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Everything posted by crl848

  1. Aggie, that's a good idea. Sorry if I didn't read the readme
  2. OK, I flew a mission with the new FM and no AI pilots suffered a CFIT. Unfortunately two were shot down and one collided with me on the threshold as I was doing a vertical landing. Incredibly, all were on the roster fit & well for the next mission, though we lost 3 AV8s and one damaged. If anything I found the new FM more difficult in the vertical regime, it seems to be more sensitive in pitch. Also, for Aggie: the FAC seems to be an unmarked grey F4 (some kind of secret CIA outfit?)
  3. Thanks guys, it would be nice to see the squadron survive longer. I went MIA after mission 3 in my first campaign. In the second, the first mission was CAS and all 3 wingmen hit the dirt after taking out a few tanks. Didn't even stop to say "Two, I'm out of ammo".
  4. I'm having fun with this one. Those short strips don't leave much room for error. Imagine an aborted takeoff... All is well except that my wingmen (AV8) seem to fly into the ground a lot, more than in previous incarnations of the Kreelin Harrier. Any ideas?
  5. Shame about the trip. You could have all come and sat in my Bucc 'pit. I do hope one appears in SF soon
  6. And one of the German ones here at CA has CCIP.
  7. Fubar, Thanks to your mod I have had much more fun in the last few months flying A/A, but I'm afraid I'm getting bored again. Specifically, I feel unchallenged when the AI fly about straight and level, or bug out after one or two turns and allow themselves to be shot down. I have adapted your mod a bit by pasting the expert settings into all the other AI types, but this still happens. I saw you mention an insane edition of the mod a few months back - any chance of posting? Will this help? Also, FYI the ver 1.5 of the mod gets rid of the landing gear touch sound for me. The aircraftobject.ini references a sound called "Touchdown" which I don't have. This drove me crazy for a while till I worked out what was going on and changed it back to "TireTouch" as it should be. I don't know whether this is a mistake in the 1.5 version (the original was OK), or whether you use a different sound, but you may want to change it back to the default to avoid this problem. Thanks in advance.
  8. Fubar, Thanks for the info. Looks like I've already created my own Insane Edition! Also thanks for the good work. crl848
  9. It would be super cool if it had a VC too - but I realise how hard that can be...

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