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Everything posted by jamieandnici

  1. Hi guys. Well, after a long stint of absence from OFF (approximately 4 months) and the obvious withdrawal symptoms as a result, I decided to revisit, reinstall and ply OFF using a few mods Downloaded off the forum. However, after a few campaign missions as a Camel Jockey flying for 65 Squadron during 1917 I have found that upon completion of (at present) 2 successful missions where I shot down 3 enemy scouts and 1 observer, I cannot submit my claims as the button for submitting/completing my claims has gone (possibly the page changes resolution from the default 1920x1200 upon loading this screen). In order to quit and send an erroneous report I am left with clicking the outside of the box, sending me back to the briefing/next mission/squadron screen. Can any one help me with this dilemma. I will only be able to solve this by myself after flying a campaign mission (and providing I get a kill or two). I can't think why the claim form screen changes in this way, as previously I have never had a problem with this. Any help is greatly appreciated. Tally Ho 'old chaps and thanks in advance. Jamie.
  2. Cannot submit claims.

    Hi guys, sorry I was being a complete dumb ar$£ and simply filled in the claim and clicked the out side of the box. Hey presto, the claim was submitted!! I must have got confused with another game as I was sure there was a SUBMIT button. Obviously not!!
  3. Just completed 2 campaign missions (lasting 1 hour 30 minutes each) using your mod. From what I have seen so far, I am very pleased with the realism and tweaking that you have done. The planes damage feels just right in some respects. I have seen instances of aircraft being shot to ribbons and just about managing to stay airborne, of wings being shot off after a long burst in to the wing structure, and the poor chap plummeting to the ground. I have also seen a few aircraft go down after only a few hits as if the pilot was hit, killed or knocked unconscious as the aircraft was also seen to go into a vertical dive and hit the ground with no significant signs of damage elsewhere to the planes structure. Like I have stated. This seems more realistic and certainly more varied which is always a plus for me personally. However, (and I don't know if it is associated with your mod) dogfights lower down towards the ground often end up with the AI pilots stalling their aircraft and hitting the ground. I presume that this is the AI aspect to OFF and may not be related to your mod directly. Great work so far Buddy1998. I will certainly try out HPW's FM and Weight mods with this mod and will report back to you after a few days how they fair with each other. Jamie.
  4. Hi Buddy1998. I've download this mod in order to give it a go but do you know if it will be compatible with HPW's Flight Models or AI empty weights mod that he has out?
  5. HPW Lighter AI Empty Weight Mod

    Hi HPW. I noticed in a thread that you stated that you don't have your computer. Not wanting to sound pushy though but could you tell me when you plan to update/revise your AI weights with your FM mod? All the best and keep up the hard work. Happy flying. J.
  6. Boring April?

    Hi all, this is the first time I've been back after a long absence although I am still playing OFF-HitR and come back to the forum every once in a while to see what's new and to download new mods. Anyway, I would just like to put in my bit about a problem that I too am suffering which is similar to my good friend above, which is that I too seem to be suffering from a lack of any enemy aircraft activity in my region. I am currently playing a very heavily modded OFF (elements of Craeghorns Homebrew, sounds, tracers and effects, HPW damage mod, with AI weight mod and Flight model compatibility) all through the excellent JSGME utility. My problem is that as a Sopwith Pup pilot in 46 Squadron RFC currently in May 12th 1917 I have noticed thoughout the number of missions I have currently flown there is no enemy aircraft activity (scouts, or bombers) routinely going about their business at all. This has been backed up with the mission review to see my flight plan and important events that have occured throughout the mission. I am at the height of the Arras-Nivelle offensive and am truely 'in the thick of it', but every mission so far has been a very quiet one when enemy air activity is concerned. The weather is hot and humid and clear. But there has been no sign of any enemy air activity at all, only the stationary aircraft ground objects lined up on the German aerodromes. I am currently uninstalling OFF in the hope of trying to sort this problem out. I will start without any mods at all and will fly a few missions and then I will apply the previous mods one by one in the hope of finding out which one is responsible for this bizarre act. Is there any help and advice anyone else can provide me about this problem in the meantime? All the best Jamie.
  7. Ati 5870 woes

