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Everything posted by jamieandnici

  1. I've been playing OFF for a while now but have recently installed a few mods such as Creaghorns Homebrew (Hangar music, more german names, Bloom/HDR effects, and Spandau sound files), HPWDM 2.3, Sound Tweaks II (+fixes) and Realistic Tracer Effects using the excellent JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler. However, I am sure these mods aren't to blame, but whenever I get shot down and crash or get turned into a raging flying inferno in either Quick Combat or Full DiD Campaign I am NEVER presented with the 'Your pilot has died' screen at the end of the mission and can (if I wish) proceed to the next mission. I have unchecked the Pilot Never Dies tab in QC and the realism settings are set to Hard/Dead is Dead/Historical etc. in the Workshop for Campaign settings. !! I know this is a weird question, but is there anything I can do to make my pilots die? as this is annoying me now!! I do start a new pilot if I feel that I have duely 'gone west', or may decide to contine if I feel the parameters are 'realistic' enough that it would/may be possible to survive a crash but my pilot never gets hospitalised for x amount of days. Is there a way to bring back my pilots mortality in this sim? Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
  2. My Pilot never dies

    Thanks HPW for all the hard work and determination to get this excellent mod patched up. Its really appreciated. I can now happily play OFF with your mod and go on a' dyin'!! J.
  3. HPWDM 2.3 update

    Herr Prop Washe Not wanting to sound like I am rushing you at all but is there any news on that update for damage models where pilots never die in campaign or quick combat? :)
  4. Props!

    I only start worrying about the props when they stop spinning and i'm still in the air!!
  5. Thanks for the really kind words chaps. I will dedicate my next kill to you guys propping up the bar in the squadron's mess!! Dej - Yes, I do oil paintings as well. Mainly pencil sketches and acrylics though as they are slightly quicker to produce, but I love oils and the way you can manipulate them. Ratatat - Pleased that you have joined the squadron. Nice to see the new members of the group making an appearance now get out there and down some enemy planes!! The size of the painting is approximately 800mm x 600mm or A1.
  6. Bringing down enemy aircraft

    On the subject of flak accuracy I remember reading a WW1 RFC pilots autobiography years ago (it was of a Camel pilot) but he stated in it several times that even in 1918 German flak accuracy was 'laughable'. I will try to dig out the actual book in question.
  7. Many kind thanks RAF Lou. Its always nice to receive kind messages such as yours. Thankyou again. I dearly want to continue painting Mark Millers CGA work but am currently draughting up a pic (probably in pencil/monotone) of a Fokker DR1. I will upload the image in due course. Take care J.
  8. I went on a aerodrome attacking spree today in my trusty 54 Squadron RFC Sopwith Pup. I decided to carry 8 of the Le Prieur rockets to give me some hope at least of hitting a Hun target and setting the odd tent or two on fire as one Vickers machine gun is practically inadequate and useless against such large adversity. Anyway, when I fired my 4 salvos into the unsusepcting German hangars and tents I was astounded to find that each of these small rockets are equivalent to a modern day 105mm howitzer shell!! I mean they practically blew the enemy airfield apart!! I couldn't believe the damage these little firecrackers caused, not alone to think that something that size could create an explosion like that. I mean, when I looked at these little fireworks strapped onto my Pups struts I initially thought, Oh well, at least they may help me in my attack a little bit!! I went on Wikipedia to look up these rockets but only found that they were accurate to 125 yards. Personally I think the damage values of these little things are well over the top and wondered if the OFF team or anyone else out there can rejig the damage stats for these and to bring the values down? J.
  9. Thanks again Olham. I couldn't direct the flash upto the ceiling as I have a in built flash on my camera and it cannot be directed. This photo was taken in daylight but I lacquered the surface of the painting to protect it prior to framing it, that why there is still light bouncing off of it and cannot be helped. Take care. J.
  10. Here's a website of Mark Millers artwork. Enjoy. http://www.wwi-models.org/Images/Miller/render/
  11. Just uploaded a better pic of my painting taken from Mark Millers computer artwork.
  12. Thanks Olham. I will download a much better pic of it just as soon as I can stop the flash from bouncing off the painting. It is quite detailed and this photo doesn't show it as I actually painted individual grass.
  13. I love Mark Millers computer generated pics and painted an acrylic painting of his Sopwith Camels near a hangar a year ago. It took ages to produce as I am an art teacher and did it in the classroom when the kids were settled. Overall, I am very critical of my own work but can say I am pleased with it. I had it framed and it now hangs in my computer room. Here is the pic of it if you are interested. I want to do some more paintings sometime of his work when I get a chance. I am also open to commissions!! Sorry about the quality of the photo, I couldn't stop the flash light from bouncing off the painting on a low resolution, so it is out of focus a little due to handshake. LOL. J.
  14. Le Prieur rockets very unrealistic

    Lou you're a Godsend!! Thanks for the .Rar will definately use.
  15. Show OFF your Desktop

    I currently use a zoomed in photo of the Sopwith Camel at the IWM in London although I have countless hundreds more that I rotate on a regular basis, including the one Carrick58 is currently using which I had until a week ago. Tranquillo - Love Stevie Nicks and saw her perform a couple of years ago with Fleetwood Mac and was 15 feet from her for the entire concert. What a babe....oh and a great singer.
  16. "Flanderland"

    Great site Olham, Thanks for the heads up. I am always interested in then and now photographs and am always in my awe to see and admire how nature has once again taken back what was a ravished and battered landscape no less than a century before and the turmoil that these poor individuals had to endure in the Great War.
  17. My Pilot never dies

