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Von Paulus

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Everything posted by Von Paulus

  1. In the last couple of days I saw in one shop, here in Portugal, selling the MCFS3 Ubisoft DVD version. It costs around 9.90€. If anybody is interested it would only have to pay that value plus Postage and Packing.
  2. Bandy that's for video not for software.
  3. Now let's imagine a barrage before a big push....
  4. Modelling porn.

    This guys are really artisans with outstanding skills.
  5. I just couldn't resist. I ordered from Australia this documentary series in DVD: http://www.ezydvd.com.au/item.zml/780615 Second time I order something from Australia. Sometimes our aussies m8s have things that I can't find anywhere else. I hope not to pay customs.
  6. OT - 4 Years of Thunder

    Arrived today.
  7. Spare a thought for Olham

    Tell me Olham, how doest it feel to be away from OFF and return back after 15 days? It must be similar for a guy being in a prison for ten years without being able to see a woman and then finally........
  8. Cachya for head tracking?

    yes it's supported. http://forum.free-track.net/index.php?showtopic=1630&page=1
  9. OT - Fiercer than a thousand dogs

    It's me who apologize to have misunderstood you.
  10. I saw this in other forum of the other game. http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/522.cfm http://www.realmilitaryflix.com/public/515.cfm
  11. Ok I got 2 copies of CFS3 Ubisoft DVD version. The back cover it's in Portuguese (only the cover). A good excuse for learning Portuguese. I'll PM both of you.
  12. OT - Fiercer than a thousand dogs

    Even have read it a long time ago, lately I've been remembering, for different reasons, Starship Troopers a lot. Agreeing or not agreeing with Heilen's ideas, his book brings to discussion really important issues. Are we in permanent state of war? What kind of society serves our wellcare best? Are we corrupt by nature? etc. Can't people discuss publicly this matters anymore? Is this political incorrect? This has been, so far, a mature and civilized discussion.
  13. New OFF OAW Fokker D.VII's

    Great job as usual. Getting better.
  14. OT - Fiercer than a thousand dogs

    That's comes with the privilege of being a SuperPower. That was always quite usual here in Europe. I mean to be at the state of war. But why the surprise, after all US and Europeans have a common heritage. Western civilization. You tried to be different and created the Monroe doctrine amongst other things. Honestly it couldn't last; if it wasn't T. Roosevelt then other American President would break it, or if you prefer amend it. Edit: And yes I agree with Bullethead that the was no peace between WWI and WWII. And surely it didn't also ended in WWII. We continue to be in state of war, in a very subliminal way.
  15. Yes! I've been through the two ordeals. They are similar.
  16. OT - Fiercer than a thousand dogs

    IMO he didn't. But like you hoping that I'm wrong. Have you ever read Robert Heinlein's Starship Troopers (please forget the movie)?
  17. That "other WW1 flight sim"

    Quote from their forums by the neoqb PR about dropping the Internet check for SP. They want more dollars. The fact remains for me. I'm playing less RoF (and WoP too). Even with all the "competition" OFF is still my cup of tea.
  18. OT - Fiercer than a thousand dogs

    ... and the Austro-Prussian war. I'm not so sure about that. The English were reluctant. Even the German somehow weren't so unanimous about the war... The French, Russians and Austro-Hungary, for different reasons, were the empires who desired more the war. If we believe in the Clausewitz idea that "War is a mere continuation of politics by other means," than maybe one day we can break the cycle. But if we think that the driving force of war is culture (John Keegan), than hardly we will break that cycle. I posted the link for the quality of the paintings.
  19. OT: New drawing

    Talent indeed. I hope you don't mind but the Dr1 is irresistible. It's my new wallpaper. Is it graphite?
  20. Format C:\

    Did you but it in a local shop? Or order it online?
  21. HiTR - Will there be more?

    Who knows?! There's also a rumor that sets the action in a hippie farm.
  22. Format C:\

    Sorry to disagree Morris, but he already has more than enough big PSU. Duce you would only need 24A from 12V if you had only one rail. That's not the problem Duce. 12A should be enough for that card. You can always try to use different molex connectors (different rails) to power the card. But like I've said I suspect your graphic card. @waco Duce has a 98000gtx+. He only needs one not two.
  23. Format C:\

    Not frustrating. It's ok Duce. I do think that sometimes we have to read the fu***** manual first. And I've read that last week, because of your problem. Yes. You should try that new graphic card in another computer. @Herr. Is motherboard supports PCIe.

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