    New computer built recently, thought I'd get back into OFF after much too long absence from it. Installed AMD/Ati 11.5b drivers (newest). Adjusted all the CF3configs to suit Ati based graphics cards taken from this site and fine tweaked the game settings using CF3config to adjust the bars accordingly for aircraft detail, terrain texture, scenery, effects and clouds etc. However, when I get to 8-9000 feet mysterious and random size black squares appear on the ground around my aircraft and in the distance. These textures slowly blend away when I approach them or dive down to them. They take the immersion away and are incredibly annoying. I have adjusted all of the game and hardware settings in CCC explained on this site for ATi cards and have attempted all the settings (up and down the sliders) to no avail. Can anyone help me with this problem as I am at my wits end. I have 2x Ati 5870 Sapphire cards in crossfire mode. AMD 1090t running at 4.0ghz and 8GB DDR 3 memory. Thanks in advance. PS I never had a problem with my old machine!! Typical really!!
  8. Hi all. Just a quick question regarding friendly flak fire from those intrepid trigger happy artillery folk below us. Many a time in OFF I have been 'helped' out by friendly flak fire highlighting what eventually turns out to be a enemy flight nearby. However, equally as often the flak continues unabated with no care for friendly crates attempting to knock their fellow adversaries out of the air. I have read a few books that mentioned that the flak in WW1 (apart from being very inaccurate in the earlier stages of the war but getting slightly better albeit still 'genuinely ineffective' by 1918) stopped firing once fellow friendly crates in the general vicinity had been notified. One book I read about a Camel jockey often stated that friendly flak would fire a few deliberate shots at his flight then would fire towards the enemy hun's flight to direct the flight of Camels towards them. Once there the flak gunners ceased in order to watch the spectacle above (often betting on the outcomes). Now I don't want to sound off beat or want to sound like I am 'moaning' but why does the flak continue even though you are attempting to bring the enemy down in the sim? Is it the limitations of the CFS3 AI engine? Often, as a result of friendly fire, I have been brought down by 'accident' and the enemy, well, they have been left unharmed by the ordeal and have gone in search of better pastures. Sorry guys just realised I posted this in General help and not General discussion!! Doh!! (Could an admin please move it?) :) J.
  9. Ati 5870 woes

    @BirdDogICT - You were right matey. I changed all the overrides to Default and put the sliders up to 53355 and all seems to be working okay. All I have done now is to disable the simulation/label warnings etc. and all seems to be running fine now. The only thing I have noticed is that Creaghorns HDR/Bloom mod is a lot darker now especially in cloudy/poor weather conditions. Is there a way to change this? Thanks for your help. J.
  10. Ati 5870 woes

    @BirdDogICT Sorry to sound thick (which I don't think I am but is debatable??!!) but are you referring to the Texture Info or Overrides or Both default settings in game? Sorry to be of a inconvenience to you mate. Could you tell me what the default settings are for these please? Thanks again for your help matey. :)
  11. Ati 5870 woes

    @BirdDogICT- As far as I know my rig is very well ventilated with the Cooler Master HAF X Tower with 3x 200mm fans and Corsair H70 fans for the CPU/Radiator. The Graphics cards are situated next to each other but that shouldn't stop then getting enough air as there is a side wall mounted fan blowing air directly over the cards. I changed the z bias settings back to default after your request. I currently haven't overclocked my graphics card although I have unlocked the feature but have left them running at their default settings. What exactly do you mean by leaving the overrides at default? Do you mean in game settings or in AMD Vision Control Centre (hardware settings)? If so what are the defaults for AMD VCC? @ Uncleal- I just went with the recommendations that were in the OFF ATi Graphics Cards Knowledge base settings. The simulation warnings, etc. speak for themselves as I am an avid believer in realism and hate warning messages or labels coming up. To me that's not realism. Now that you say that, I may play around with the Disable Vertex/Index Buffers though to see if that helps. Thanks guys. I will keep you posted.
  12. Ati 5870 woes