  18. My Pilot never dies

    I have been playing with your mod for a while now and have updated to 2.3 from 2.2, but this was still happening in 2.2 a week ago before I updated. I have had an absence from the sim for a month or two and came back to it. Before then I had your mod running (great mod btw), realistic tracers and effects and Sound Tweak II with no problems (pilots dying all the time in Full single player Campaign). Since coming back and playing the sim for over a week now, I noticed that when my pilots get shot down etc. they don't die on full Campaign DiD settings with historical accuracy or in Quick Combat even with the Pilot Never Dies tab unticked. It is a weird puzzle/problem and I suspect it may be due to some kind of corrupt file in my Over Flanders Fields directory. Thats my hunch anyway. Other than this the sim runs fine. I fly with a Thrustmaster 16000M joystick, Saitek throttle quadrant (throttle and mix) and CH Pro Rudder Pedals. I also use Trackir 5 (with TrackClip Pro) as well. (none of this is relevant but I thought I'd mention it anyway)!! Thanks for replying and feedback guys. greatly appreciated.
  19. HPWDM 2.2 update

    Herr Prop-Wasche Thanks for your hard work and dedication in making OFF as realistic and as close to real WW1 aerial warfare as we would like to go. This is a great mod and an essential mod for all budding OFF pilots old and new. Can't wait to test this out. Thanks again and keep up the great work. Tally Ho!! J.
  20. Paul Blum's Story: A BHaH Pilot's Saga

    A brilliant piece of reading. Loved every minute of it. Keep up the good work. Dare I say i'm actually becoming fond of Paul although i'm in the RFC flying Camels!!
  21. I have tried to do a quick search on OFF to see if someone has already posted this up as this fascinating documentary is over a year old on YouTube now. However, here is the link for those who have missed it first time round and are interested in learning about the British WW1 aces James McCudden and Edward 'Mick' Mannock. The documentary is split into 8x 10 minute parts but is well worth a watch. Lest We Forget. All the best J. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmu-UdAAKdY&feature=PlayList&p=11090CF73A90A697&index=0&playnext=1
  22. I recently purchased the Saitek Throttle Quadrant from Amazon.co.uk, especially for use with OFFBH&H but I am having problems with mapping/binding the throttle commands/levers within Saiteks SST Profile software and within OFF's control config screen. At present only the Z axis works (which is the right hand lever and is presently acting as the aircrafts throttle in game). If I attempt to move the left or middle levers conflict with the aircrafts aelirons and elevator controls. I currently cannot map/bind the left or middle levers for throttle or fuel mix, which defeats the main reason for buying the throttle quadrant in the first place. I currently am using an old serial port joystick (Logic 3- PC Navigator) that I use for the general aircraft controls and this plugs into my Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS card port at the back of the computer and therfore is not USB. Could this be the problem? I have had this joystick for years as I am left handed and cannot find any decent left handed/ambidextrous USB joysticks, but this is another matter entirely. I also use the excellent CH Pro Rudder pedals which work great in the flight sim and had no problems configuring them to use in this flight sim. I also had a problem originally with the middle reverser switch on the throttle quadrant which impacted on my Track IR5 stopping any viewing but I have since rectified this by assigning the reverser key a command to turn the engine on using the Saitek SST softeware which has solved the problem. However after spending some considerable time scanning troubleshooting/problem pages including some of the threads in the OFF forum that cover the Saitek Throttle Quadrant problem I still have not found out how to solve this problem once and for all. Therefore, can I turn to you guys for help and assistance on this matter? Many thanks in advance :). J.
  23. Just a quick message to all to say I've finally solved the problem...whoop, whoop!! The answer lay in the control config in OFF. I simply deleted all the Saitek SST binds in the software and deleted all the bound keys in OFF control config and rebound each of the keys with each of the controls I have (throttle quadrant, rudder pedals and joystick). Now I have proper working throttle/fuel mix quadrant levers, rudder pedals, and joystick that are all working in perfect harmony with each other!! Thanks again to everyone who tried to help. The sim has now been brought to life again. Amazingly, I am now a better pilot because of it and have single handedly destroyed an entire German formation of Alb DIII's using my new found skills as a Tripe pilot in RNAS 9!!
  24. almccoyjr- Well, I got the USB joystick (Thrustmaster t.16000m) which is a damn fine stick in my opinion, but I still the same problem with the quad's conflicting X/Y axis lever controls interferring with the joysticks X/Y axis controls, even after several attempts to tweak the binds in Saiteks SST software and in OFF's game config settings. Oh well, at least one of the quadrant levers work as the throttle. As for the fuel mix setting, I will simply leave this to the switch controls on the quad. I haven't tried the quad on any other flight sim yet but will do in due course to see if any other sims suffer the same fate. I expect everyone will have this problem who has Saiteks Throttle Quadrant, so if anyone out there is interested in buying a quadrant just take into account that only the right lever will work for your throttle control in OFF. Tally ho and happy hunting.
  25. almccoyjr - No problem ol' bean, you have tried to help me which I am truely grateful for so no worries. I already have the latest SST software as I Dled and installed it straight after plugging the quad in and there are no other updates so far. I have now decided to test whether it is something to do with my serial port joystick and have just purchased a Thrustmaster 'ambidextrous' joystick T.16000M from Amazon.co.uk as it was raved about on another OFF thread and within the Amazon customer review feedback screen. I'll see whether or not the quad issues persist and will let you know in due course in a few days from now. Once again, thanks for your help. Tally ho!!

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