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Everything posted by thewoo1

  1. OT Aces high

    I am not sure on the player but I thought when I bought the dvd it was for north america.....and I played it once on br...well at least I got to see it ...hadnt seen it in many years
  2. OT Aces high

    No it was a commercial copy bought new.....your right though its stopped reading
  3. Guys I just ordered the battle of Britain and flyboys ( had them already in reg dvd) in Bluray has anyone seen them in the Blu format ? Any other good pics with WW1 or 2 aviation in bluray
  4. OT: Blu ray aviation films

    hey guys got the flyboys in bluray.....I had it in dvd I know the movie left a lot to be desired BUT wow was it cool in bluray
  5. I am using Rabu's settings and I am happy with my graphics and fps...One issue I have is in the distance the ground is a little wavy..is this a texture setting.. I dont want to mess around that much..anyone else have that issue and fixed it?
  6. Films

    I like von Richthofen and Brown 1971
  7. Fastest Gun

    did Luftberry get you ? how did you know he was an ace?
  8. guys flying HITR with jasta 24 march 1917 just shot down 3 sopwith strutters Esc 29 . they flew in formation and never changed direction or height later in same mission met 3 more of same shot down 2 my wingman took out the other when ammo was out.. they didnt evade even after I pulled along side.is this a problem with HITR
  9. 5 kills what do you think

    yea though I thought they were single seaters not the two seater version and I have been used to going against the nasty rolands.. I wasn sure
  10. what is that little hump on the upper wing
  11. what are sticky threads if you pls
  12. Loading Issue

    I have the same problem once it hangs it will continue...French squads do it for me( Laf Esc) hit the reset /install button in the wokshop and pick a new pilot Usa british german until they figure whats up remember once you get hung up it wont go away unless you hit the button and then go and reset graphics
  13. Loading Issue

    ok will do thanks
  14. Loading Issue

    I got it to go ...as suggested i looked for an unlimitedpilotsbak xml there was none .. there was the unlimitedpilots.xml I renamed it unlimitedpilotsbak.xml played the game and checked if it made a new unlimtedpilots file..it did not ..game playing so far so good
  15. Loading Issue

    tried resetting dfs3 in wookshop still wont load pls help
  16. Loading Issue

    same issue here error line 28 pos 48 game played fine then I died went back to it with new pilts now I too am hanging up cant play hourglass stays on ... no bak file listed as unlimited pilots.xml
  17. Guys I was visiting my mother in law out of state and checked the forum and I see the hat is out... So not to waste time tomorrow (dec 12th) I figured I would make my electronic purchase I check my email and the link is there.. but it says the link expires dec 12th which is when I will get home..I bought that added insurance dl option...could you guys weigh in on this.
  18. Hat in the ring mistake?

    Guys after reading Polovski prompt respose about the two year insurance a light went on in my brain......I wish to apologize for being a dumbas* in my excitement I failed to see the experation date dec 12th 2011 .. sorry guys for wasting your time... but boy your quick response was very much appreciated
  19. Hat in the ring mistake?

    Thankyou very much guys
  20. Dual video

    Guys I was looking at some new computers (For the future) and making sure OFF will get the most from it.. my question an option by dell was dual video cards pls tell me if OFF would be better served by a dual video card and what are the advantages thanks
  21. Dual video

    Thanks for the help i checked that site out it was impressive....does OFF run on a 64 bit OS I saw they had windows 7 in 32 and 64 what is the differences between the two thanks al
  22. effect file for more realism

    Just to ask can this be achieved by lowering the effects slider in workshop....what actually does this slider affect ty
  23. HAT IN THE RING! : Web update

    Mr. Polovski, In your opinion if I were to download the new expansion Pck file / would I be able to put it on a usb flash stick so I could use it when I get a new computer .. Is the expansion abit more graphic intensive? I run OFF satisfactorily..Thankyou for your fine work
  24. Guys I have had all the WWI Flying sims....Without a doubt the best is OFF hands down..Loved RB3D and the add ons etc.. But do you old timers remember Microprose knights of the sky..The thing I used to like the most was when your reputation as an ace increased you would be subjected to a callout by a great ace..The music would play and you would have to decide whether to have the duel..I know it was total fluff .but I enjoyed it....Did any of you historians ever hear of a callout during the great war
  25. OT What Job do you do?

    LT. In a fire Department 30 yrs

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