    Hi BirdDogICT, Thanks for the help mate, but I already had these settings set in my AMD Vision Engine Control Centre. I have just noticed that after shooting down a hun in flames the smoke was thin/white and then changes to thick black smoke about 50 yards behind the enemy aircraft. Something is definitely up with my settings somewhere. After getting very frustrated, I even read about the advice/help that you provided about clouds here in the forum. I've even tried adjusting the Z Bias settings in CFS3config z bias Resolution to 13 (from 15) and clouds to 0 from 1. Still no joys. Thanks for trying to help. If there are any other things that you may be able to pull out of your sleeves please feel free to request them as I don't know what else to do. My current settings are:- Catalyst 11.5b drivers AMD Vision Control Centre SmoothVision HD AA= Use Application Settings and Morphological Filtering (BOTH boxes ticked) SmoothVision HD AF=Use Application Settings (box ticked) Tessellation=AMD Optimized (only this box ticked) Catalyst AI=Performance (Enable Surface Format Optimization box is NOT ticked) Mipmap Detail Level=High Quality Wait for Vertical Refresh=Always Off (performance) AA Mode=Multi-Sample AA (Performance) OpenGL Settings=Triple Buffering (box ticked) Current CFS3Config Settings Image Quality Aircraft Detail=5 Terrain=3 Scenery-3 Effects=5 Clouds=5 (I have adjusted all of these up and down their relevant sliders to no avail) Overrides (boxes ticked)= Disable Warning Boxes, Disable Intro Movie, Disable Movie AI, Disable 1280x1024, Disable 1024x768, High Resolution Z Buffer, Terrain Detail Texture, Disable Vertex Buffers, Disable Index Buffers, Disable Write-Only Vertex Buffers, Disable Write-Only Index Buffers, Disable Shadows, Disable Labels, Disable Targeting Cone, Disable HUD, Disable Chat, Disable Advisor Messages, Disable Simulation Warnings, Disable Time Compression, Disable Terrain Texture Ring Blend (has been ticked in past but recently left unticked) Texture Info= Composite Terrain Texture Pool=Managed Composite Terrain Texture Usage=RenderTarget Composite Aircraft Texture Pool=Managed Composite Aircraft Texture Usage=RenderTarget Vertex Buffer Pool=Managed (I have tried Default, but no change) Index Buffer Pool=Default (I have tried Managed, but no change) FullScreen Swap Effect=Flip Still getting the black squares from approximately 9000 feet right down to 1000 feet. As stated previously, parts of the black (shadowed) squares disappear when I fly towards them to be replaced by their normal respected ground textures.
  13. Ati 5870 woes

    While I was writing this I suddenly thought of another question that may or may not be related to my above problem. I have an AMD 1090t on a Asus Crosshair Formula IV MB. Is it best to disable the 5 cores and have just one running or leave OFF with the full 6 cores running? Any thoughts?
  14. Ati 5870 woes

    @Uncleal - I happen to agree with the if it ain't broken why fix it routine!! @Panama Red - Unfortunately it still accurs even with sliders on Terrain and Scenery on 3!! I have Win 7 Ultimate and DX9 and DX11 installed. I also have OFF (CFS3config settings, OFFManager) all on run as administrator and have even tried run as XP SP3 compatibility to no avail. I can only assume it must be the new ATi CCC 11.5/b drivers. I'm still awaiting for ATi Omega drivers to come out for Windows 7 which are much better than the official ones from AMD. Thanks anyway. If anyone has any further help, support, advice etc please feel free to message me. TTFN. Tally Ho and Chocks away. J.
  15. Ati 5870 woes

