it's a WW2 turn based wargame, in a beer and pretzels style. It's source of inspiration was SSI's Panzer General, which ended up in being a classic PC game. For those who want to try out, there's a demo version, in English and German (that's for you Olham). This is the only game that I've been playing in the last 4 months. It's addictive and funny. Here are some links to download the demo: http://www.patches-scrolls.de/panzer_co ... hp#demo104 http://www.gamershel...oad_82572.shtml http://worthplaying..../21/demo/84173/ http://www.atomicgamer.com/files/94562/ ... demo-v1-04 http://www.slitherin...pic.php?t=29868
  23. OT: Panzer Corps demo

    The 50% sale on Panzer Corps, ends today.
  24. OT: Attention Fantasy RPG Fans

    Morrowind Overhaul 2.0:

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