    Hi Uncleal Long time since I chatted to you UncleAL. Yes Sir, good to hear from you. Yes, I have tried a maximum of 4 on Terrain and also on Scenery. Still no go i'm afraid. I'm wondering if its the drivers you know. Although I have had 11.3, 11.4 and now 11.5 ATi drivers/CCC installed I have only tried the latest 11.5 and 11.5b (hotfix) drivers. I had an ATi 1900XTX before and that worked a beauty with OFF, yes indeed. I never expected to get any benefits with crossfire as OFF is a more processor hungry sim. Bless her. However, I never thought I'd encounter such blasted trouble with this new machine with her (OFF)!! See you around UncleAL. Nice hearing from you after such a long time. All the best. J.
  16. I too have all the Il2 games/sims and although am excited to see yet another sim of the Il2 francise coming out shortly and even more so especially as it concentrates on the Battle of Britain, I cannot see how this sim will win over with its longevity considering the Battle of Britain only lasted a few months during 1940 throughout its various phases from channel convoy attacks (June/July), radar installations bombed (July/August), airfield attacks/bombed (August/September) and the night blitz of british cities September/November). I will wait with bainted breath on this one. J.
  17. Well its a new year with new resolutions. My first resolution was to start burning off all this fat. Yep, man boobs and all!! A typical New Year's resolution I presume. However I also decided to take the plunge after saving up over several months and to finally buy and build a new computer. I currently have an:- AMD 64 4000+ (watercooled & overclocked at 3.00GHz), Asus A8R32-MVP, 4GB DDR 3200 (Win XP 32bit only detects 3GB), ATi HD4670 graphics card, Soundblaster Audigy 2, (Windows XP SP3 32bit), .....which I have had for a good 5 years now (I started out with the ATi xtx1900x graphics card but replaced it last year as OFF was losing framerates). I have decided to finally build my dream machine with the goal of having it up and running by March or April 2011. It will consist of an:- AMD Phenom II 1090t (OCed to 4.2GHz) (watercooled with a Corsair H70) Asus Crosshair IV Formula motherboard, 2TB Samsung Green HDD, Corsair 1200W PSU, Antec nine hundred mid tower case, 8GB (4x2GB) of OCUK DDR3 1600MHz (OCed) RAM, Creative X-Fi Titanium Sound Card, ..and either 1x ATi 5970 or 2x 6970 (Crossfire) graphics cards, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit OS. I already own:- TrackiR 5 (with track clip), Saitek Quadrant, Thrustmaster T16000m Joystick ....so I will be christening this new build with guess!! Yep, you got it OFF!! Can't wait, as I intend to get this beast working like a 'Sopwith on steroids'!! If anyone has a similar spec or some great tips, tricks, hardware help or advice, etc, or if anyone would like to share their POV, thoughts, feelings, concerns, etc. drop me a post. For now though, I'm off to play OFF on my trusty faithful AMD 64 4000+. Tally Ho!! Chocks Away and see you in the skies over Flanders OFF pop pickers!! J.
  18. I've had this little beauty of a gem for a while now. The photos are amazing. It's clearly annotated at the beginning of each major battle where the photos were taken, by what aircraft and at what height, angle, bearing etc. Each photo contained is numbered and each numbered photo is placed onto a expanded trench map of the time at the front of the chapter. From this overview you get a good sense of the battle raging below over the course of time.
  19. I often find the accuracy of enemy 2 seater rear gunners a little unrealsitic at times in OFF. No matter how far away I am (sometimes 600-800 yards) , magic bullets always seem to hit their mark even when I am violently manoeuvring from side to side above and below a single aircraft. I therefore have all aircraft guns (rear as well as forward firing guns) set to innaccurate although this setting also feels too inaccurate to me.
  20. Well spotted. You obviously were far more skilled at noticing that than most. It also annoys me when documentaries get things wrong, especailly when its glaringly obvious that the presenter/narrator has just been told to read a Q-card written by a 'man who knows' but hasn't done the proper amount of homework. Documentaries are there as an educational resource as well as for entertainment purposes. If they get it wrong, how can we know the full truth/facts behind something. Mistakes may/will often be made in documentaries be it small or glaringly obvious, but their priority is to provide us with the facts otherwise we get Hollywood films made such as U-571 that are historically untrue.
  21. Another Format :(

    Sorry to hear of your problems Widowmaker. It sounds like a virus to me? Hope you get your rig up and running soon.
  22. Thanks guys. @Uncleal Unfortunately I had a bugger of a time finding the right joystick as I am a lefty. There aren't many out there that can be set to left or right handed. This is why I ended up with this one. It's okay but after 10 minutes in the air dogfighting the tension in the springs in the base of the joystick can make your arms ache abit. If you know of any great lefty capable joysticks please let me know. I'm gonna use my rig more than just for OFF (I hope). I love the sim but am not that infatuated with it to build a rig just for this, LOL. I will be using it for other games (BFBC2, other flight sims e.g DCS Black Shark, IL2 etc), apps...and whatever else, you can name. @Carrick58 Hi mate. This nice to speak with you, as it's usually on Youtube (comments) that we often converse. Yes i'm afraid my man boobs are here for a while at least, but there's nothing like a good 4 mile run twice a week and a hearty session in the gym to start burning them off is there!! When are you making/releasing another OFF vid for Youtube? I'm missing them. Good luck with your new rig. May I ask what you are hoping to build/buy? @RAF Louvert LOL. Thats funny. I hoping to link my computer to a little known company called SKYNET. I saw their computer systems operating quite efficiently and effectively in the Terminator Trilogy and thought I wouldn't mind having something like that to play OFF with!! @Morris thanks for the heads up on the Asus Xonar D2X sound card, my friend. I will look into it. BTW I also have CH Pro Rudder pedals as well, which I forgot to mention at the start of the thread.
  23. TrackIr 5.1 Beta 2 available

    Just tried this and although my issues with TiR 5.0 have been resolved (TiR could only be run under Windows 98 compatibility under XP SP3 for some reason) the software still fails to kill the process upon exit, although this is apparently 'fixed' under this patch. Never mind at least I can still play OFF so I don't care that much!
  24. N28 FM 1.5 update

    Can I install this over your HPW DM2.5 release or should I not bother? Does HPW DM2.5 already come with this?
  25. HPWDMv2.5 update

    HPW. Thanks a lot. What a great Christmas Pressie!! Keep up the good work. I can now get shot out of the sky and actually die!! Hoorar!!

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